Revenge Recap 9/28/14: Season 4 Premiere “Renaissance”

Tonight on ABC Revenge returns with an all new September 28, season 4 premiere episode called “Renaissance.” On this evening’s episode, in the fourth-season opener, Emily hosts a party full of surprises and Victoria tries to turn her misfortune into something beneficial. Meanwhile, David Clarke secretly plots his return.

On the last episode, in the season 3 finale, Emily went all in on her mission to avenge her father.  Rumor had it that someone died in the finale and from the photos from the episode it looked like Emily was burying someone.  Emily VanCamp said that the season finale was going to be epic and she cried filming it.   “Execution” was written by Sunil Nayar & Joe Fazzio and directed by Ken Fink. Did you watch the last season’s finale? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as Emily plans to host her most surprising party ever, Victoria finds a way to turn her greatest setback into a dangerous advantage. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to them both, David Clarke plans his next move.

Tonight’s episode airs at 10 PM EST on ABC and is bound to be full of all the typical twists and turns that we have come to expect from REVENGE. We’ll be recapping it right here for you but in the meantime feel free to hit up the comments now and tell us your thoughts on season 4.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Victoria narrates saying she understands there are three ways to disappear – to die, to lie or to be reborn. She says she transformed after her husband died six months ago and made her peace with those she wronged and that wronged her, chief among them Emily Thorne. She’s speaking in group therapy and says she knows seeing her murdered fiance caused her delusions. One of the patients encourages her and Dr Miller tells Victoria it looks like she’s made a friend. He says it looks like there is another for her when a woman comes in and says she’s left something in her car but can’t leave. Victoria says the woman is elegant and the other patient attacks her. They drag her away. Miller says she may be better off alone and Victoria says they all may be.

Nolan says there are a lot of names in the hat for what to call Emily’s new manor. Emily tells Nolan no new name needed, just the party. He asks if she will make her debut as Amanda Clarke. She says no. He asks if there will be any poisonings or intrigue and she says no. She tells him Daniel self-destructed and Victoria is away so they can just enjoy the summer. Nolan says it may be time for happily ever after. We see a man saying it’s time that he heads out. He shakes and thanks the other man for helping him. He asks where he’s going and he says the Hamptons. (Spoiler alert – it’s David Clarke – alive and well!!!)

In NYC, Daniel pulls up in his sports car to drop off his supermodel fling late for her photo shoot. Margaux tells him she’ll send the bill for her overtime and he tells her to send it to the penthouse. He tells her she profited from his family’s downfall. She reminds him he bailed on her without explanation and he says she’s not the only one with family tragedies. She tells him to focus on rebuilding his life not indulging his libido. He tells her to deal with Gideon and she says she can handle her brother – at least there are no surprises with him.

Jack is starting his new job as a cop and is asked out for beers by his partner but says he doesn’t have a sitter with Carl. His partner asks why he became a cop and he says his bar wasn’t enough for a college fund and he thought being a cop would be good for his soul since he’s seen people get away with murderd. He jokingly asks Jack if he’s planning on kidnapping anyone else.

Emily pulls up in Nolan’s car and he’s annoyed that she’s driving it but he hops in and lets her. She peels out and hits another car and tells him she’ll buy him a new one. The woman runs out and starts screaming at her. She tells her the summer people come in and think they own anything. She invites the woman to come to her party and bring the estimate to repair her car. She agrees and Nolan says he’s proud that she’s solving conflict without a red sharpie.

Jack is freaking because Charlotte picked up Carl from daycare without telling her. She asks how that fear felt to him and says she needs to remind him who he really is and says he didn’t protect her when he tied her up in that room. Carl starts crying. He tells her to let it go and she tells him he’s scaring his son. She tells him poor baby is being raised by a dirty cop.

Victoria plays cards when a nutter comes by with an umbrella and tells her it’s going to rain. Victoria recognizes the play she’s quoting as Chekhov and the woman wonders away. Victoria’s friend comes over (the one that attacker her) and tells her it worked and hands her the orderly’s phone she stole. Victoria thanks Phyllis and hugs her. Emily and Nolan toast Dennis and Jennifer’s new yacht and the Long Island Conservancy rep thanks her for donating.

Nolan asks what happened to his old yacht and he says it was in an accident with a fishing boat and a man was killed. Emily’s phone rings and she answers it. It’s Victoria and she says she’s being held captive. She asks why she’s in her house and Emily says she’s paying the mortgage. Victoria tells her she just wants to end the cycle. Emily says she wants her childhood back and Victoria says she wants Pascal back. She tells her for the record, Conrad killed Pascal but the rest she would do all over again. She tells Victoria she’s sorry she wasted her call. She hangs up just as the orderlies come in and catch her on the phone.

Jack shows up to Emily’s and she tells him he looks nothing like a stripper in his uniform. He tells her about Charlotte’s stunt and says it scared him. He tells her his partner asked him why he became a cop and he says he thought about it at first after Amanda’s murder and then again after his brother was killed because he hated the powerlessness and that Conrad had the cops in his pocket. He says he didn’t then because he found out who she was. He says at the academy, they drum in the greater good and she asks if he was waiting until she was done. He says he’s glad she’s moving on.

Emily tells him she stayed for Charlotte. She says she’s her only family and will find a way to make it better one way or the other. Daniel asks Charlotte if she’s heard from their Mom. They think she’s traveling. She asks if he can pay her rent. He asks her to move in with him and he says he worries about her but she says she’s doing fine. He tells her it’s no Grayson Manor. She tells him about Emily’s Memorial Day manor and he says that bitch never knows when to quit.

She asks for the rent check and she says it’s seven grand. He looks tense – likely about the money. Victoria comes in and finds she has a new roommate – Louise – crying. She tells her to stop crying and says this place doesn’t deserve her tears. She asks if she’s Conrad’s widow then tells her she’s sorry. Victoria says she’s not. Louise tells her that her mom told her she was sending her to a spa, that’s why she packed so much stuff.

Victoria tells her the place is like a prison and Dr Miller is a well paid warden. She tells her it’s been six months and she got to make one call but she only reached the devil that committed her. Victoria tells her they are going to take all her things away from her and looks covetously at the woman’s Vuitton luggage. Emily goes to stand on her balcony and thinks about Aiden.

She looks down on her little former house and sees a light. She goes to investigate. She unlocks the door and goes inside. She thinks about Aiden sitting in front of the fire and finding him dead. She is suddenly teary as she looks around. She closes the door behind her but didn’t see the person hiding there – her dad!

Emily’s party is in full swing. She looks down from the balcony and sees the woman whose car she hit. She heads down. She hands her a check and says it’s too much. Emily says the extra is to cover the hassle and thanks her. The woman thanks her and says she’s sorry for blowing up at her. She tells her she’s had a short fuse since she lost her fiance then apologizes for babbling. Emily says she completely understands and asks Nancy to stay.

Nolan is brought in on a chaise and says every queen deserve a throne and this one has a room for her jester. He asks if she likes the chair and she smiles. Nolan says – long live the new queen – and everyone toasts. Charlotte says she’s rubbing their noses in everything they lost and Gideon, her date, says they should rub their noses in something a bit more fun. Charlotte says she has to greet the hostess first.

Emily thanks her for coming but Charlotte says her mom was right and this was all she wanted and that she takes everything she wants. Emily asks to explain but she won’t let her. Daniel is selling his car and the buyer says he heard he’s selling everything that’s not nailed down so he can cover up for losing everything. The guy offers him less than they discussed and Daniel threatens him if he sees anything about this on page six. The guy takes the car and leaves.

Jennifer sees Nancy at the party and looks upset. Emily finds her and she says she’s just nervous about christening the yachy. Emily moves on to Margaux and thanks her for coming. She says she was curious to see how she had erased Victoria from the place. Margaux says she regrets letting Daniel color her opinion of Emily and they drink to Daniel getting his as the son of the most hated woman in American.

Jack and his partner come in and he asks what his in is and he points at Emily. He’s impressed. Charlotte and Gideon are snorting coke and playing pool. His partner wants to arrest her on the spot and Jack talks him down and says she’s family. He tells him he gets one pass with him and that’s it. Jack slams Gideon up against the wall and threatens him. He pours champagne over their coke destroying it and tells them to leave or he’ll arrest them. Charlotte is furious.

Louise rants in anger as the orderlies take her lovely luggage and all her nice clothes. The guy locks it into a secure room. The trunk opens and Phyllis climbs out. She sets off the fire alarm then smiles at the orderly through the glass. He demands that she open the door. Victoria walks out dressed in some of Louise’s finery, grabs the lunatic’s umbrella and walks out while Phyllis screams – go Victoria go.

Louise begs her to take her, but Victoria doesn’t. She bars the door to block the guards in and strides away with a lovely coat of red lipstick on her mouth and a sense of determination. Nolan catches up with Jack and asks about his partner. Jack says he shouldn’t have brought him here and tells him about Charlotte and Gideon and says he’s a bad influence. Nolan says Gideon is Madoff and Manson mixed. Jack says if Charlotte keeps up, he’ll be booking her by the end of summer.

Nolan goes back in and finds Margaux. She says she wants the guest list for her next fundraiser. He tells her that her brother was high and brought Charlotte. She asks what he means and he tells her Charlotte almost OD’d then did rehab. He asks why Gideon wants her after squeezing Daniel out of their company and she says Daniel stepped donw on his own.

Emily says she’s heard whispers asking about how she could buy the house after what Conrad Grayson did but she says she wanted to start new and make good from now. She tells them about the Conservancy and launching the yacht. Dennis says he named the yacht after the love of his life – the curtain drops and the boat says Valerie, not Jennifer.

Jennifer blows up and he says they painted the wrong name by mistake. She says it’s more like he said the wrong name. She points to Nancy and says now this poor girl can know the truth – that her fiance is dead because he was too busy voilating his whore to pilot his boat. She marches off and Nancy is in shock. Nolan grabs Emily’s arm and says she crashed into her car on purpose.

Emily chases her down and Nancy and Nancy tells her that she was so sick of hating and Emily tells her Dennis will be charged. Nancy says he’ll get a high priced lawyer and he may get off and either way it won’t bring back the man she loved. She marches off. Nolan follows her into the house and asked if she expected a thank you.

Then he tells her addicts can’t be alone because they can’t be trusted. She tells him she’s not an addict and slams the door in his face and tells him she’s not an addict. Nolan tells her he’s been with her since the beginning and asks if she’s in denial or ashamed. He asks if she needs an intervention to make her declare who she really is. She says she has nothing to go back to because the Graysons killed everyone Amanda Clarke loved. She tells him to get out and slams the door in his face again.

Margaux comes to Daniel’s to ask why he really stepped down from the company. She asks about the redhead Nolan mentioned. Daniel asks what Gideon said and she says she wants to hear it from her. He says he was partying with the girl and when he woke up, he found her OD’d and he panicked and worried what it would do to his name and her company so he took care of it. She asks how Gideon helped her.

He says what he didn’t know at the time was that Gideon was there when she died and took a photo then blackmailed him out of the company. He says he should have called the cops but panicked and she says Gideon was counting on that as if he planned it. He says that he picked the girl and room and always wondered if he OD’s her on purpose. He says he’s done with Gideon and she tells him he’s with her sister right now.

Gideon and Charlotte are in bed together. She’s doing coke and complaining about Jack. She says he thinks he’s untouchable now and Gideon says no one is. Nolan takes a call from Emily and he asks if they are making up or breaking up. She apologizes and says she empathized with Nancy and wanted to protect her from becoming like her. She says – but she was never like me. Nolan tells Emily she’s like a unique, bloodthirsty snowflake. She says she is an addict and that thirst has become part of her and she doesn’t know who she is without it and maybe doesn’t want to.

Her doorbell rings nad she tells him she’ll call him back. She answers and finds a smiling Victoria there. She tells Emily she didn’t invite her to the party. Emily asks how she got out and she says with help from friends. Victoria says she knows how Emily must have felt on her first night in the Hamptons, angry and after revenge. Victoria says it’s her turn. Emily tells her welcome back and shuts the door in her face but smiles.

As Victoria walks away from the door, she’s grabbed and a cloth put over her mouth. Her captor turns her around so she can see his face. She’s shocked to see that it’s David just before the drugged cloth knocks her out.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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