Teresa Giudice Sues Lawyer For $5 Million: Blames Jim Kridel For Jail Sentence

Teresa Giudice Sues Lawyer For $5 Million: Blames Jim Kridel For Jail SentenceTeresa Giudice Sues Lawyer For $5 Million: Blames Jim Kridel For Jail Sentence

Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice is now suing her lawyer for $5 million following her sentencing to prison for 15 months. She was represented in her bankruptcy by her lawyer Jim Kridel and now she is suing the pants off of him to the tune of $5 million.

As you may know, Teresa Giudice and her husband Joe Giudice were sentenced to prison time for not declaring some of their assets in the bankruptcy filing. Joe received a total of 41 months in prison, but Teresa got 15 months. In addition, they were both ordered to pay a total of $414,588 in restitution.

In the documents surrounding the lawsuit, Teresa claims that her lawyer never even met with her prior to the filing. She says that he was negligent with the filing of the court papers and that is the reason that she and her husband are doing time in the clink. It has been revealed that she is seeking five million in damages for her troubles. So that is what 15 months of her life is worth to her?

She says that because they never met up before filing the bankruptcy petition with the courts, that it was his fault that some of her assets weren’t listed on the bankruptcy documents. She says that Kridel failed to list cars, multiple bank accounts and income from her rental properties in the documents.

You would think that she would have looked over the list of her assets prior to the filing because it was her butt on the line, but apparently that is just asking too much. She will pay for it in the end because she’s the one who has to do the time regardless of how this lawsuit against her former attorney plays out.

Teresa is due to begin her prison sentence on January 5, 2015 as she turns herself in to the Danbury Federal Correctional Institute in Connecticut while Joe stays at home with their four daughters. After she’s done, he will begin his sentence.

Roberta Ferguson:
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