Sarah Palin Spotted Without Wedding Ring: Divorce From Todd Palin?

Are Sarah and Todd Palin getting divorced – why has Sarah stopped wearing her wedding ring? Sarah Palin and her charming family totally got what was coming to them last week, when they decided to engage in a free-for-all brawl during Todd Palin’s birthday. The entire family turned up at a low-key birthday bash at a bar, and then decided to wreak havoc, complete with punching, shouting, and Sarah screaming about her VIP status.

And now, she’s been spotted out and about in Anchorage, Alaska without her wedding ring. Coincidence? I think not.

The whole thing started when Track Palin got into a punching contest with an ex-boyfriend of his sister, Willow Palin. For some reason that still doesn’t make complete sense to me, he decided that going up to the guy and threatening him/hitting him was a smart move. Then, all hell broke lose when the entire Palin family decided to get involved, and anyone sane still present at the party got the hell out of there.

Now, Todd Palin has been with Sarah Palin for a long time, including her disastrous vice presidential run a few years ago. I mean, the guy stood by her through all her that followed. But could this fight have been the last straw?

Several sources had claimed in the past that the only reason that Todd was still with Sarah was because of her fame, but maybe that’s starting to lose its luster. Maybe he just doesn’t want to stay with a family that continually gets in the headlines for all the wrong reasons. I can’t say I blame him, can you?

What do you guys think? Is there trouble in paradise for Sarah and Todd? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Yellow J:
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