Kristen Stewart Avoids Robert Pattinson Cannes Meeting: KStew Wears Chanel at ‘Sils Maria’ Premiere – NEW PHOTOS

Kristen Stewart Avoids Robert Pattinson Cannes Meeting: KStew Wears Chanel at 'Sils Maria' Premiere - NEW PHOTOSKristen Stewart Avoids Robert Pattinson Cannes Meeting: KStew Wears Chanel at 'Sils Maria' Premiere - NEW PHOTOS

When Robert Pattinson says he doesn’t want to be photographed anymore, can you blame him? He’s been chased, yelled at, stalked, and practically assaulted every time he gets recognized, and its driven the poor guy into therapy. Plus, the eternal humiliation from Kristen Stewart cheating on him – and publicly apologizing – has to still be haunting him, especially since the media refuses to give up on the idea of a Robsten reunion.

While at the Cannes film festival for two of his new movies, The Rover and Maps to the Stars, Rob explained, “I’m just trying to not be in stupid gossip magazines, basically, and I think the best way to do it is never be photographed ever. As I get older, I just get more and more and more self-conscious about getting photographed.”

Well, of course he’s self-conscious about getting photographed. RPatz has been on the cover of every tabloid and every major magazine since the Kristen Stewart cheating scandal broke, and he didn’t help matters by getting back together with KStew, however briefly their reunion lasted. And honestly, not getting photographed isn’t going to help matters – the only thing it’ll do is make the paparazzi that much more desperate to stalk him, and the prices of his photos will just go up in value.

Unfortunately, I don’t think Rob realizes that, and right now, the only thing he’s thinking about is establishing a solid career for himself. He once again disses Twilight by saying that the films were very ‘restrictive’ in allowing him to express his full acting ability, and he’s happy that he’s now able to tackle roles that allow more emotive and physical ability. Whether Robert does successfully establish a career for himself outside of the ‘vampire dude from Twilight’, he’s at least on the right track to doing it – even if he avoids getting photographed every time he goes out in public.

Update: Kristen wowed everyone at the ‘Sils Maria’ premiere event at Cannes 2014  – KStew smiled and was gracious! Good for her!

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

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