The Blacklist Recap 1/13/14: Season 1 Episode 11 “The Good Samaritan Killer”

Tonight on NBC their new criminal drama, THE BLACKLIST starring James Spader continues with a new episode called, “The Good Samaritan Killer.” On tonight’s show a search for a mole puts the entire FBI team under investigation.  Meanwhile, a missing Red targets the person who betrayed him, and a serial killer from Liz’s past strikes again. .  Did you watch the last’s episode? We did and we recapped it right here for you!

On the last episode Liz (Megan Boone) infiltrated the blacksite and disarmed the signal jammers to call in backup but ran into trouble along the way. The fate of Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) hung in the balance as Red (James Spader) tried to bargain with Anslo Garrick (Richie Coster). Meanwhile, Tom (Ryan Eggold) became increasingly worried about Liz’ situation and the fate of Red was unknown. Harry Lennix and Parminder Nagra also starred.

On tonight’s show the entire FBI team is under investigation as internal affairs tries to find the mole. Elsewhere, Red (James Spader) is missing and conducts his own investigation into who betrayed him. Meanwhile, a serial killer from Liz’s (Megan Boone) past, “The Good Samaritan” (guest star Frank Whaley) strikes again. Liz is allowed to join the hunt for the killer as Cooper (Harry Lennix) knows Red will likely reach out to help knowing how much this unsolved case means to Liz. Diego Klattenhoff and Ryan Eggold also star.

Tonight’s episode of The Blacklist is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. So pop some popcorn, grab a snuggle buddy, and definitely tune into this hot new series! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know if you are excited about this new series.

RECAP: The show begins with a mother walking with her son Michael at a Chuckee Cheese of some sort, her name is Karen; she lets her son go play with the other kids and a man comes and talks to her offering her cake; she declines and goes to her car. When she arrives at her car she feels tired, she opens the door and falls out of the car and passes out; Karen wakes up on a doctor’s bed, a man seems to be operating on her or some sort. Karen is scared and asking where she is, the man is going to start with collapsing her left lung first; then he’s going to break the collar bone to cause’ severe pain. The man goes to a pay phone and calls the cops to tell them he’s done it again and walks off. Tom talks to Liz about applying for a job at Lincoln, he wants to just be a boring ordinary couple with none of what’s going on now. Tom is going to be leaving by plane; Liz says she needs to talk about them and their relationship. Liz talks to Harold about the recent case, saying it’s personal because it’s related to case she did before. Liz is being interrogated if she’s been in contact with Red, she declines. Ressler is asked about being in the box with Red, and then Malik and Aram are interrogated also. They’re being asked about the recent attack on their headquarters with the terrorist, they’re getting worried and taking severe precautions. Liz is talks to Ressler about the recent case, how the man never kills his victims; he just puts them under severe pain and then kills them. Ressler is going to stay with Michael, while Liz takes the father to confirm if the woman is his wife. Michael asks if his dad is in trouble and asks what happened to Ressler’s leg; the kid brings up how he broke his collarbone and wants his dad to come back. The man sees his wife at the morgue confirming it is her indeed, it then shows Red looking into a coffin asking a man for transportation, and it looks like its Luli’s casket. Red is at a bowling alley drinking some water, he drinks the water and throws it in the recycling; Red goes to the washroom to intercept a man to ask about a guy with the apple. Red interrogates the man in his car, he doesn’t know much about the man with the apple. Red decides to pay a visit to the hospital to talk to a women, who was on standby at a 48 hour window and she was paid for it. Red is looking for clues, he interrogates another man asking why he was targeted. Red ended up killing the people that he interrogated.

Liz finds a letter in a bouquet of roses, Red calls Liz and talks about the recent case of the women who was found dead; Red is calling because he may be able to help Liz solve the case, Liz tells her that the victim died in her arms. Liz can never see the pattern, Red says he knows about torture and knows that the killer might be hurting his victims not based on their life, but the people around them. Liz calls, Ressler, Malik and Aram that she’s got something on the case. Liz found out that all the injuries the son had, the mother was afflicted with by the killer. Harold wants Malik to gather intelligence on the others. Red walks in and says hello to Theodore shooting everyone else in the restaurant, he shoots Theodore in the leg and begins to torture him slightly by pouring alcohol on his leg while asking questions. Red wants to find out that Theodore’s banker is, Red starts to talk about his first time smoking a cigar while lighting one. He lights the cigar and then asks which of the five bankers are responsible, Theodore tells Red what he wants to know. Red pours the rest of the alcohol on Theodore and places the lit cigar in his mouth and then shoots him in the chest. Ressler and Liz are talking to Michael, they’re talking about how he obtained his broken bones, and the kid keeps saying they were accidents. Michael then admits that his mom was the one who gave him those injuries, his mother was abusing him for years; the mother was given the same injuries he suffered before dying. The killer is taking care of his mother at home, he tells her he’ll be home soon; but he needs to go. The doctor sees a woman who’s got tons of injuries on her,  she says she needs be more careful and looks at her boyfriend of some sort; the killer looks like he’s found his next victim. Red finds Henry, he talks to him about the recent case and what’s going on; Red knows who’s doing it, but to finish the job he needs Henry’s help because he was the bank. Henry says that this puts him in a real situation, he’ll do anything to help. Malik walks in to talk to Harold about an off shore account being used by some man, Harold tells her to bring him in. Malik goes to the man’s house, but he’s not home. Aram is brought to Red, Red wants Aram to steal more than a million dollars from a bank account and to send it into Red’s bank account. Red threatens to kill Aram if he does not go through with the task. Aram is quickly trying to finish the task Red gave him, while doing so Red is loading his gun and getting ready to shoot him; Aram finished his task right before Red was going to shoot him. Red give Aram a bullet from his gun as a souvenir and lets him go, looks like Aram was being set up to become a mole in the headquarters. A man is in a therapy, he’s talking about an anger that takes over him and it ends up beating his wife; one of the men there is the killer named Victor. Victor talks about how he was a victim, he refused to see his mother for ten years, during those years he figured out how to reconcile with his mother that has allowed them to move forward. Saying that now they’re extremely close. Victor talks to George saying what he said really touched him, Henry arrives home and sees Red’s hat hanging. Red came over to visit Henry; Red tells Henry that he knows what he’s done. Henry calls someone to let them know that Red is at his home, Henry’s wife arrives with the stroganoff; Red knows the cops are coming, Henry says he can’t say anything or he’ll be killed. Red shoots Henry in the leg, he wants to know names and tells Janice to be quiet. Janice doesn’t listen, so Red puts her in the closet. Red wants Henry to give him a name, or he will drag him to his trunk. Henry says Phillips, Red then apologizes to Janice and leaves. Victor tells his mother they’ve got another guest, he begins to talk to his mother; but reassures her he’ll be done in time for supper. Victor brings his mom in front of George, Victor introduces George to his mother. George is strapped to a chair.

Liz tells them that every victim had injuries that were the same as physical abuse they afflicted upon other family members, Carl Hoffman who was using Victor as an alias at the rehab for domestic violence has been suspected as the killer. Liz and Ressler talk to a nurse to ask about the recent patient Carl had, to see who’s going to be the next victim. Carl is now going to start torturing George, it turns out that Carl is doing this all because of how his own mom abused him as a kid. Carl now detaches George’s retina, Liz and Ressler go and speak to George’s wife to see where he went; his wife tells them both that he went to a classes to help with his domestic violence problems. Ressler and Liz talk to man who holds the classes and ask George if he was with someone, the man mentions the new member then they show a picture of Carl to the man who tells them that’s the new member who joined. George is still being tortured by Carl, luckily for George; Liz and Ressler show up at Carl’s home. Liz starts making her way into the back and catches Carl in the act of torture, Liz tells Carl to drop the hammer. Carl is about to kill his mother, but he ends up getting shot by Liz before he can do anything. Liz walks in on George who’s now in the hospital, she tells Melissa to leave so she can talk to George. Liz says that if George ever hurts Melissa again, she will find George and make him pay. Aram is now sent back to headquarters to Harold, Aram has evidence from Red; Aram about what went down. Red is sitting on a rock near water, pouring something in the water; Red sees Newton from afar and calls for him. Newton walks up next to Red, Newton asks if it’s finished, Red says that if Newton came to him he could have helped him and avoid this; but now they can’t. Newton mentions how they threatened his family, Red says he’ll take care of Newton’s family and whatever they need; he wants Red to make it look like an accident. Red tells Newton to look down at the water, Newton does as he says, and then Red puts a plastic bag over his head and chokes Newton to death. Liz hears her front door open, thinking its Tom; turns out its Red, he walks in and congratulates Liz on solving the case. Liz asks if this means Red is back, but he doesn’t know; he mentions how his house is clean and that hers is not. Red mentions that there’s someone on the inside, Liz tells Red welcome back and asks where he’s been. Red says he’s been out and about, when Liz asks if Red brought her anything and he says yes, it’s the next name on the Blacklist.

Dorothy Gale:
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