The Bachelorette 2014 Spoilers ‘Men Tell All’ Season 10 Episode 10: Chris and Pat Fight – Marcus in Love with Andi Dorfman (VIDEO)

The Bachelorette 2014 Spoilers 'Men Tell All' Season 10 Episode 10: Chris and Pat Fight - Marcus in Love with Andi Dorfman (VIDEO)

Season 10 of The Bachelorette 2014 is rapidly winding down, and on July 14th Andi Dorfman narrowed her hunt for a future husband down to two guys, Josh Murray and Nick Viall. Unfortunately fans will have to wait two weeks for the finale to air on July 28th, and to find out whether Andi accepts a proposal from Josh or Nick. Episode 10 “Men Tell All” is scheduled to air on Monday, July 21st though, and according to Bachelorette spoilers Andi’s exes will take the stage with Chris Harrison and reveal all the juicy details that never made it to our TV screens.

The “Men Tell All” was actually just filmed on July 13th, but a spoiler video has already been released by ABC. In the spoiler video we catch a clip of Craig Muhlbauer making a fool of himself…again. Pat Jagodzinski is not a happy camper in the “Men Tell All” spoiler video and Chris Soules puts him in his place and calls him “sour grapes.” It will also be interesting to see Andrew Poole come face to face with Marquel Martin after he swore up and down that he never made any racist comments, but after the fact JJ posted a screenshot on Twitter proving that he Andrew had actually said something during the rose ceremony.

The other two members of the final four, who unfortunately didn’t make it to fantasy suite dates, Marcus Grodd and Chris Soules will also dish on their relationships with Andi, and whether or not they are still in love with The Bachelorette. Fans can also expect a portion of the show to most likely be dedicated to the one bachelor that won’t be appearing on the “Men Tell All,” Eric Hill. Rumor has it Bachelorette alum Chris Bukowsky will also crash the “Men Tell All,” which is ironic because he also tried to crash the season premiere.

So Bachelorette fans, are you excited for the “Men Tell All” episode on July 21st? Do you think the guys will have curse Andi out, or each other? Pat Jagodzinski seems pretty upset that he was sent home so early in the season, do you think Andi made the right decision sending him home? Let us know what you think in the comments below and don’t forget to check CDL for all of your Bachelorette spoilers and recaps.