Survivor Spoilers: Val Eliminated, John Rocker Exiled San Juan del Sur Blood vs. Water Season 29 Week 2

Survivor Spoilers: Val Eliminated, John Rocker Exiled San Juan del Sur Blood vs. Water Season 29 Week 2Survivor Spoilers: Val Eliminated, John Rocker Exiled San Juan del Sur Blood vs. Water Season 29 Week 2

Survivor Spoilers for San Juan del Sur Blood vs. Water Season 29 Week 2 Exile Island Challenge indicate that all eyes should be on John Rocker. After Nadiya Anderson was voted off on the first episode of Survivor Blood vs Water – San Juan del Sur – they offered just a tiny glimpse of the upcoming episode. There are two big themes at play this season – the blood vs water – where pairs of loved ones are split into separate tribes and if this wasn’t bad enough, the exile island aspect is designed to amp up the tension between the loved o

Each episode, Jeff will choose at random one of the pairs to compete head to head. The loser goes off to exile and the winner chooses someone from their own tribe to send with them. On the first episode, it was Jeremy versus Val, the firefighter and cop married duo. Jeremy dominated his wife and sent her packing but then cried his eyes out about it. He sent Wes along with her to take care of her.

All signs this week 2 on Survivor point to a potential conflict between John Rocker and girlfriend Julie McGee for the exile challenge. At 6’4” and 250 pounds, if there is anything physical about the challenge, I can only imagine that Rocker will dominate his diminutive professional spray tanner girlfriend. If it’s a mental challenge, you may think Julie would oust Rocker, but the guy isn’t stupid, he just has no filter.

But the question with these challenges is whether the loved one will push to win it. Survivor spoilers ask would Rocker let his GF have the win to spare her a night on exile? After all, since his dicey reputation has made them social pariahs for the whole four years they’ve been dating, he may have cut her a break and let her win. Although, as a woman, I have to admit I’ll be thrilled if she legitimately beats him and sends him to exile. Stills from the Survivor San Juan Del Sur week 2 challenge suggest the challenge was not so physical that she couldn’t win it.

They also show that both Rocker and firefighter Jeremy are missing from each of their tribes. If this isn’t just a moment taken when each was taking a potty break, this means that Julie beat her hulking lover John, sent him packing to exile and sent firefighter Jeremy along with him. But why would she send Jeremy with him? Hmm…

Let’s see, she probably doesn’t want to send her hunky BF for an overnighter with any of the other three women on her tribe – Kelley, Missy or Natalie. That leaves Reed, the gay Broadway performer – I’m guessing she figured if he knew who Rocker was, that might not go over well. That leaves four guys to pick from – surfer dude Drew, Jeremy the firefighter, Jon the finance guy and Keith the Louisiana firefighter.

Since Keith was just there, she may have let him slide. The two younger guys may not have been to her BF’s taste so maybe the firefighter was chosen because he’s of an age with John and may have some interests in common. Or maybe he volunteered to punish himself for sending his wife there last week. If he starts bawling on exile, Rocker might give him a hard time.

All I know is that I can’t wait to see Rocker go head to head with his GF. She has said very plainly that she would throw him under the bus to advance her game, so my question is whether she trampled him or he let her have the win. Since he spent more than a decade as a pro athlete, I’m going to guess he went down fighting.

Join us here tomorrow to see exactly how the Exile Island brawl goes down with our live recap of Episode 2, Season 29, Survivor San Juan del Sur – Blood vs Water. Read how Val was eliminated and John was exiled!

Stormy Elizabeth:
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