Human Rights Campaign Aligns With Russia’s LGBT Community In #LoveConquersHate Initiative As 2014 Sochi Olympics Approach

Human Rights Campaign Aligns With Russia's LGBT Community In #LoveConquersHate Initiative As 2014 Sochi Olympics Approach Human Rights Campaign Aligns With Russia's LGBT Community In #LoveConquersHate Initiative As 2014 Sochi Olympics Approach

The Human Rights Campaign has recently aligned its efforts with Russia’s LGBT community, which is currently embroiled in an arduous struggle with their government to repeal the recently enacted “anti-propaganda” law. As a result of this law, Russia has outlawed even the slightest gestures of public support for LGBT equality. With the 2014 Sochi Olympics quickly approaching, Russia has made it quite clear that this law will be reinforced throughout the country during the games and non-citizens caught violating this law will be subjected to deportation and/or jail time.

As many of you know, a large portion of our day here at CDL goes toward keeping you up-to-date with the latest Kardashian news and making sure you’ve got the scandalous details of Justin Bieber’s latest run-in with the law, but we thought we’d switch our hats for a moment and tell you about a wonderful campaign that landed in our inbox — and it’s just in time for Valentine’s Day!

Fueled by energy from global superstars including Madonna and Ricky Martin, HRC along with a vast array of celebrity supporters — including Chelsea Handler, Jonah Hill, Matt Damon, among others — is charting a path of justice for LGBT Russians. The net proceeds from the sales of HRC’s Russian Love Conquers Hate t-shirts will go directly to support advocates in Russia. You can purchase a t-shirt and donate to the campaign by CLICKING HERE — and don’t forget to tweet about this amazing social cause using #LoveConquersHate.

So when you’re trying to figure out what to get your loved one this Valentine’s Day, consider getting them an awesome t-shirt and making a wonderful donation to this cause in his or her name! Leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below. If you purchase one of these shirts, take a pic of your sexy self and send it to us via email or Twitter @celebdirtylaund. We’d love to see you rocking some equality.

Nicholas Sanford:
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