Tonight on FX Kurt Sutter‘s Sons Of Anarchy starring Charlie Hunnam continues with an all new Tuesday December 2, season 7 episode 12 called, “Red Rose,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, tensions mount and truths are revealed as Jax [Charlie Hunnam] is forced to make a major decision.
On last week’s episode, the SOA organization bore down on SAMCRO and Jax came face to face with an ugly truth. Written by Peter Elkoff & Mike Daniels & Kurt Sutter; directed by Jack Bender. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.
On tonight’s episode as per the FX synopsis, “with tensions mounting and truths finally revealed, Jax must make the ultimate decision to kill his mother or let go of the fact that she killed Tara, the woman he loved. Written by Kurt Sutter & Charles Murray; directed by Paris Barclay.”
Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of FX’s Sons Of Anarchy season 7 episode 12 at 10 PM EST!
Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates
Jax gets dressed and puts on his rings as bikes pull up outside. He looks at his hands and his wedding ring that he still wears. The guys come in with Alvarez and hand him a clean shirt. He tucks his gun in his pants and realizes he’s limping. Chibs asks what happened and he says he doesn’t know. Alvarez tells Jax he’s sorry and that he heard what really happened to Tara. He says there ain’t no going back on what happened with the Chinese, right or wrong. Tig tells him Tyler and Nero are on the way and they’re meeting Connor later. Happy tells him the forum wants to meet with him and says Packer will call.
Ray Boy says they have nothing from Coletti and says wherever Gemma is, she’s staying off the grid. Wendy packs Abel’s lunch and asks Brooke if she’s seen Gemma. Brooke asks her if it’s weird being there after the whole Tara thing. Wendy tells her Wendy died there in the kitchen and she OD’d there herself. Brooke says that must be hard. Wendy says she feels more at home here now than she did back then. Abel comes in and asks for grandma and she says she probably went to work early. She leaves to take him to school.
Unser is at Gemma’s place cleaning up dishes. He tosses down the key he has to the house and leaves. Gemma is asleep in her car at a truck stop. A guy wakes her and says she’s in a rig zone. She says sorry – that it was empty when she pulled in. She cranks her car and pulls out. Gemma moves her car, puts on her sunglasses and slumps back into her seat trying to go back to sleep. Jax and the guys talk to the Mayans about territory. Nero is there too.
Tyler says they can work with what they’re offering. Nero asks about Stockton and says with him gone another gang will push on the Byz Lats. The Mayans agree to help out. Oso says they can push their dope but Nero says they haven’t done that. Fiasco says they can and tells Nero he’s out now and it’s his decision. Jax says he’ll handle Barosky. Tyler says the Chinese still have players on the street and need to take care of that. Jax says they’ll figure that out after they settle guns.
Everyone at the table agrees to the terms they’ve worked out. Chibs tells Jax he’s got to ride in the van because of the APB. He tells Rat to take his bike to Red Woody for him. Nero asks to talk to Jax and he asks Nero if he’s okay with the Byz-lat move. Nero says he thinks drugs are a mistake but says it’s Fiasco’s to make. Nero asks if he’s heard from Gemma – neither has. Nero tells him he’s going tomorrow to Norco to work on making the house handicap accessible for his son.
Nero says he’ll be back in a couple of days and tells Jax he did a good job settling things between black and brown. Jax asks him to take Wendy and the boys with him to the farm tomorrow. Nero tears up and says he always hoped Gemma would bring them down. He says the kids will love it because of all the animals. Nero says that’s good and they can come down whenever they want. Nero says he’ll sort it out with Wendy. Jax thanks him for looking out for his boys.
Nero gives him a hug and heads out. Juice sits in the infirmary and asks to go back to his cell. He sasses a female guard and a male guard tells her to take the others and go. The guard lets in some Chinese guys. Ryu asks if he knows who he is and Juice says – Jackie Chan. The guy punches him. Ryu says – you killed my boss. He’s got a knife to Juice’s throat. He says he knows Tully helped him do it. Juice denies it.
Ryu asks why his crew would green light him after he killed for them. He says AB got the word. He says they played them by getting them to do it for them. Ryu says Jackie Chan has other plans for him but first his brothers need some release. They hold him down and rape him. Jax tells Connor that August is getting out on bail tomorrow but is too hot to run their guns. He says the Mayans can deal for him. Connor asks if he respects him at all and asks why he’s treating him like a fool.
Connor says he knows the Chinese thing pissed off Lin and he killed Bobby. He says he knows they are likely the ones that killed the cops on Lin. Connor says they have bent over backwards to help them expand. Jax says they deal guns to organized crime and the model changes with the street. Connor says he wants nothing to do with this. He says Roarke’s in town and that they’ll bring it to him. He says he’s wining and dining the Port Authority.
He tells Jax that Roarke won’t like his Mexican solution. They leave. Tig gets a call. Alvarez says if they don’t get the guns they’ll need most of Lin’s turf which won’t make Tyler happy. Jax tells Alvarez to wait to hear what happens. He leaves too. Tig comes over and says he heard from TM. He says Chucky did it. Jax says good. Chibs says if the Irish shoot this down, Tyler will be wiped out and Jax says he knows.
Gemma sits smoking at the truck stop when she sees a woman with a stroller who checks the vending machine for change then moves on. Milo, the trucker, laughs and says she’s like his ex-wife digging for every nickel. Gemma introduces herself as Rose. (Milo is played by Michael Chiklis!!) He asks about her and she says she’s on her own. She asks where he’s headed and he says he’s headed North to pick up tomatoes. She asks if he’s taking 97 and asks for a lift.
He asks about her car and she says she just borrowed it to take a nap. He tells her he’s not looking for a roadside hummer and she tells him she’s not offering one and asks how he moved from kids to cock sucking that quickly. He apologizes and says he’s been on the road too long. He asks what’s up North and she says her dad but he’s got advanced Alzheimer’s. She says she might as well be talking to a coat rack. Milo looks at her scar and asks if she had open heart surgery.
He says he had to have valves replaced. He says as long as she’s not going to hijack him at gunpoint, he’ll give her a ride. She says he’s a good Christian girl just trying to get home to see her Daddy. He calls her Saint Rose and says they can go. He asks if she has any bags and she says – not any more. Unser drives the tow truck over and asks what’s going on. He says Chucky told him there was a pickup. But it’s Jax.
He asks Jax if he needs four guys to take him out. Jax says he knows he baited him into that punch to get him off the street. Unser says he can tell that to the judge. Jax says he knows he feels betrayed. Unser says he promised Tara he would protect her and that her trying to get the boys away from all this shit got her killed. He says he has to find out who killed her. Jax says he gets it and Unser asks why they’re all lying to them. He asks why Gemma is on the run. Jax says he’ll tell him the truth if he drops the charges so the APB is not over his head.
Unser asks what truth and Jax says – about Tara. He says Gemma killed her. He says – my mother killed my wife. He says he doesn’t know why but maybe it was because Gemma heard Tara made a deal with the DA. He says Eli and Juice were outside and by the time they got in, Tara was dead and Gemma was covered in blood. He says Juice shot Eli and then he and Gemma came up with the Chinese lie. He says that’s the truth.
He also says he doesn’t know where Gemma is, but he’s been looking for her. Unser tells Jax he has to report this. Jax says his retaliation against the Chinese tore up Stockton and Oakland. He says they lost Bobby, West, Colette and Diosa. He says he’s almost done working it out between black, white and brown and says it will bring peace to Charming. Jax tells him that word can’t hit the street about Gemma because the streets will run with blood.
Unser asks what happens with Gemma and Jax says if she shows up, he’ll deal with her. Unser asks how but Chibs interrupts and says Packer called and they have to go. Jax tells Unser he told the truth and asks about him dropping the APB. Unser agrees to call Jarry. Unser watches them all leave and then breaks down crying. Wendy talks to Nero about the farm and he says he mentioned to Jax he was going and he asked him to take them.
She asks if he’s talked to Gemma and Nero says he hasn’t seen her. She says Jax knows Gemma helped Juice hide and Nero says he doesn’t think Jax is too worried about Juice. Brooke offers to pick up Abel today but Wendy says she can do it. Wendy says she hates to pull Abel out of school but says it would be good for him to be away for a few days. She agrees to the road trip. Gemma asks if he can borrow some tools from the garage and he agrees.
Jax and the guys come to meet the other leaders at Red Woody. Rat says they’re already at the table. Jax goes in and apologizes for being late. Jax says he knows they’ve talked but says he has something to say before they deliver their decision. He tells them he was wrong and that he found out from Lin that it was Barosky, not Jury, that ratted about the guns. He says it didn’t make sense because Barosky had so much to lose. Gaines asked how Jury could confess and Jax says he lied about that too.
He says he was so bent on revenge for his wife that Jury was just one more thing that got in his way. Monroe says his guys are still claiming self-defense. Jax says Jury did go for his gun but he didn’t know if he was going to shoot him or not. Jax says he loved Jury and he killed him. Monroe says this means a Mayhem vote. Packer says he knows the pain he’s in over Tara but says he out and out murdered Jury. Jax says yeah.
Gaines says Mayhem has to land. Jax says he knows. Hench asks if his charter knows that. Packers says SAMCRO needs to know if the vote goes the wrong way – he says a president killing a president sends a bad message. Jax says he’ll make sure they vote to protect the organization but says he needs something in return. He says there’s a bylaw that’s been around since his old man held the gavel that he wants thrown out.
Tig says the best case is self-defense and they pay damages. Rat asks what the worst case is and Chibs tells him to stop asking questions. Packer says yeah that they’ll make that vote unanimous and honor his request. Jax thanks them. He takes the gavel and tells them it’s been a privilege to be a President. He says he’s sorry he couldn’t live up to it. He lays the gavel aside. The meeting adjourns and Packer shakes Jax’s hand then follows the others out.
Jax goes to his guys and tells them he’ll fill them in later. He says it will be fine. Tig says Roarke wants to meet and he says to tell him they’re on the way. Chibs pulls him aside and asks what happened but Jax tells him to stop worrying and says he knows what he’s doing. Chibs asks if he wants him to handle Roarke but he says they can all go and bring Tig and Happy. Chibs says he can get the van but Jax says he’s riding.
Milo drops Gemma off at the old folks home. The woman says he’s still out with the church group visiting the local parish. The woman says she doesn’t see her name on the visitor list and Gemma says she checked him in. The woman says Tara Knowles is his conservator and Gemma says she died a few months ago. Gemma asks her to check his personal records and she can see that she’s his only living relative. The woman agrees to check and Gemma goes to sit and wait.
Juice is all banged up from the punch – and likely sore from the back door action – and is back in his cell. He lies down on his bunk with the book of poetry Tully left him. Tig and the others show up to the meet at an antique shop and sees the owners are tied up. Declan tells them Roarke will be with them shortly. Roarke ends his call and tells them there’s no danger. He says Connor and he had a heated argument. He says Caspar, Jimmy O and now Connor.
Declan tells them Connor was dealing on the side to other contacts. He says Connor took down his men and took off. Roarke says they can’t have others find out what Connor was doing. He tells them to find Connor and send him home in a box. Jax curses and Roarke says he’ll try to push his Mexican proposal through if he does it. He tells him Declan will stay to make sure it’s done and tells them to keep him apprised.
Jax says they need to keep Connor’s guy alive, for now, in case they need him. They walk out wondering where Connor might be. Jax tells Happy to call Tyler and says Connor doesn’t know Tyler is with them. He says to have him call and say black needs some guns. Happy goes to make the call. Jax gets a call from Wendy and she says his grandfather’s nursing home called to say Gemma is visiting her dad. He says he didn’t know that.
She says Gemma isn’t answering her cell and she doesn’t know when she’ll be back. She asks if it’s still cool if she goes with Nero or if he needs help at TM. He says Chucky can handle it and tells her to go. She says it’s a good idea and he tells her to enjoy herself. Nero comes in and Tara says she found out where Gemma is – visiting her dad. She says she called Jax to make sure it was still cool for her to go. He gets nervous when he realizes she told Jax where his mom is. He makes an excuse and goes.
Nero speeds up to TM to find Unser. He tells him he needs a favor. He says he needs to tell him something about Tara’s murder and says it wasn’t the Chinese. Unser says he already knows – he says Jax told him about Gemma. He asks if the sheriff knows and Unser says – not yet. Nero says Gemma went to see her dad and now Jax knows. He asks Unser to go up there and arrest her and says it’s the only thing that could keep her alive. He begs him.
Unser agrees to go. He asks Nero if he still loves her and he says it’s not about saving Gemma – it’s about saving Jax. Chucky asks Unser what’s going on and he says he has to go get Gemma and tells Chucky to stay. He says Gemma will be pissed if they leave TM unsupervised. He asks him to text him her dad’s address. Chucky says to tell her he loves her and Unser agrees and speeds off.
Tyler meets with Jax – he agrees to help but asks how this helps him. Jax says locking down the gun deal benefits his group. Tyler says the Mayans can overrun them. He says he wants control of the Chinese streets before the Triads move in or Alvarez does. He says it has to be done on one swoop. Jax says they can do it tonight so he can take the meet with Connor tomorrow. He tells Tyler it will be all good. Jax tells Chibs he needs to handle this with the niners.
He says he has to head up North and says he’s going alone – his family, his problem. He gets on his bike and goes. The girl at the desk wakes Gemma and says her dad is back and in his room. She says they need to set a new conservator and asks if it will be her. She says no – it needs to be Wendy Case, her grandson’s mom. She tells her what room her dad is in and she goes to see him. Gemma finds her dad sitting reading a book.
She tells him hi but Nate has no clue who she is. She tells him it’s Gemma, your daughter. He asks if she’s with the church. She says no and asks if he remembers his family. He says he doesn’t see Rose any more. He asks again if she’s with the church. She sits and tells him she wants to tell him something. She says she’s sorry for all the trouble she caused him. She says she knows she hurt he and her mom a lot and disappointed them.
Gemma says she embarrassed him. Nate says he’s not hurt and says they send the doctor. Gemma says she’s caused so much pain in her life and says she never wanted that. She says after a while, it was just what she did and who she was. She says she loved her family – her boys – but knows now that wasn’t enough. Nate says he had a boy who died and she says he did. She says he was a good father and husband. She tells him she loves him.
Nate asks why she’s so sad and she says she’s not, just nostalgic. He tells her God forgives everyone. Nate tells her he doesn’t remember her name and she says it’s Gemma. He says Gemma was a sweet girl. He says she played in the garden for hours and was the one who loved the flowers. His mind wanders off again and she tells him bye and goes.
Juice comes into the cafeteria and sits. The Chinese stare at him. Juice tells Tully he needs to talk to him alone. The other ABs leave the table and Juice sits across from him. Tully asks what happened and he says it was an Asian tune up. Juice says he’s only alive because they need him to kill Tully. He says that makes sense but says he’s lost the element of surprise. Juice says he knows Jax tasked him to kill Juice and if the Chinese do it, it could impact his relationship with the MC.
He slides something across the table to Tully in a napkin. It’s a shiv. He tells him to let him finish his pie. He takes a bite of pie. Unser drives top speed to Oregon. Jax also drives North on his bike. Gemma gets out of a cab at a house. She goes to the door of her dad’s place. Juice finishes his pie. He sets down his fork and nods at Tully. Tully’s guys stand and go start a fight.
While the ruckus draws attention, Juice backs up toward Tully. He whispers to Juice – you went out good sweetheart and stabs him in the neck a bunch of times. He collapses and rapidly bleeds out on the floor of the cafeteria as Tully walks calmly away. Gemma is in the house looking through photos and mementos. The door opens and in comes Unser. She doesn’t even look up from what she’s doing. Unser says he didn’t see the car and wasn’t sure if she was there or not.
She says she’s here. He sits down and asks what she’s doing. She tells him he’s smart enough to know the answer to that. He says he needs her to come with him back to Samwa. She says she can’t do it. He says he knows about Tara and she says she assumed he did. He asks why and she says it doesn’t matter any more. He agrees it doesn’t. He says he has to arrest her. She shows him an essay she wrote in second grade on the second amendment. She says she got a b plus.
He tells her Jax is on the way and he doesn’t know what he’ll do. Gemma says she does. He asks her not to make him call the local cops. He says we can do this quietly and she says that’s not her style but tells him to do what he needs to do. He starts to make the call when the door opens and Jax comes in. he tells Jax he’s arresting her and taking her back to Charming. Jax says he needs to be alone with his mother and Unser says he can’t do that.
Unser says he already called it in to the local PD but Gemma speaks up and says that he didn’t. Unser goes back over to stand by Gemma. Jax tells him to go and then pulls a gun on him. Unser tries to get Gemma to go with him. She won’t. He looks at the gun and Unser asks what’s now. Jax says this is between he and his mom. Unser says to look at what they’ve all become and says this has to end here. Jax says he knows that. Unser has gun out too.
Jax lowers his first then tells Unser to go home. Unser says he can’t do it and says this is all he’s got left. Gemma looks up at him and doesn’t say a word. Jax puts a bullet into Unser’s heart. Gemma still says nothing, just continues leafing through her past.
Nero speeds up to TM to find Unser. He tells him he needs a favor. He says he needs to tell him something about Tara’s murder and says it wasn’t the Chinese. Unser says he already knows – he says Jax told him about Gemma. He asks if the sheriff knows and Unser says – not yet. Nero says Gemma went to see her dad and now Jax knows. He asks Unser to go up there and arrest her and says it’s the only thing that could keep her alive. He begs him.
Unser agrees to go. He asks Nero if he still loves her and he says it’s not about saving Gemma – it’s about saving Jax. Chucky asks Unser what’s going on and he says he has to go get Gemma and tells Chucky to stay. He says Gemma will be pissed if they leave TM unsupervised. He asks him to text him her dad’s address. Chucky says to tell her he loves her and Unser agrees and speeds off.
Tyler meets with Jax – he agrees to help but asks how this helps him. Jax says locking down the gun deal benefits his group. Tyler says the Mayans can overrun them. He says he wants control of the Chinese streets before the Triads move in or Alvarez does. He says it has to be done on one swoop. Jax says they can do it tonight so he can take the meet with Connor tomorrow. He tells Tyler it will be all good. Jax tells Chibs he needs to handle this with the niners.
He says he has to head up North and says he’s going alone – his family, his problem. He gets on his bike and goes. The girl at the desk wakes Gemma and says her dad is back and in his room. She says they need to set a new conservator and asks if it will be her. She says no – it needs to be Wendy Case, her grandson’s mom. She tells her what room her dad is in and she goes to see him. Gemma finds her dad sitting reading a book.
She tells him hi but Nate has no clue who she is. She tells him it’s Gemma, your daughter. He asks if she’s with the church. She says no and asks if he remembers his family. He says he doesn’t see Rose any more. He asks again if she’s with the church. She sits and tells him she wants to tell him something. She says she’s sorry for all the trouble she caused him. She says she knows she hurt he and her mom a lot and disappointed them.
Gemma says she embarrassed him. Nate says he’s not hurt and says they send the doctor. Gemma says she’s caused so much pain in her life and says she never wanted that. She says after a while, it was just what she did and who she was. She says she loved her family – her boys – but knows now that wasn’t enough. Nate says he had a boy who died and she says he did. She says he was a good father and husband. She tells him she loves him.
Nate asks why she’s so sad and she says she’s not, just nostalgic. He tells her God forgives everyone. Nate tells her he doesn’t remember her name and she says it’s Gemma. He says Gemma was a sweet girl. He says she played in the garden for hours and was the one who loved the flowers. His mind wanders off again and she tells him bye and goes.
Juice comes into the cafeteria and sits. The Chinese stare at him. Juice tells Tully he needs to talk to him alone. The other ABs leave the table and Juice sits across from him. Tully asks what happened and he says it was an Asian tune up. Juice says he’s only alive because they need him to kill Tully. He says that makes sense but says he’s lost the element of surprise. Juice says he knows Jax tasked him to kill Juice and if the Chinese do it, it could impact his relationship with the MC.
He slides something across the table to Tully in a napkin. It’s a shiv. He tells him to let him finish his pie. He takes a bite of pie. Unser drives top speed to Oregon. Jax also drives North on his bike. Gemma gets out of a cab at a house. She goes to the door of her dad’s place. Juice finishes his pie. He sets down his fork and nods at Tully. Tully’s guys stand and go start a fight.
While the ruckus draws attention, Juice backs up toward Tully. He whispers to Juice – you went out good sweetheart and stabs him in the neck a bunch of times. He collapses and rapidly bleeds out on the floor of the cafeteria as Tully walks calmly away. Gemma is in the house looking through photos and mementos. The door opens and in comes Unser. She doesn’t even look up from what she’s doing. Unser says he didn’t see the car and wasn’t sure if she was there or not.
She says she’s here. He sits down and asks what she’s doing. She tells him he’s smart enough to know the answer to that. He says he needs her to come with him back to Samwa. She says she can’t do it. He says he knows about Tara and she says she assumed he did. He asks why and she says it doesn’t matter any more. He agrees it doesn’t. He says he has to arrest her. She shows him an essay she wrote in second grade on the second amendment. She says she got a b plus.
He tells her Jax is on the way and he doesn’t know what he’ll do. Gemma says she does. He asks her not to make him call the local cops. He says we can do this quietly and she says that’s not her style but tells him to do what he needs to do. He starts to make the call when the door opens and Jax comes in. he tells Jax he’s arresting her and taking her back to Charming. Jax says he needs to be alone with his mother and Unser says he can’t do that.
Unser says he already called it in to the local PD but Gemma speaks up and says that he didn’t. Unser goes back over to stand by Gemma. Jax tells him to go and then pulls a gun on him. Unser tries to get Gemma to go with him. She won’t. He looks at the gun and Unser asks what’s now. Jax says this is between he and his mom. Unser says to look at what they’ve all become and says this has to end here. Jax says he knows that. Unser has gun out too.
Jax lowers his first then tells Unser to go home. Unser says he can’t do it and says this is all he’s got left. Gemma looks up at him and doesn’t say a word. Jax puts a bullet into Unser’s heart. Gemma still says nothing, just continues leafing through her past.
Jax sits down on the sofa holding his gun. Gemma shows him a photo of his granddad in WWII and says he looks like him, especially in his eyes. She sits in a chair and asks who else knows. He says just the club. She asks if he talked to Nero and he says he did. She says Nero had no idea and Jax says he knows. She says Nero is a good man and he should stay close to him. The record Gemma was playing ends. He asks if she still has a copy of JT’s manuscript.
She tells him it’s in the storage locker with his and his brother’s birth certificates. She tells him she loved Tara but he says don’t. She says it’s not an excuse and she’s not defending herself. She says she barely remembers what happened that night. Jax says it did happen and she says yes, it did. She says all the other things because of that lie are things she never saw coming. She says she knows no apology can touch what he’s feeling.
She stands and sighs and says she’d like to go out to the garden if that’s okay. He nods and says yeah. She goes outside into the back yard and walks among the overgrown bushes and flowers. Jax follows her. She stops with her back to him and he’s in tears. He holds up his gun and takes aim then lowers it. He has to wipe his eyes and sobs. She tells him she loves him from the deepest purest part of her heart. She tells him he has to do this.
She says it’s who they are and calls him sweetheart. He raises the gun again and she says it’s okay. She calls him her baby boy and says it’s time. She never turns back to look at him. She says she’s ready. She lowers her head and closes her eyes and he puts one in the back of her head. Jax looks around at the garden and wipes his nose.
Jax drives back to Charming. That night, the MC goes out and guns down all the Chinese they can find on the streets. Wendy peeks in on Abel then goes to check on Thomas. Juice’s body is checked by the coroner and shrouded. The MC goes into a Chinese card game and shoots up the thugs there too. Nero comes back to Gemma’s place and looks around. He goes into her bedroom and looks at a photo of her on the night stand. He sits down on the bed and sobs.
Jax comes home and takes off his vest. He hangs it up neatly and sits down in the living room. He takes off his sneakers – there’s blood splattered on them. He sets them out of sight. He looks up as Wendy comes in. She sits down by him and asks if he’s okay. He says no. She touches his face and he leans into her hand. He kisses her hand then touches her hair. She reaches for him and he pulls her to him and kisses her. He grabs her and kisses her hard.
She takes his hand and pulls him up. He follows her into the bedroom. Unser lies dead on the floor of Gemma’s dad’s house. Jax takes Wendy from behind then rolls over on top of her. Gemma lies in the garden and we see the blood on her head. That’s it. There’s just one SOA left! So here’s my questions – is Wendy on birth control? What’s up with Jax’s leg? Did he inherit his mom’s heart condition or something? Is he going to throw an embolism and crash his bike where his dad died? Will Jax die? How will he die?