The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills RECAP 2/3/14: Season 4 Episode 14 “The Birthday Witch”

THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF BEVERLY HILLS returns to Bravo tonight for a whole new episode called, “The Birthday Witch.”  On tonight’s show Kyle and Mauricio’s birthday party descends into drama when Carlton and Kyle face off over religion.  Did you watch last week’s episode?  We did and we recapped it right here for you.

On last week’s episode Carlton welcomed the women to her annual pool party, a wild blow-out featuring naked women and naughty gift bags. Later, Yolanda invited the ladies to her home, but when Lisa canceled at the last minute, Yolanda questioned their friendship. And when Joyce said she didn’t believe in witchcraft, Carlton warned her to see what happens once she got home – and something does!

On tonight’s episode Joyce confronts Carlton about potentially putting a spell on Joyce’s husband — which Carlton vehemently denies. Lisa and Kyle plan a joint birthday party for their husbands, but the party devolves into drama when Carlton brings up the ways in which Kyle has offended her.

Tonight’s episode is going to be filled with the usual Housewife drama and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of the show tonight at 8 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the new season of  “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills!”  Also we have a sneak peek video of tonight’s show below!

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On tonight’s episode of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Lisa and Kyle have gotten on such good terms that they’ve decided to become best friends again. Like Brandi said these two are on-again and off-again but if their husbands are lucky enough these women will keep up their friendship at least until after their joint party is over. And the only way to maintain relationships with these kind of women is to knock back the other friendships that might overshadow their own on again stage. Yolanda won’t be able to make it the party and not because of any leftover anger from when Lisa ditched her. No, Yolanda happens to be attending her step-daughter’s wedding that day. It will be a huge event and Kyle can’t help pointing out that Lisa didn’t get an invite. So much for the “dream team”.

Brandi’s second book is underway and all she has to do is make her new editor happy. She loved her last one but he was too tame for her. Her new editor on the other hand happens to be very bossy. Brandi was shooting photos for her book cover and her boss wanted to decide everything. She picked the dress and made the design team follow what she was envisioning. That’s how Brandi’s photo which was supposed to show her softer maternal side ended up looking like she was ready for a one night stand.

Joyce is still reeling from Carlton’s alleged acts of witchcraft. Last week the reality star made an offhand remark towards Joyce that for all appearances everyone took as joke. But Joyce stop finding in funny when she returned home only to find her husband grievously ill. So she met with Carlton for lunch. Joyce wanted to know if Carlton did something to her family. The other woman reassured her that she never put a curse on Michael.

Carlton swears she stopped practicing dark magic a long time ago when she began having children. She didn’t want that negative energy around her family and Joyce doesn’t need to worry about her own. Usually Carlton would be offended if it someone else, namely Kyle, that thought she cursed someone but she’s not upset with Joyce. She feels that Joyce is only naïve. Carlton doesn’t think she met any disrespect by basically accusing her of paranormal assault.

Lisa and Kyle are throwing a joint birthday party in honor of their husbands although their tastes couldn’t be farther apart. Even their party planners are completely different. Kyle’s is more laid back while Lisa has Kevin Lee. He’s dramatic and tends to do over the top really well. Lisa was worried Kevin might begin pushing the budget but she should have made sure he didn’t push Kyle. Later, Kyle shows up late at a party she’s supposed to be co-hosting. That’s how she chooses to be passive aggressive.

Both women didn’t want their party in any way resembling Carlton’s and yet Lisa accidently hired two women that kept dancing in her pool. She told Kevin she wanted synchronized swimmers and she got dancers. Apparently Kevin misunderstood her directions. Though he did make it up to her. He and one of her bartenders jumped into the pool with the dancers and no one that arrived at the party ever suspected they would be seeing Kevin’s underwear. It was interesting.

The party is going along smoothly. Everyone appears to be enjoying themselves and even the toasts from Lisa and Kyle to their husbands were quite lovely. There was even a very cheesy son dedicated to both men that drew a couple of laughs.

Brandi managed to side step an awkward moment with her ex-husband’s former mistress Scheana. She did this right before she walked into an uncomfortable discussion with Kyle. Kyle liked Brandi and JR together. The two were both invited and decided to come together. It was nothing big in their on-again and off-again relationship but Kyle took it to mean something. She warned JR that Brandi tends to put up walls around herself when she gets too scared. Kyle wanted JR to keep pushing a relationship even though he might run into these walls. Well, funnily enough Brandi said its JR’s defense mechanism that stops them from settling into a relationship.

Still this wasn’t what caused drama at the party. That was Carlton and Kyle’s interaction. Carlton is touchy when it comes to Kyle. She felt that Kyle was talking crap about her and then one of her friends confirmed she overheard something Kyle say something nasty at the party. Kyle had said “eww” about her bathroom. Carlton automatically got offended before she heard the real story. Someone had crapped in her toilet and didn’t flush. Anyone who has seen that would have said “eww” too.

As for the whole pentagram tattoo. At first glance a converted Jewish person might think it was the Star of David. After all she did see crucifixes up at Carlton’s house. Carlton thought Kyle was just being nasty and so Kyle said she could throw around words too. She called Carlton “anti-Semetic”. It was wrong of her but she was pushed too far. This was her husband’s birthday party and an acquaintance tried to attack her in front of everyone.

Carlton and her husband ended up leaving the party early. Lisa tried to talk them into staying but they had mind up their mind.

Kristine Francis:
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