American Idol 2015 Recap – Hollywood Week #3: Season 14 Episode 11

American Idol 2015 Recap - Hollywood Week #3: Season 14 Episode 11American Idol 2015 Recap - Hollywood Week #3: Season 14 Episode 11

It’s another exciting night of American Idol on FOX with an all new Wednesday February 11, season 14 Episode 11 called “Hollywood Week #3” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Hollywood Week continues as the contestants perform solos.

On the last episode, the search for the next American Idol continued with the iconic Hollywood Week. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the FOX synopsis “don’t miss a second as the contestants perform solos one more time before the next round of eliminations. Host Ryan Seacrest and judges Jennifer Lopez, Keith Urban and Harry Connick, Jr., continue the search for the next superstar!”

Tonight’s show is going to be an exciting one, which I’m not going to miss and neither should you. Tune in tonight at 8 PM EST! Celeb Dirty Laundry is your go to place for all the up-to-date American Idol News and we’ll be recapping the finale right here for you. Do you have a favorite to win? Hit up the comments and let us know who you really like!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode of American Idol kicks off in Hollywood Week – and another round of grueling group performances. The American Idol judges, Jennifer Lopez, Keith Urban, and Harry Connick Jr. head to the theater for the TV show’s notorious “group day.” The remaining contestants have been rehearsing all night with complete strangers trying to master the songs that they selected.

The group challenge can really make or break you, and that reigned true for Louisiana native Alexis Granville – when her group took the stage Alexis fainted and had to be treated for an anxiety attack. Once Alexis is treated by the paramedics and given the all clear, she heads back on stage to perform with her group which consists of Alexis, Sal Vallentini, Jax, and Kelly. After their performance – the judges announce that Sal and Kelly have been eliminated and Alexis and Jax are going through to the next round.

Emily Brooke is feeling under the weather too and has been vomiting all day with food poisoning, but she takes the stage with her group and sucks it up so that they can perform for the American Idol judges. They are shocked when Harry, Jennifer Lopez, and Keith announce that they are all going through to the next round.

“Boulevard” is a little different than the other American Idol groups performing this week – they actually all know each other and go to college together at Beaumont. Rayvon Owen, Piper Jones, and their classmates perform a rendition of Kelly Clarkson’s “Since You’ve Been Gone.” Harry gushes that it was a perfect song choice for them and it was his favorite performance of the day. Jennifer Lopez announces that there is no question about it – all four of them are going through to the next round.

Adanna Duru, Cindy Maslov, Denise Natoli, and Camilla Peruto take the stage next to perform – and the judges are unimpressed. Keith tells them that when they pick a song they should really pick one that “plays to everyone’s strengths.” After careful consideration Jennifer announces that Cindy and Adanna are going through to the next round, and Denise and Cindy are eliminated.

Trevor Douglas, Qaasim Middleton, Daniel Seavey, and Savio Wright take the stage next and announce that their group is called “Ladies Keep Your Clothes On Please.” They serenade the judges with their own rendition and beat boxing version of “Story Of My Life.” Jennifer gushes that their performance was really fun and she “heard some beautiful things.” The American Idol judges announce that Trevor, Qaasim, Daniel, and Savion are all going through to the next round.

“Team No Sleep” is the next group to perform, and they have been up all night arguing with each other, and their team captain Hollywood Anderson barely rehearsed because he was too busy flirting with all of the other American Idol contestants. Hollywood, Laurel, Amber Kelechi, Monica, and Brittany perform a rendition of Bruno Mars’s “Grenade.” Afterwards the judges announce that Hollywood and Monica are going through – but Laurel, Amber, and Brittany are eliminated.

“Ricky’s Crew” performs a shaky rendition of a Selena Gomez song – the judges don’t seem too impressed and afterwards they announce that the only contestant going through is Tanya Makenna – everyone else in the group has been eliminated and is going home.

“Team Soul Connection,” has been bickering all night – Heather Lee informed the producers that she needed a new group or else she was quitting, she sobs to them that the other girls have been ganging up on her and starting drama. The producers inform Heather that there is no more time, and she will have to perform with Adrianna, Erica, and Serena Joy. They take the stage and perform “Grenade” for the American Idol judges. After they sing the American Idol judges announce that Heather Lee is eliminated and Serena, Erika, and Adrianna are going through to the next round.

Up next is “Garrett’s Girls,” which includes Garrett Miles – who has gained a lot of attention over the last few weeks because he is legally blind and his father has been helping him through the performances. Unfortunately, this is the end of the line for Garrett – and the American Idol judges inform him that he has been eliminated and is going home.

The final group to perform is made up of: Joey Cook, Shannon Berthiaume, Naomi Tatsuoka. Even though Joey forgot the lyrics the judges are amazed with the fact that she kept ther performance going. The judges announce that they are all going through to the next round!



Amanda Austin:
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