Selena Gomez Subpoenaed – Forced to Testify Against Justin Bieber in Paparazzi Assault Case

Selena Gomez Subpoenaed - Forced to Testify Against Justin Bieber in Paparazzi Assault Case

It looks like the one thing that Justin Bieber wanted to avoid at all costs is about to happen. Selena Gomez has been subpoenaed to testify in a case from 2012 when Biebs is accused of kicking an L.A. Photographer. Back then Gomez was always with Biebs and she obviously can attest to his state of mind. Not only do lawyers want her account of what actually happened on the day in question as told to her by Biebs and they are also very interested in the pillow talk that the couple used to share.

Shortly before the incident with this paparazzi happened Biebs had trained briefly with Mike Tyson so he knew how to cause some damage if he really wanted to. That’s something that the lawyers are also interested in- what Biebs has told Selena about his opinions on the paps and whether or not he has ever threatened to do bodily harm. If they can show that he trained, threatened and then committed violent acts well, that’s a slam dunk.

Selena can look at this deposition as practice because word is that the attorneys involved in a similar case in Miami also have decided to subpoena Selena to see what kind of information she can share. While it’s her inclination to protect Biebs you better believe that her own attorneys aren’t going to allow her to take the fall for Biebs in any way. Are you curious to hear what Selena has to say about Biebers behavior? I wonder what she’ll say if she ends up testifying on one of those days where she hates him! Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!