Does Selena Gomez take Cocaine with Justin Bieber and Lil Za when she Visits his Drug Den House?

Does Selena Gomez take Cocaine with Justin Bieber and Lil Za when she Visits his Drug Den House?

If you haven’t heard yet, Lil Za was arrested earlier today on the count of drug possession. The strange thing is that Lil Za was actually at Justin Bieber‘s house, which leads many to believe that the drugs actually belonged to Bieber and Lil Za, once again, decided to take the fall for his crappy friend Bieber — who’s more than willing to let his confidantes fall on their swords for him. As we reported earlier, “an early morning raid took place on Justin Bieber’s property as part of the police’s ongoing investigation into Justin Bieber’s felony vandalism case.” Remember when he egged  his neighbor’s house and caused $20,000 worth of damage?  Yeah, that vandalism case.

Apparently, Lil Za was the one who took the hardest hit during the surprise raid. While the gaggle of cops allegedly (no one’s quite clear on the circumstances in which the warrant was granted) went in there eager to locate evidence linking Bieber to that EGG-tastic attack, they instead left with Lil Za. Supposedly, everything found during that raid would’ve been “fair game,” including Za.

Selena Gomez is rumored to be back with Justin Bieber — or at least warming up to the idea or rekindling their official romance. So we have to ask you all a question: Is Selena Gomez taking cocaine with Justin Bieber and Lil Za when she visits? Has Justin Bieber’s house turned into a drug den, with Lil Za and Lil Twist agreeing to “protect” Bieber should any authorities sniff their way into his pop star fortress?

While we’re pretty sure SelGo isn’t a hardcore drug user, the connection must be made, especially since she’s so close to the singer. We’ll let you be the judge of this scandal. Were the drugs Bieber’s? Did Lil Za take the fall for him? Does Bieber play host to wild drug-fueled parties? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Image credit to FameFlynet