Stacy Keibler Pregnant: Sudden Marriage To Jared Pobre Explained?

For those of you who enjoy gambling every now and then, place all bets on a baby announcement coming soon from Stacy Keibler! Keibler just announced that she and rich boyfriend Jared Pobre married on a beach in Mexico in an intimate ceremony on Saturday.

This came as quite a surprise not only to fans, but to friends and family who were vacationing with the couple as well. The couple, having dated only about six months, think of themselves as “soul mates.” As Stacy described her feeling as a gold digger to People Magazine in a statement after her ceremony, “My happiness is indescribable! Marriage is the ultimate bond of love and friendship. It means putting all your faith and trust into a person that you can’t help but believe is your soul mate. Someone who has all of your best interests at heart; someone handpicked for you, to help you grow and be the best person that you can be. Jared is all of this for me.”

Well, seems the “private and intimate ceremony” wasn’t so private after all. People not only has the exclusive interviews, but apparently, all the wedding photos as well. Perhaps they’ve bought the exclusive wedding details AND the exclusive coming soon… the baby announcement.

Keibler, who went on to tell People, “We both felt strongly that our ‘love day’ should be intimately special, and that’s exactly what it was. It was a blend of romance, tranquility, natural beauty, bonding and overwhelming love,” cannot fool us into thinking she’d marry someone after less than sixth months of togetherness after having dated George Clooney for two years with no chance of a proposal. Something is up..and likely it is her waist size.

The new Mrs. Pobre, whose hubby is a tech entrepreneur, wants to show how in love the two are before announcing the pregnancy. She doesn’t want anyone to think Pobre only married her as a result of her becoming pregnant. Stacy has wanted to get married and start a family for a while, and Jared was surely game, or the game as in quarry. While this is the first marriage for both, I think we can safely bet it won’t be the last.

And as newlywed Keibler eats wedding cake in Mexico, surely she hopes Clooney is somewhere eating nothing but his heart out. But we know better – George could have proposed to Stacy the day he met her and she would have said “yes.”

Caryn Doti Chavez:
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