Teresa Giudice Fired, Divorce Plans: Real Housewives of New Jersey Tre Shows No Remorse

Teresa Giudice Fired, Divorce Plans: Real Housewives of New Jersey Tre Shows No RemorseTeresa Giudice Fired, Divorce Plans: Real Housewives of New Jersey Tre Shows No Remorse

Will Teresa Giudice divorce husband Juicy Joe? The Real Housewives of New Jersey star will do anything to get out of serving jail time and being fired, and if that means divorcing her husband, so be it. Teresa Giudice and Joe Giudice may have stuck together ever since pleading guilty to their fraud charges, but that doesn’t mean that Teresa will go down with a sinking ship if there’s any way for her to salvage her future.

One big problem Teresa faces, and why she may be fired from RHONJ, is the difficulty Bravo faces continuing to star a tax cheating fraudster who is a convicted felon. A divorce from Joe might help her to appear to distance herself from her felonious criminal past by providing at least a show of contrition. Up until now Teresa has obnoxiously behaved like she and her cheating l0w-life husband are the victims in this criminal case. Truly repulsive – this couple stole from the US tax-payer millions of dollars so that they could live a decadent life-style that neither of them earned nor deserved – no wonder Bravo wants and needs to fire Teresa.

The couple’s sentencing hearing was recently postponed from the end of September to October 2nd, and sources tell In Touch Weekly that Teresa is making a last-ditch effort to put the blame on Joe for creating this whole mess so she won’t be fired.

These sources explain, “She’s absolutely furious with him. For so long, they’ve been a team, but now as their court date gets closer, Teresa is terrified of going to jail. She resents Joe for not discussing everything with her as it happened. Her whole life is crashing down now because of him. Joe’s actions will affect their family forever.”

Uh-huh. And it’s taken her this long to figure this out? She could have warned him when they (yes ‘they,’ Teresa is no a victim here, she is dangerous criminal, dangerous to law-abiding people and their hard-earned money) were actually committing the crimes, and she didn’t, so that makes her an accessory, at least. She’s just leaking all these rumors now in order to gain some sympathy from the jury, her audience, and Brava, but I’m thinking it’s a case of too little, too late. If Teresa had divorced Joe right after the charges were first filed, then the jury might have been more inclined to forgive her as the grieving and devastated wife. But she’s stuck by him all these months, and playing up their differences now won’t make a lick of difference.

Do you guys agree? And do you think Teresa will manage to escape serving a prison sentence? With her time on the Real Housewives of New Jersey coming to an end, she’s in trouble either way. What’s amazing is to have a look at Teresa Giudice’s Instagram and Twitter – it is festooned with the tax-cheating criminal advertising products for various brands! What are these brands thinking? Are they looking to appeal to Americans who think tax fraud and stealing from financial institutions is a positive thing? Tell us in the comments if you think Teresa should be a brand representative, other than maybe for criminal lawyers?

 Image Credit: Teresa Giudice Twitter – Joe Giudice

Siyana Riley:
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