Angelina Jolie Linked To Jon Voight Gal Pal Suicide Shocker Tabloid Story – The Bogus Details Here!

Angelina Jolie Linked To Jon Voight Gal Pal Suicide Shocker Tabloid Story - The Bogus Details Here!Angelina Jolie Linked To Jon Voight Gal Pal Suicide Shocker Tabloid Story - The Bogus Details Here!

The National Enquirer will use any excuse to connect Angelina Jolie’s name to a shocking story, including a suicide of Jon Voight’s ‘gal pal’ decades ago. In fact, the tabloid tried to sell the story as Angelina Jolie’s ‘suicide shocker‘, when in fact they should have sold it as Jon Voight’s friends’ ‘suicide shocker’. The barest of connections exist between the suicide and Angelina Jolie, but that doesn’t matter – they need eyeballs, right?

Anyway, Jon Voight and this mystery ‘gal pal’ named Julie ‘Cindy’ Jones were living together in 1991, and Cindy apparently killed herself with a bullet to her chest. This is sadly nothing new in Hollywood, where many a person has killed themselves over drugs, depression, or mental health issues.

Jon Voight reportedly discovered the body and alerted the authorities, and now decades later, is speaking about the incident. He told the Enquirer, “She was a troubled soul and I did try to help her – just like dozens of other people who were suffering that I’ve tried to help. It’s a very sad thing that happened. She took her life – and I knew her. The girl tragically killed herself.”

I’m not sure why Jon felt the need to reaffirm his involvement to the Enquirer, of all tabloids. But then again, Jon Voight never had the good sense to avoid tabloid interviews, which is one of the reasons he remained ostracized from his daughter for so long. Again, the only connection between Angelina Jolie and this Julie ‘Cindy’ Jones is Jon Voight – and the report goes out of its way to explain that Angelina might have known this woman and met her a few times, but that was it.

Plus, now that there are new eyeballs on the investigation and the story, people are questioning what Cindy’s motivation was to kill herself. We might find out in the future, or we might not – but either way, Angelina Jolie’s got nothing to do with it.


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