Selena Gomez Not Dating Niall Horan Because Her Heart’s In Agony Without Justin Bieber – She Still Loves Him!

We know that Niall Horan wants to date Selena Gomez, and we know that she’s gone on dates with him. BUT, and this is a big but, Selena doesn’t want to officially date Niall. Why is that? We’ve speculated in the past that it could be for very superficial reasons: maybe she doesn’t feel like he’s good enough for her, or maybe she wants someone of her own stature in fame. Who knows what the real reasons are, but now sources are saying that Selena and Niall are not dating because Selena still has feelings for that little punk ex-boyfriend of hers, Justin Bieber.

Ok, seriously?! Niall Horan > [so much greater than] > Justin Bieber. Seriously, at this point, a piece of cow dung is better than Justin Bieber.

A source supposedly tells Hollywood Life, “Selena likes Niall but its a case of Selena knowing that he likes her a lot and she wants a guy who plays hard to get or unattainable which is basically not Niall and is Justin. Her friends want her to give Niall a better chance and since she never ultimately listens to them it just makes the seriousness of the relationship a major work in progress.”

Basically, what we just said. Selena thinks Niall’s cute and probably fun, but she wants someone who she feels is more on her level, both with playing games and being ‘unavailable’. I think it’s easy to forget that Selena’s still really young, and a bit of a drama queen when it comes to her romantic life. And she has every right to it, considering that she IS young and still very immature. But you’d seriously think that she’s learned her lesson with Justin, but I guess not.

Image credit to FameFlynet

Siyana Riley:
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