The Millionaire Matchmaker RECAP 1/2/14: Season 7 Episode 5 “The Late Bloomer And The Gay Hugh Hefner”

Tonight on Bravo The Millionaire Matchmaker returns with a brand new episode.  On tonight’s show called, “The Late Bloomer And The Gay Hugh Hefner,”  and on tonight’s episode its a double gay episode as Patti looks for appropriate gay men and lesbians for her two famous clients!  Did you watch last week’s episode?  We did and we recapped it right here for you.

On last week’s episode thirty-seven-year-old Joe Bayen was raised in Paris and had a net worth of $40 million. The entrepreneur and former champion runner wanted to settle down and have a family, but he keeps traveling the globe for business. Patti’s second millionaire last week was Florida lawyer Frank Cerino. All the women Frank met can’t reach his “great expectations.” Last week held a twist, as one millionaire backed out before his mixer, forcing Patti to help out a third client, Teague Eagan, who made his fortune in music and sports.

On tonight’s episode Rosie Pierri is a 46-year-old Furniture Project Manager whose sister, Kathy Wakile, is on The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Patti’s second millionaire this week, Andrew Christian, 35, is a famous underwear designer who is looking for his special mate. A double gay episode as Patti and her new assistants look for appropriate gay men and lesbians for their two famous clients!

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed one, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Bravos’ The Millionaire Matchmaker Season 7 episode 5 – tonight at 8PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the new episode of TMM tonight.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

On tonight’s episode before Patti can start helping others find love; she first has to work on her relationship with David. They have two different ways of going about expressing themselves. Patti puts it down as a culture difference. They’ll work it out eventually.

Now, moving on to business. They have a new client that maybe too good to be true. Andrew Christian at 35 is looking for love but he’s had a lot of offers. He’s a designer and he does like to hang around the models and occasionally become friends. Frankly his search should have ended there but he feels like a lot of the models he’s around would try to use him to get further in the business or they’re looking for a sugar daddy. Patti already thinks fixing him will be difficult.

Her next match of the week is more of a personal favor. A close friend of hers, Kathy Wakile, went to Patti for help with her sister, Rosie. Rosie at an older age is put at much more of a disadvantage than any other of Patti’s clients.  Still upon Rosie, Pattie learned Rosie is at least sensible to her situation. She’s looking for romance and at the same time she doesn’t want any young un-established girl. She wants to meet a mature woman and Patti believes the best way for an introduction would be a dinner mixer. For extra help though Patti will be calling in Kathy and her husband to help recruit the perfect woman for Rosie.

Patti has to check with Andrew the designer. She heard he has a playboy reputation around time and she needed to clarify her rules for him. After meeting him she came to realize he isn’t that much of a gay Hugh Hefner as his reputation claims. He was in a serious relationship that lasted 7 years and like Rosie he’s been gun shy ever since. So he’ll get to enjoy the big gay mixer Patti is hosting.

Recruiting is proving to be a problem. Patti left Justin in charge of picking the lesbians and he nearly failed. He picked several body builders and bi-sexuals. Rosie doesn’t need someone butch. She’ll be the butch on in the relationship.  As for the women who’ll swing either way that’s not what Rosie needs. She doesn’t need the relationship not to work out and then out of nowhere catch her ex dating a guy. They do find some candidates but Justin has been warned his job is on the line.

Recruiting for Andrew goes much better. Thankfully David was in charge and he picked nothing but top notch for their client. All smart, handsome, and well employed. She picked the top 3 and added a fourth as sort of a test. She got someone to fill in the role of bimbo to see if Andrew really did mean it when he said he was looking for the more mature guy.

The meet and greet goes well for everyone and even Patti finds enjoyment hanging out with the groups. Later Andrew chose Daniel for his goofy personality. He passed the bimbo test there and Rosie chose Guinevere. Guinevere was Patti added pick. She was mature older woman that was also laid-back just the way Rosie likes it.

For their date, Rosie chose to take Guinevere kayaking which wouldn’t have been such a bad idea if her date wasn’t wearing heels and a dress. Then the date nearly goes downhill when Rosie, being her ever loving uncouth self, started to draw unfair comparisons between them. She claimed what Guinevere was doing as in her job wasn’t as serious as her own. Guinevere after all is only a writer. Yet her date holds on and refuses to be a push over. The date does move to better prospects though. All it took was for Rosie to relax and just let the date be.

Andrew is enjoying his date with Daniel. He actually became worried if he was enjoying too much. As a surprise Andrew took Daniel to his fashion show. He wanted to see if Daniel could deal with is lifestyle and Daniel appeared to fit right in. Andrew had Daniel model in underwear and he came out unscathed.

Although they enjoyed their date, Rosie and Guinevere aren’t really looking forward to a second date. Still it got Rosie to feel comfortable about dating again which was good. As for Andrew and Daniel; they already have their second date planned. Patti was angry Andrew chose to test Daniel but she’s happy with the results. It seems she made a match. The two are still together and in a relationship.


Kristine Francis:
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