Royal Pains Live Recap 8/12/14: Season 6 Episode 10 “Good Air/Bad Air”

Royal Pains Live Recap 8/12/14: Season 6 Episode 10 “Good Air/Bad Air”

Tonight on USA Network ROYAL PAINS continues with another episode in its sixth season called, “Good Air/Bad Air.” On tonight’s show Hank and Boris go to Argentina to meet a potential patient for Boris’ clinical trial.

On the last episode Evan and Ray hold a grand opening for their joint venture while Hank feared he is losing his sense of smell and prepared for a trip to New York with Charlotte. Elsewhere, a talented nail artist seek medical treatment, and Emma was on the wrong side of Dr. Oz. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed last week’s episode we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode, Hank and Boris go to Argentina to meet a potential patient for Boris’ clinical trial; Divya bites off more than she can chew; Russel tries to make amends with Paige. Elsewhere, Jeremia tries to talk to Viviana, and Evan asks Ray to help him expose Oz.

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of USA Network’s “Royal Pains” at 9:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know what you think about the sixth season of Royal Pains so far.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Hank talks to Charlotte and tells her misses her and says he can’t wait to see her. Evan sneaks up and interrupts his phone call and mocks him. He plops down and asks if Emma is home but Hank says she’s at work then hanging with Cinco. Hank says Paige is working late at Ray’s again. Evan takes a call and tells Paige he loves her and tells her to calm down and says they are on the way. They rush to Ray’s and bring him to the hospital. He’s got abdominal pains and Hank says he has to take it easy.

Hank says he has an infection that could harm his liver. He says it could kill him but he has to stay overnight. The ER is crazy because of a restaurant fire – where Emma works. Hank looks around the ER for her and then she comes in looking smoky but unharmed. Ray asks why she was there late and she says they were playing poker and the kitchen caught on fire. Paige hauls her off.

Ray tells them sometimes when a business burns it’s not an accident. They look worried. Emma finds a man in the kitchen – it’s Boris. She says he’s not who she pictured – she thought he’d be scaried. Hank comes in and Emma takes off. Hank says it’s his sister. He says he’s there for a favor then Hank gets a text from Charlotte. Boris is surprised she’s back in the picture.

Hank tells him the clinical trial is going well and is being expanded but is out of funds. He says he and Marisa are footing the bill and there’s a new candidate in Argentina. He wants them to go together for a few days and Hank asks whose jet they should take. Paige tells Russell to say his goodbyes to the golden fancy egg. He says they disowned it when they learned it wasn’t created for a czar.

They head up to the house to find a screaming Mrs Nguyen. They tell her that one of her items was lost during last summer’s appraisal and he’s come to return it. She says she scored big on the insurance claim. She says she fired the maid she thought stole it. She snatches it and walks off.

Evan reads an article Oz wrote talking about Hank being a drug doctor. Emma goes out to look for a new job. Hank tells them he’s going to Argentina and thanks them for covering them. Evan thinks Snark Bite cost them but Jeremiah says it’s always a slow week. Divya tells them she’s living at her father’s since she and Jeremiah are on the outs.

She says she was trying to look out for him. This is about Viviana – he says Divya is wrong and that now Vivian will be deported. Divya stomps out. Jeremiah says it won’t affect Hank Med at all. Too late!

Russell and Paige go to see Wendy to apologize to her and give her a gift – a nice ruby. Wendy tells them she told the insurance company she didn’t steal the egg. They tell her they just found it. Wendy thanks them and says Mrs. Nguyen won’t admit she’s wrong. Wendy says she’s got a union job and is visiting with her sister on the island. She says her family is away so she’s sick and alone.

Wendy is sneezing and coughing. She tells them she’s been sick for over a week and doesn’t know what she has. Russell wants to get her to a doctor. Paige agrees.

Evan finds Jeremiah and asks him about the thing with Divya. He says she seems upset. He tells Jeremiah that Divya adores him and considers him a close friend. He tells Evan he wants to talk about Viviana – he wants to know how to get her back. Evan tells him that’s how he and Paige started out but he never gave up and advises him to help with her immigration issue without letting her know.

Evan says he’ll look generous and selfless. Divya tells Hank she really thought Vivian was using Jeremiah and says he can be so vulnerable. Hank says he thinks her intentions were good but she feels awful. She says she has to fix things with him and apologize to her but Hank thinks she needs to take a step back. Ray is there and Hank tells him he needs to be resting.

Ray says Olivia may be coming out and he has to get things arranged. Hank tells him that’s great. Divya says she’s not good at minding her own business and already meddled again. He tells her to come along to Argentina so Sashi can visit her grandmother in Buenos Aires. He says there is plenty of room on the jet and it will be good for her to be great. Divya agrees.

Ray comes down and Hank tells him to lie down. He checks his abdomen for sensitivity. He says it’s good news and tells him to finish up with his meds and he’ll be fine. Hank has left a list of emergency numbers for Emma but tells her to call Paige and Evan first but not to tell him he saw that. Emma tells hank she’s sorry about the Snark Bites photo and he tells her it will blow over soon.

But then Evan comes in and says he made headlines again and there’s a lawsuit. Evan tells him to go to Argentina and says he’ll take care of the snarks. Emma looks worried. Jeremiah checks out Wendy. He asks if she’s lost weight and she has. He asks if she’s been to Vietnam recently but she hasn’t. He draws blood to send for tests and tells her to take it easy.

Paige tells her Russell will take her home and stay with her until her sister gets back. Boris enjoys classical music on the flight down South. Hank has classic jazz rock playing. Divya has a crying baby she’s singing to. Russell chats with Wendy who’s still feeling awful. She tells him Paige seems nice. There’s a knock at the door and he tells her he’ll get it.

It’s Jeremiah and Wendy says her nose is bleeding and won’t stop. She says she thinks her gums are bleeding too. Jeremiah checks her out then sprays her nose to try and stop the bleeding. He gives her meds to constrict her blood vessels. Her fever is higher and he says she has a low platelet count and starts her on antibiotics. Russell agrees to continue watching her and tells Jeremiah to let Paig knows he volunteered.

Ray is ranting on the phone while Evan sits there. He says he has to go to the restaurant because his will be busier because the other one burned. He tells him he needs to figure out the Snark Hampton thing and Evan says he needs to figure out who Oz is. He’s looking for source code on the photo. Ray says he knows a guy that may help. He says he’s like Eddie Snowden but without being in Russia.

Paige comes out and says she has a good place for the Amphoras – Ray thinks they’re flowers but she says they’re Greek jugs. He says he wants to literally sweep Olivia off her feet. Paige says she’ll order the flowers for him.

Divya pulls up to a large estate house and pulls out Sashi. Her abuela takes her in her arms and coos at the baby. She tells Divya to take a nap. Boris and Hank are in the country and he says he feels at home there. Tobias and his son Jakob ride up The boy says he wanted to go riding. Boris introduces Hank. Tobias walks with a cane and Hank says they can start the exam.

Paige tells Evan she’s working late at Ray’s then sets their breakfast on fire. He seems jumpy. He asks if Russell can do it and she says Russell is busy redeeming himself. She says they owe Ray and he says that’s what scares him. Emma comes in with Cinco and Parker and the kids say they might be able to get their parents to drop the lawsuit. Cinco says Emma is sweet, not like other girls. Hmmm…

Hank checks Tobias over thoroughly while Boris plays with Jakob. He tells Tobias that there are good signs. He says he’s going to send out a blood panel to check for the marker. Tobias says it’s more than he dared hope for. Hank says it’s still a trial and he’ll be – Tobias says an Indian rabbit – then says guinea pig. He says they never knew what killed his father but it was terrible and he doesn’t want his son to see it.

He says having a diagnosis will be a comfort. Boris says he and his wife are working hard to reverse their fates. Divya sleeps while Sashi and her grandma bond. She wakes and says it’s the longest she’s slept in five months. She asks if she’s been fussy but she says no. She shows Divya they’re little game. She sings to her granddaughter and bounces her. She says it was Rafa’s favorite.

She tells Divya she lost Rafa’s father early and says she knows how hard it is to raise a child alone. She tells her she is tired and emotiona and isn’t always making the right decisions. She tells her that Sashi has relatives on four continents and wants her to understand the differences of all the cultures. Divya says she noticed her knees were hurting and they talk arthritis.

Jeremiah gets someone to help with Viviana’s hearing. Paige comes in and says Wendy is getting worse and is saying she has to get back to Queens. Paige tells him she works in an airport – he was shocked – he didn’t know she worked in the city. He thinks she has airport malaria – very rare. They get there to find Wendy having a seizure. Russell called 911 before they got there and Jeremiah starts an IV.

Russell is freaking out. Jeremiah gives her some medication and her body relaxes. He says he has to add anti-malarials because the disease is in her brain and it’s not good. In Argentina, Boris and Hank check out people dancing in the square and talk about Charlotte. He says he misses her so much and can’t stop thinking about her.

Boris says that’s how it starts then you have a family. Boris says it’s hard to see Tobias after losing his father that way and wants Carlos to enjoy life, not just endure it. Hank says he will always be there for him. Jeremiah explains the malaria to Wendy and Russell and Paige are there. He says it’s likely that the culprit mosquito is long dead and she’ll make a full recovery.

Russell offers to get Wendy her job back with Mona and she says no. She says if they hadn’t lost the egg she would still be working for that horrible woman. Paige says not to mention it. Divya walks with Lorena who says she could help by taking care of Sashi. She says she could keep her there in Argentina and bring her to the Hamptons when the busy season is down. She says Rafe will come soon.

Divya thanks her but declines and says she promises she’ll see Sashi again soon. Lorena backs down. Viviana is waiting for Jeremiah to thank him. She says the legal aid lawyer was terrible and the lawyer he sent says she thinks they can win. She tells him they need to talk. She tells him Divya thought he was taking advantage and admits she hasn’t been completely honest.

She says she’s been accepted at a school in Tulsa for physical therapy. Jeremiah is stunned. She says if she doesn’t get deported, she’ll be leaving for school. She says she should have told him sooner but says she likes him. He says he likes her too. Viviana says he’s gone out of his way for her. He tells her he hopes she wins her case.

Boris says he’ll miss Argentina. Jakob comes and tells them his dad can’t get out of bed. They find him on the floor. Boris goes to call an ambulance while Hank tries to revive Tobias. He tries to shock him out of defib. He starts CPR. Paige tells Evan she’s almost done and Ray asks to talk to him. He tells him he loves his wife and the house looks great.

Ray says his guy got the number of the phone that sent the photo. Paige rings off and Evan is frustrated. He gets the text and calls the number. He hears the phone ringing and then notices it’s in the house. Emma comes in and asks why he’s calling her. He says it was a mistake and she skips away. Evan is floored and dismayed.

MS Warren is on crutches and Jeremiah asks what happened. He tells her he appreciates her help with the case. She says she fell on the way in and never made it to court. He wonders who helped Viviana. Divya is on the phone with the lawyer she sent in. She thanks her and tells her to send her the bill. Lorena comes in and says she saw her bags. She hands Sashi to her abuela.

Lorena tells her she can’t leave. She says she talked to Rafa who wants his daughter to stay. Lorena says a minor can’t leave the country without both parents agreement. Divya says she has an American passport but Lorena says she registered her today for an Argentinian one. Divya asks if she’s threatening her and Lorena says no, she just wants her son to see his daughter.

Paige helps Roy make up the bed for his wife. They strip the bed and then get in a pillow fight. There’s someone outside with a gun and soots into the window. Ray thinks she was shot but she says it was him. We see he has a bullet wound in his shoulder.