Kristen Stewart Tells Robert Pattinson “Stop” After FKA Twigs Planning Marriage Following Butt Grabbing? (PHOTOS)

Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs haven’t even been dating an entire year, but FKA already has Rob wrapped around her little finger like a puppet and Kristen Stewart knows it. Instead of focusing on his career or spending time networking and landing jobs, Robert Pattinson has been following FKA Twigs around the country, butt grabbing, helping her sell out shows, and basically acting as her unofficial PR person. I mean, good for him – it was always apparent that Rob was extraordinarily lazy, but I didn’t realize he was so gullible either. Or maybe he just doesn’t care, and he loves FKA Twigs THAT much.

According to Life & Style Magazine, Rob really does FKA Twigs ‘that’ much. A source tells Life & Style, “Rob’s in love and he’s serious about proposing. He’s crazy about her. They are definitely talking marriage. All of Rob’s friends can all see that Rob and FKA’s love is mutual. He’s never been in love with anyone as artistic as her. He’s never been this happy before!”

Oooh, Rob’s never been in love with someone as ‘artistic’ as FKA Twigs? Burn. Kristen Stewart literally just took up art [or whatever passes for her definition of art], and this ‘quote’ is a clear attempt to riff of the Kristen Stewart situation. Plus, the whole ‘he’s never been this happy before’ is a low blow, one clearly meant to land under the belt. Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart had their problems, but lack of affection was never one of them.

Now, I honestly don’t see Robert Pattinson proposing to FKA Twigs just yet, even if she wants it to happen. I don’t doubt that he’s completely and totally whipped and in love with FKA Twigs – otherwise, why else put up with her blatantly using him for PR? But even then, Rob has enough friends and family around him [let’s hope] that will warn him against doing anything too drastic for a girl he hasn’t even known a year. I mean, Rob knew and dated Kristen for several years, and she still cheated on him. This time, he should wait longer and make sure he doesn’t make the same mistake. Getting married to FKA Twigs would DEFINITELY fall under rushing things, and an engagement at this point would be seen as foolish by almost everyone involved.

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