The Leftovers Recap 8/3/14: Season 1 Episode 6 “Guest”

Tonight on HBO is the much anticipated THE LEFTOVERS continues with another new episode. On tonight’s episode called, “Guest,” Nora goes to New York for the second annual Departure Related Occupations and Practices (DROP) conference, but discovers that someone else has her ID badge, so she searches the convention as a “Guest,” and has encounters with a salesman, an author and a rogue attendee.

On the last episode Laurie’s resolve was put to the test in the wake of a brutal hate crime. After his latest initiatives to maintain the peace in Mapleton fall short, Kevin turned down an outside offer to rid the town of its problems. Matt brought his pulpit to the street. Meg takes on a new role. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s show, Nora (Carrie Coon) takes care of unfinished business in Mapleton before heading to New York for the Second Annual DROP (Departure Related Occupations and Practices) conference. Upset that her ID has been pinched, she scours the convention for her imposter while wearing a “Guest” badge, and ends up getting detoured by an amorous salesman, a bestselling author and a rogue attendee.

Tonight’s season 1 episode 6 is going to be an exciting one, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of HBO’s The Leftovers tonight at 10 PM EST!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Nora Durst likes to pretend. She continues to buy groceries for her children even though they’re no longer there to enjoy it. But after spending hours listening to other people that have lost someone – she needed her quirks. So she pretends she still has a family and in her darkest moments she hires prostitutes to come to her house and shoot her.

Although, not before she makes sure to secure the area. Because you see Nora is not suicidal. She makes these ladies shoot her in a specific place while she’s wearing Kevlar and despite the way most of these people are inexperienced – she trusts them not to kill her. Or, for that matter, rob her.

She turns up her stereo and inflates a portable bed for her landing place all in preparation. Then she gets shot and after a few seconds of unconsciousness she wakes up ready to make another “appointment”. And it’s weird. So weird that the ladies she hires tend not to make a second appearance. Apparently, the money isn’t worth it and they rather go back to hooking.

In amidst of her strange behavior, Nora does something sensible. Like getting a divorce. Her husband was one of the departed and prior to his disappearance she knew for a fact he was sleeping with her children’s preschool teacher. That’s why she’s getting the divorce.

There really isn’t a point to get one now but it gives her a chance to start over if she’s ever strong enough to take it that it. And while she was there at the courthouse she happened to run into Kevin. He was there seeking a divorce as well. He realized it was time to let go of his cult nut of a wife and though he was a bit late to the conclusion – he already seems at peace with the decision.

When Nora saw him, she tried talking him into having a drink and regrettably it didn’t work out. However her first foray back into social niceties was given a second chance when she went out of town for a conference.

[8/3/2014 11:56:29 PM] Kristine Francis: Not only did it force her out of her comfort zone but she met someone. His name was Marcus and, sure, he was married. As if simply thing like a ring was going to stop her from flirting with him. He was fun and unpredictable so she enjoyed herself with him without pushing things too far. And in return, she work hung-over and in trouble.

Someone had stolen her ID badge and used it to get into her conference. Yet the second Nora couldn’t stop herself from making a scene leading up to the conference so the real Nora was nearly thrown out of the hotel. The real one manages to convince the security team to let her back but she honestly didn’t have any fight left in her to sit on anyone’s panel. So she turned to drinking and when that didn’t work in erasing her horrible day – she got mean!

Some guy, Patrick Johanson, tried to sympathize with her situation and she turned on him like a wounded beast. A second man approached her soon afterwards and told Nora that he could help her prove Johanson is a fake. And like a gullible she followed this stranger to an apartment where she got to meet Wayne as in the prophet Wayne.

For the right amount transferred into his back account, Wayne was able to take away her pain.

It actually worked too. She was a totally different person after meeting Wayne. She smiled more and upon going back home – she made a date with Kevin. He’s single and she’s single so they both said “why not”?

Though could anything be that simply? Did Wayne remove her pain or did he have her so convinced that she let go of wallowing in self-pity due to the mere power of suggestion?


Kristine Francis:
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