Sleepy Hollow Recap 10/6/14: Season 2 Episode 3 “Root of All Evil”

Tonight on FOX their mystery adventure drama SLEEPY HOLLOW continues with an all new Monday October 6, season 2 episode 3 called “Root of All Evil.” On tonight’s episode, a violent bank robbery puts Ichabod [Tom Mison] and Abbie [Nicole Beharie] on a quest for a mysterious silver coin that possesses unusual power. Meanwhile, Capt. Irving faces a difficult choice involving his family; and the bond between the Mills sisters is tested.

On the last episode, Ichabod Crane and Lt. Abbie Mills concocted a daring plan to try to rescue Ichabod’s wife, Katrina, from the Headless Horseman by resurrecting a Frankenstein-like monster created by Benjamin Franklin. Meanwhile, Frank Irving faced new trouble after revealing the true details of his encounter with a demon, and Jenny Mills found herself at odds with the new sheriff in town. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode after a bank robbery turns violent, Abbie and Ichabod embark on a hunt for a mysterious silver coin that has more power than meets the eye.Meanwhile, Captain Frank Irving is put in a position where he must choose between his family and the greater good and the Mills’ sisterly bond is put to the utmost test.

Tonight’s Sleepy Hollow Season 2 Episode 3 is going to be exciting, and you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Sleepy Hollow — tonight at 9PM EST!

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Tonight’s episode of Sleepy Hollow kicks off with Abbie and Ichabod trying to visit Frank in the mental institution. They learn that Frank’s attorney is Henry Parish, and he put Abbie and Ichabod on the blocked list, they aren’t allowed to visit Frank. They learn that Henry took a cab, so they head to the address that Henry went to, Sleep Hollow’s bank. While they are standing outside they hear a shot fired.

Abby rushes in to the bank and finds a teller waving a hand gun. She rages that the bank owes her for her fifteen years of service. While Abby is trying to talk her down calmly, the new sheriff walks in and kills her. Abby rants to Ichabod that something is up, she knows the teller and she never would have done something like this.

Abby heads back to the police station to comb through the surveillance tapes from the bank. She sees Henry walk in to the bank and exchange coins for cash. They realize that the teller took one of the coins and put it in her pocket. Ichabod recalls when he was on a mission for Pres. Washington, they crashed a counterfeit organization and there were a case of illegal coins that they confiscated. General Benedict Arnold took one of the counterfeit coins and put it in his pocket, and then he suddenly turned and began conspiring with the enemy. Now, Ichabod realizes that the coins bring out people’s demons.

They realize that the coins that Henry turned in to the bank, anyone could have by now. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to them a Sleepy Hollow resident has one of the coins, and is building a bomb in his basement.

Henry heads back to his lair in the woods to talk to Abraham and Katrina. Abraham demands to know why he is confined to the cabin, and Henry is allowed to come and go freely.

Jennie is out of jail, she pays Abby and Ichabod a visit and finds them trying to make sense of the evil coins. Jennie says that they should talk to her friend Holley, he deals with supernatural artifacts. Jennie hacks in to Abby’s computer and pulls up Sherriff Reyes’ file. She freaks out on Abby when she realizes that Reyes is the cop that put their mother in the psych ward fifteen years ago. Abby argues that Reyes was just doing her job, and Jennie storms out.

Abby and Ichabod head to the river to find Jennie’s friend Holley. He says he has heard of the evil coin, but he wants money for his information. Or, he wants to tag along and get the coin for himself. Abby informs him they aren’t paying him. Meanwhile, across the street a store owner opens a box on his counter, it’s the bomb that the guy who has the evil coin was making. The store explodes and goes up in flames.

Abby and Ichabod head pack to their office, and learn that the bomber’s name was David Webster. They pull up the bank footage and sure enough they see David Webster leaving the bank. They read his arrest report and find out that he had a quarter in his pocket when he was booked. Abby rushes to the evidence room to get the evil coin before it winds up in someone else’s pocket. Henry Parrish arrives at the police station, and he is now working as the bomber David Webster’s lawyer.

While Abby is searching for the coin, Reyes runs in to Ichabod at the police station. She wants to know why she can’t find any traces of him in the computer system. He says that he left his ID at home, and she tells him that she had twenty-four hours to produce it. Abby gets to the evidence room and learns that Henry Parrish was already there and took the evil coin. Meanwhile, Jennie is across town scrubbing graffiti as her community service. Henry tosses the evil coin on the ground next to her and she picks it up and puts it in her pocket.

Abby and Ichabod head to the bar to meet up with Jennie’s friend Holley. He says that Jennie showed up at his house and was acting crazy, she stole his guns and left. Abby puts two and two together and says that she must have the coin and now she is going to try to kill her. Holley says that if they get the coin, they need to get stained glass to protect themselves from the church. Abby heads to the police station to try and find her sister. And, Holley and Ichabod head to the church to steal some stained glass.

Abby learns that Sherriff Reyes has gone to the forest to go hunting, and Jennie just went there as well. Jennie isn’t trying to kill Abby, she is trying to kill Reyes! Abby, Ichabod, and Holley head to the forest to try and stop Jennie. Ichabod warns Abby that he doesn’t think that they should trust Holley, he thinks he wants the evil coin, and he could care less about Jennie.

They find Jennie with a sniper rifle preparing to shoot Reyes. They surround her and Abby tries to convince her to hand over the gun. Abby convinces her that she can’t kill Reyes, because Reyes might know what really happened to their mother. While Abby is talking to her Ichabod tackles her and the gun and the coin go flying. Holley traps the coin between two pieces of stained glass, and then runs off with it.

Ichabod heads to the mental institution and visits another patient. Frank finds him in the visiting room, and Frank warns him that Henry Parish is the horseman of war and he can’t trust him. Frank argues that Henry is getting him out, and Ichabod informs him that if Henry wants him out, the safest place he can be is in the hospital.

Reyes calls Abby in to her office and hands her a folder, she says it is her mother’s record and it is up to her if she opens it, but she can’t tell anyone where she got it. Abby takes the file to the bar with Ichabod and learns that her mother wasn’t crazy, she was being tormented by demons. Ichabod explains that she paid the ultimate price, her life, to protect Abby and Jennie.



Amanda Austin:
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