The Bachelor 2014 Elimination Spoilers Episode 7: Juan Pablo Sends Chelsie Webster Home and Sharleen Joynt Quits

The Bachelor 2014 Elimination Spoilers Episode 7: Juan Pablo Sends Chelsie Webster Home and Sharleen Joynt QuitsThe Bachelor 2014 Elimination Spoilers Episode 7: Juan Pablo Sends Chelsie Webster Home and Sharleen Joynt Quits

Last night on Episode 6 of Season 18 of The Bachelor, Juan Pablo sent home Cassandra and Kat, leaving just six bachelorettes remaining in the race for the Final Rose. Next week on Episode 7 of The Bachelor, Juan Pablo and the remaining six bachelorettes will travel back to the United States, and arrive in Miami, Florida.

So far during the 2014 season of The Bachelor, Reality Steve (the infamous Bachelor blogger and spy) has been dead on about which woman will go home every week. Some Bachelor fans doubted Reality Steve after last Season of The Bachelorette when he was wrong about who Desiree Hartsock gave the Final Rose to.

The Bachelor 2014 Elimination Spoilers Episode 7: Juan Pablo Sends Chelsie Webster Home and Sharleen Joynt QuitsThe Bachelor 2014 Elimination Spoilers Episode 7: Juan Pablo Sends Chelsie Webster Home and Sharleen Joynt Quits

According to Reality Steve, one Juan Pablo’s bachelorettes will eliminate herself next week on Episode 7 of The Bachelor! Juan Pablo will select Sharleen Joynt and Nikki Ferrell for 1-on-1 dates in Miami. After giving Sharleen and Nikki both date roses, Sharleen surprises Juan Pablo at his hotel room. She’s not interested in a late night swim like Clare Crawley was though, Sharleen actually goes to Juan Pablo’s hotel room to tell him that she is leaving, and quitting The Bachelor. After spending the day in Miami with Juan Pablo on a 1-on-1 date, Sharleen realized that she wasn’t that into him, so she opts to drop out of the race for the Final Rose.

After Sharleen Joynt quits The Bachelor, Juan Pablo still has to eliminate on more woman at the Final Rose Ceremony in Miami. Rumor has it the other woman to be eliminated from The Bachelor on Episode 7 will be Chelsie Webster.

After the Rose Ceremony in Miami Juan Pablo will only have four bachelorettes remaining: Renee Oteri, Nikki Ferrell, Clare Crawley, and Andi Dorfman, the next Bachelorette!

Amanda Austin:
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