The Affair Recap 10/19/14: Season 1 Episode 2 “2”

Tonight on Showtime, The Affair continues with an all new Sunday October 19, season 1 episode 2 called, “2.” Tonight, Noah [Dominic West]  and Alison [Ruth Wilson] are forced to consider an inevitability.

On the last episode, the emotional effects of an extramarital relationship were explored when a married schoolteacher began an affair with a waitress on Long Island. In the opener, Noah Solloway and his family visited Long Island where he connected with a local waitress. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode preparations are made at the Butler estate for an annual summer party. Meanwhile, aspects of Noah and Alison’s separate lives start to weave together and the two are forced to consider an inevitability.

Tonight’s episode is going to be an action packed one, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Showtimes’ The Affair Season 1 episode 2 — tonight at 10PM EST!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

The tale of Noah and Allison isn’t as clear cut as either of them believes. Once again they each have their own version of what exactly happened between them. And despite the beginning of this story – they don’t seem to be all that concerned about each other now.

Noah goes as far as to refer to her as bad news. He claims, during his interview of course, that he had actually went out of his way to avoid her after that first day. But this time it’s revealed that he’s not in any way lying to himself. Just merely to the man asking him whole lot of questions.

Noah can easily remember running past Allison’s house in the days that followed seeing her with her husband. And he can even remember all the things his voyeuristic show did to him afterwards. He would masturbate to what he saw and because he would get so caught up in the fantasy – he ended up ignoring his wife in favor of only dreaming about sex rather than seeking out the real thing.

The next time he saw Allison, they were at the Farmer’s market. He was with his family and he felt that she was going out of her way to ignore him. And the gracious concern he had for her. Which he had found odd at the time though quickly dismissed it in order to return his focus back on his family and his second book.

Besides, that’s what the summer was supposed to be about. Noah wanted to finish his second book while everyone was on vacation and relaxed. And when he wasn’t writing then he wanted to be around his wife and family.

But there’s was even something wrong with that. His father-in-law was a giant pain in the rear. The older man kept bringing up the book he hadn’t had the chance to start yet. So it made Noah feel more like a failure than the dismal sales of his first book ever could.

It was when he had enough of Butler and his overwhelming opinions that he sought out Allison another time. That was when his father-in-law was hosting another one of his glamourous parties and Noah had decided to leave early with only Allison acting as his company. He saw her there and the two of them found themselves going down to the beach. And though nothing happened at the time – Noah states that it was him that told Allison drove the issue home.

As Noah tells it, he didn’t want to risk his marriage over a girl he considered a hot mess. Although he did leave out the part where he shared a kiss with Allison that happened later on that night at the beach.

Allison, meanwhile, had different point of view in what led to the kiss. She can recall being for the most emotionally detached. Days where she felt nothing but sadness. And the only effect Noah had had on her – was bemusement. She couldn’t understand what drew his attention. She didn’t seek him out and yet she still managed to hold his interest. That’s not something that generally happens between the townies and the guys up from the city.

So the whole thing was odd to her.

She had a man that clearly wanted to sleep with her and because she no longer felt all that comfortable around family or friends for that matter – she had no one to talk to about it. Hence Allison makes it seem like she was a little naive in her dealings with Noah. He led and she just chose to follow!

It was his idea to go down to the beach and it was there that he seduced her.

And fast forward to the present – someone is dead! That’s what the police investigation is all about and why these two are being questioned. They’re suspects in a murder!


Kristine Francis:
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