The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Adam Newman Reads a Newspaper – Chloe Slaps Chelsea and They Fight – Lauren Collapses and is Rushed To Hospital

The powers that be at The Young and the Restless have been teasing fans with spoilers about an epic fashion show in Genoa City for months, and it has finally arrived. And, for once they weren’t bluffing, tomorrow’s episode of Y&R will be insane!

Tension has been mounting between ex BFF’s Chelsea and Chloe for months. We all knew their friendship was pretty much doomed when it was revealed that Chelsea’s husband Adam Newman (Michael Muhney) was the hit and run driver that allegedly killed Chloe’s young daughter Delia. Chelsea and Chloe’s friendship and business partnership reached a new level of irreparablity when Chloe had a slight mental breakdown and proceeded to kidnap Chelsea’s infant son Connor and jet off to Paris with him. It was clear there was no way they would be able to return to the way they used to be after Chloe handed Connor back over to Chelsea, because Chelsea had her arrested and filed for a restraining order against her.

One big spoiler for the April 11 show is that we get to see what we believe to be is Adam’s very much alive hand! Chelsea is refused a viewing of Adam’s body at the morgue being told it’s too badly burned and upsetting to view. They then show Adam – at least WE THINK they do… there is a shot of a newspaper with a hand with a wedding ring holding it – we are led to believe this is Adam’s hand wearing his wedding ring! Adam (we believe) is looking at the paper and  his gaze stops at a picture of Chelsea!!

Chelsea and Chloe’s friendship isn’t the only thing that has suffered over the course of the last few months, their business relationship has also taken a serious hit. Before Delia’s death and Connor’s kidnapping Chelsea and Chloe were actually co-owners of a fashion company. Since Chloe’s meltdown and arrest, Chelsea has been clearly attempting to ice Chloe out of the business. The highly anticipated fashion show in Genoa City tomorrow on The Young and the Restless is featuring Chelsea’s designs for a new line she is working on. Chloe is less than thrilled that Chelsea is now creating new designs without her and not including her.

All of the drama between Chelsea and Chloe finally comes to a head in the middle of the fashion show when Chloe intentionally changes some of the earrings on the models that Chelsea has chosen for the fashion show. Chelsea calls her out on it, and Chloe launches a full-blown verbal attack on Chelsea and tells her that she is happy her husband Adam Newman is dead because he killed Delia and didn’t even show any remorse. Chelsea lashes back and accuses Chloe of using her daughter Delia’s death as an excuse so that people will feel sorry for. Chloe then snaps on Chelsea and hits her, the situation escalates into a no holds bar brawl between the two girls at the fashion show.

While Kevin and other residents of Genoa City try to break up Chelsea and Chloe’s cat-fight, pregnant Lauren passes out in another room while getting ready for the fashion show and Michael rushes her to the hospital. There has been speculation over whether the baby Lauren is carrying belongs to Carmine or Michael and whether she is too old to be having children. All of those questions could quickly become irrelevant, there is a good chance Lauren may lose the baby and have a miscarriage before she ever has to worry about the paternity.

So, Y&R fans, are you Team Chelsea or Team Chloe? Elizabeth Hendrickson recently revealed that she is not renewing her contract on The Young and the Restless, do you think the writers will use her recent outburst as a way to write her off the show and ship her off to prison or a mental hospital? And, what do you think is going on with Lauren? Share your thoughts and theories in the comment section below and don’t forget to check CDL tomorrow for more The Young and the Restless spoilers.

Amanda Austin:
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