True Tori LIVE RECAP: ‘Another Bump in the Road’ Season 1 Episode 4

True Tori LIVE RECAP: 'Another Bump in the Road' Season 1 Episode 4

True Tori returns on Lifetime tonight, the episode is called “Another Bump in the Road”  the marriage of Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott is chronicled, as tabloids speculate about the couple’s future.

Last week, Tori Spelling’s husband, Dean McDermott, was back home with his family, but that didn’t mean there weren’t still a variety of issues the two needed to work out.  Dr. Wexler, the therapist the two were seeing to work on their marriage, came to the house and urged the two of them to be honest with each other. Dean says cheating on Tori made him “feel shame,” which he had never felt before. He was very angry and Tori was distraught and crying; she couldn’t believe she was living with such a good actor – Dean played her.  Did you watch last week’s episode?  If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode we are in store for another drama-filled episode of True Tori! During one of their therapy sessions, Dean McDermott explains that he felt ignored by his wife, Tori Spelling, when he left to go to Toronto, Canada — where he ultimately cheated on her right before the New Year. Tori is so mad that she says “It Makes Me Want to F—king Punch You Right Now.”

We hope you stop by for this cool new show! We loved Tori & Dean: In Love and are really excited to see how this show further explores their relationship. Make sure to come back here later tonight at 10 PM EST for your LIVE recap. In the meantime hit up our comments section and tell us your thoughts on the about this new show.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Tori looks through photos and says she and Dean used to be a PDA couple always touching. She wonders what it would take to get back to that. She says she gave her heart to Dean and now she’s back to being guarded. He’s been home six months from his three months in rehab and they’re working on saving their marriage. She says she doesn’t know how to get that trust back. She says she and Dean have been married seven years and have four kids.

She says in one moment their fairytale changed but she knows their marriage can work and their love can survive. This is her true story. She says in therapy that she was at a Christmas even with her kids when Dean was off cheating. Dean says he feels like shame like he never has before. Dr. Wexler asks him to go on. He says it was disgusting that she was at a Christmas event while he was f-ing around.

The doc asks if he’s going to hurt himself and says he needs to show Tori that he won’t go down the rabbit hole. She asks him to come back to the present and open his eyes. She tells him to open his eyes and look around and says it will help. He does but he looks devastated. He tells Tori it’s okay and she says it’s not. She says once the cameras leave it won’t be okay.

Wexler says he needs to bring his sponsor over to stay the night. Tori is freaking out and says it was just like when he had the breakdown and was contemplating suicide. Tori says this is all the same. She says she won’t talk about her feelings if it will take him there. She asks if three months way enough and he says it was very intense.

The doc asks if he thinks his kids would be better off with or without him and he says with. Tori says he’s people pleasing because they have people there. Dean says he’s being honest and Wexler says this is the process of healing. The producers talk to Wexler privately to ask if Dean is okay to keep filming or may harm himself.

Tori says she knows his life is at stake and worries that they shouldn’t be doing this. She says she did the show to tell her story but didn’t know how it would impact Dean. He asks her when she’ll believe that it will be okay. She says she doesn’t know. Dean says he wants to know what she’s feeling so he can feel what she felt. Dean says she hasn’t told him her feelings in a long time because he keeps shutting down.

He says he needs to go there so they can get through it and says she needs to lay it on him. Dean goes to a meeting while Tori’s friend Mehran comes over. She tells Mehran about the session and how Dean freaked out and she worried that he was about to have another breakdown. He worries that her talking about her feelings is triggering him and then she has to pull back again.

Tori says she won’t put his life at stake but Mehran says she has to be able to voice her opinion. She says she needs to be able to be mad, angry and sad. He says her not being able to do that is holding the process back. Mehran says she can’t make any decisions until she gets it all out. Tori says if she can’t find her voice the rest of their lives won’t be great.

She says Dean needs to hear her without falling apart. She says they can’t move forward without this and it needs to start now. Dean was working on his cooking show when he cheated on Tori and just found out that Chopped: Canada has been renewed and he has to go back to Toronto for two months to film where he cheated on her.

Dean calls Wolf for advice. He tells him about the renewal but isn’t sure he should go back to the scene of the crime. Wolf says it’s a tough call because it’s a good opportunity but it will be a trust issue for Tori. Dean says he knows if he drinks, drugs or cheats he’ll lose everything. Wolf says this is a chance to prove he can be good and strong. He tells him to go do the show and be strong. He tells Dean it won’t be easy but he has to do it. He says to man up and not lie. Dean says it’s man up time and thanks Wolf.

Dean is worried about telling Tori and says he has to talk to her soon because time is running out. Dean and Tori get out a water toy for their kids. He tells her that his show got picked up. She asks when he found out and he says two days ago. She’s not happy with this news because they’re working on their marriage and the kids just got him back after three months at rehab.

Tori says she assumed after what happened he would never go back to Toronto. She asks why they would hire him back and he says he doesn’t know because of all his problems. He says he can try to move it to Vancouver. His filming starts the same week as Mystery Girls, her new project with Jennie Garth. She says it seems like there are no consequences to his actions.

She says he keeps winning and Dean says he lost his self esteem and lost respect from her, the most important person in the world to him. He says he knows he needs to man up. Tori asks if she can say how it makes her feel. She says bad things keep happening to her and she has no choice. She’s mad about having to work full time and take care of the kids. She says it’s a no win. She says she can’t tell him he can’t go or he’ll resent her and he says or he can go and she can resent him and she says yes – that’s how the story goes.

Tori talks about how he can go and not think she would resent him. The producers ask what’s more important the job or her marriage and she says they’re blurring together. She says if he chooses his career, their marriage is over. She says if he goes their relationship will crumble and asks what happens now. Tori comes home from work and finds out Liam didn’t go to school but got a haircut.

She asks Dean about the haircut. She says it seems impulsive and he wants to give her some background. She’s upset that he never took Liam to school. He says he picked him up and put him in the shower and he says that Liam was kicking and punching him and told him he hated him. Tori says she’s never heard him say hate.

Dean says he couldn’t get the brush through his hair. He says she’s finding fault with him and says he can’t take him to get a haircut on the weekend when it’s crowded. She says he should have talked to her and they should have decided as a family. He tells her sometimes a haircut is just a haircut. Tori says it’s too soon for him to go away. He tells her to say no if she doesn’t want him to go and says she didn’t tell him how she felt for eight years.

She says when she tells him he screams. He says he’s sorry about the haircut and is going to call his agent and try to get out of it. She yells at him to keep his voice down because the babies are sleeping. She tells him to talk to him like a human and she’s getting shrieky. She says he only stopped when she raised her voice. He says he doesn’t know what the f- she wants from him and he walks out. She sends a producer after him. Dean says that she’s so controlling and that he can’t handle it. He says she makes it like he’s always wrong and that he doesn’t think he wants to be in this marriage anymore.

They go back to see Dr Wexler at her office. Dean tells her that they renewed his show and Tori says she’s always wanted him to have his own career and pushed him to go to culinary school. She says she can’t tell him not to go but the wife and mother in her doesn’t want him to go. She says bad things always happen in Toronto.

Wexler asks if she’s afraid he will cheat on her again. Tori says there are so many triggers many things could happen. She says his life was at stake and then three months later he wants to go back to where this all started. Dean says he can get triggered anywhere. He says he is never, ever, ever cheating again and he doesn’t want the drink or drugs.

Wexler asks if she doesn’t want him to go and Tori says there is no choice. Tori says this is putting their marriage at risk and Dean says he won’t go but she pulls a face and he says he can’t win. She says while he’s gone she’ll live in fear for every moment. He says he will call his agent and she says how did he not know she would feel this way. He says she’s stronger than 10 men and Wexler says she’s not. Tori says he doesn’t understand and he’s done this their whole relationship. He asks why she’s with him if he’s so awful.

He says when she’s crying he feels for her but there’s nothing he can say to her. Tori says she’s waiting on him to nurture her. She says she never got that growing up and that’s what she needs. Dean’s mom was sick when he was growing up and that’s a trigger for him because she was so dependent on him. Wexler asks what if he can’t fulfill that need. Tori says he did when they first got together and that’s why she chose him.

Wexler says a marital myth is that you can marry someone that will meet all your needs. The doc tells Dean he needs to stop and think about how it will affect Tori before he makes a move. He says he doesn’t have the ability to nurture but he wants to do this for her and hopes Tori gives him the chance to do it.

Dean says he realizes Tori needs to be taken care of. He goes to a frame shop and says he wants to mark on a map the places they’ve been and that are important to them. The clerk says they can add little flags of special events. He tells her about Scotland and other places they’ve been and says they conceived one of their children in Toronto. He says to make that “made Stella” and marks the others for her. The clerk asks if it’s a special occasion and he says he did something unforgivable and needs to do something for his wife. He tells her he needs it yesterday and she says she’ll drop everything and work on it.

Dean is going to surprise Tori and the kids with two bearded dragon lizards. He buys the reptiles and the supplies. He checks with Tori first before he does it. He shows the two little lizards he’s got. The kids are fussing while Tori tries to diaper Hattie. Liam comes in and says he’s doctor cheese. He’s a doc that takes care of sick and broken cheese.

He asks Tori how the birthday party was and she says it was good except for the paparazzi stalking her. She says it was embarrassing in front of the other moms. Dean asks the kids to sit on the couch and tells them to close their eyes. He brings out the cage and sets it down. They scream lizards and run to look. They want to hold them.

He tells them that one has a bad eye and one a bad foot that were returned to the store. The kids want them in their room and Tori says if they start sleeping in their room again they can have them there. Tori talks about how much she loves animals being part of their family and says she loves that he thought of that. She comes and thanks Dean and tells him good job on getting those for them.

Dean has now been home 11 days and he and Tori are meeting for meditation and stress therapy. Paparazzi are outside taking pics. They are Patti’s studio and Tori says she met her years ago when she was sick. Tori says the shutterbugs were yelling at her to take her shoes off. Dean and Patti laugh. Tori says she practices Reiki and has been a huge influence in her life.

Patti says it could be a bad thing or the best thing. Dean says it was bad but Patti says it could bring them to a closeness and Tori says they would have just kept going. Patti says it’s not can I trust but do I trust. Tori says she’s never trusted and Dean says God told him that he can’t keep hurting the people he loves. Patti does a reiki session with each of them.

She tells Tori that if she thinks he has what it takes she has to have the courage to trust him and try. Patti says it’s like seasons that come and go. Tori says he’s going back to Canada for two months and says something bad is going to happen. She tells Tori that’s a self fulfilling prophecy. She does a stress relief exercise with Patti.

Tori says she knows reiki seems unconventional but it helps her. Patti tells her to focus on herself and let Dean work on himself. They hug and Patti says little by little by little is what trust is built on. It’s Dean’s turn. Patti takes him back to November when he was enjoying success and he says he thinks he was going to get found out as a fraud. She works with him to confront these fears.

She asks why he doesn’t deserve Tori and the kids and a good family. She asks where it comes from and he says it was his dad and that he was never enough for him. She does the fear exercise again and he repeats that he will make it better every day. Dean sets up a place to eat sushi for he and Tori. He lights a nice fire and tells the kids to head upstairs while he finishes the surprise for Tori.

He says he knows there are a lot of issues about going to Canada for the show. He prepares homemade sushi for Tori and says it’s good. Tori comes in and she apologizes for being late. He tells her not to come in and says to go sit by the fire and relax. He tells her to close her eyes and then he brings in the sushi. He says the kids are in bed so wanted to pamper her.

She asks if he gave her an oyster because it’s an aphrodisiac and he says he put it there because she likes oysters. She’s angry that these good moments are coming up now because something bad happened and he’s trying to make up for it. He gives her a wrapped present and tells her he loves her and wants to pamper and nurture her. She thanks him.

She opens the first one and it’s massage oil for her feet. Then she looks and says it’s personal lubricant. She thinks he bought her lube and he says it’s lavender massage oil. She’s not so sure. Then she opens the other present – the map of all their special places. She says there is a lot of Canada on here. She thanks him and says it’s sweet. She says she hopes moments like this won’t stop when there’s not a camera filming it.

He says they won’t stop. He says he doesn’t want to be a checked out husband or dad that’s escaping his responsibilities. He says he has 40 years of bad traits he needs to change. Tori tells him that once she’s done she’ll walk away and he says he doesn’t want that. He says he loves her and doesn’t want to lose her. Tori cries and says he broke her heart and humiliated her in front of the world. Dean tells her he owes her a lifetime of apologies and owes her a husband. She says – and then some. He repeats this nodding in agreement.

Tori says she feels like she really talked to him and that he really heard her. She says she deserves to be happy. She tells Dean that her heart can’t take any more and that it has to change. He says it will. She wipes away her tears.