Aquarius Recap and Spoilers – Nixon and Manson: Season 1 Episode 8 “Sick City”

Aquarius Recap and Spoilers - Nixon and Manson: Season 1 Episode 8 "Sick City"Aquarius Recap and Spoilers - Nixon and Manson: Season 1 Episode 8 "Sick City"

Tonight on NBC the all new show Aquarius airs with an all new Thursday July 9, season 1 episode 8 called, “Sick City” and we have your weekly recap and spoilers below. On tonight’s episode, Ken Karn [Brían F. O’Byrne] attempts to clear all distractions from his life after receiving positive career news. Meanwhile, Hodiak [David Duchovny] seeks help by reaching out to two very different people from his past.

On the last episode, Hodiak (David Duchovny) investigated the murder of a Hollywood star but hit a wall when the powerful movie studio wanted the case to remain unsolved. Emma (Emma Dumont) and Sadie (Ambyr Childers) met a special person from Manson’s (Gethin Anthony) past. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode per the NBC synopsis “upon receiving good career news, Ken (Brian F. O’Byrne) attempts to clear all distractions from his life. Hodiak (David Duchovny) seeks help from two people from his past: a priest and a prostitute.”

Tonight’s season 1 episode 8 is going to be exciting. We’ll be blogging it right here for you. In the meantime hit up the comments section and tell us how excited you are for season 1 of Aquarius.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#Aquarius starts with Ken looking out the window of his office glumly. Hal comes in and says he talked to Mittendorf about the direct mail program. He says it’s raising enough money for the RNC to cover costs. He tells Ken he’s going to be Nixon’s campaign finance chair for California. Ken is thrilled. Hal says he wanted it for himself then says Nixon’s people will be looking into them. Hal says both of them and the firm will be scrutinized.

He says he covered up the Manson mess and says someone called asking about the missing girl – Sam Hodiak. We hear Sam telling the other cops about the missing woman. Dunphy tells him to check with youth. Sam says to call all PDs for Jane Does – he says her name is Caroline Beecher. Dunphy asks why look so hard for a cold case hooker and Sam says because Ken Carnes doesn’t want them to. Later, Sam plays poker with some cop buddies.

Emma is at Charlie’s compound playing horseshoes with Roy talking about the baby. He says he’s surprised it’s taken so long for a kid to crop up. He says he has a five year old and says it was a hassle when it first came up but now it’s all love. He says this will be too. Elliot Hillman shows up and Roy thinks he’s a cop – he says he’s a music producer looking for Charlie. Everyone gets friendlier. Grace shows up at the PD and she says sorry.

Sam says he forgives her for that and anything else she says in the future. She asks him why Manson didn’t go to jail and he says there was no body and he asks why Ken would represent him. They don’t know why he would. At the Peach Pussycat, Brian is with Jimmy and he talks himself up and gives him some business ideas. Then he goes to report back to Sam on his progress. Sam tells him he’s looking for Manson’s missing hooker.

Mike stops by freaking to Brian because Lucille Gladner wants to see him. Brian tells him blowing town will make him seem more suspicious. Brian tells him to chill out and just go see her. Elliot smokes dope with Emma on his lap and asks Charlie questions about his music. He tells him he should put some prison tunes on his demo. He plays him a jail song. Sam goes looking for Dunphy who’s singing in the shower and asks why Eddie missed poker night.

He says Sal is mooning over the ugly chick from dispatch. Eddie pulls the time gag again. Sam says he would get it if he slept with Eddie’s wife or if Eddie loved Opal and says he’s being a fetus about this. Eddie just sasses him and walks out. Father Mack shows up looking for Sam to ask his opinion. He says he’s worried about the pastor. Sam says he’s met him before and asks his concern. He says he thinks he may be skimming from the collection plate. He says he took $500.

He shows him where he wrote a check out to cash. Sam says he can have someone look into it and says it’s someone the pastor won’t recognize. Charlie plays for everyone and the producer. A guitar string breaks and he gets frustrated then grabs Emma off the guy’s lap. She tells him he was good and he rants that the guy is leaving. She says he’s not and he says there’s a cop in his head distracting his thoughts because of her. She asks what she can do. He says to make the music man happy so he stays.

Charlie says if the guy goes, he will care about that. Emma brings Elliot into a bedroom and pulls him onto a bed. She talks Charlie up to the producer who is busy feeling her up. The guy says he needs to immerse himself but first needs to take a step back. He says he’ll tell Charlie before he goes that she convinced him. She panics that the guy is ready to leave. Sam watches news about the Vietnam War. Sam calls in his retired cop buddy to help check into the church theft.

Sam goes to see Martha, a former hooker who is now a nurse. He knew her from back in the day and is impressed that she got out of the life and followed her dream. She asks if he’s still married and he says yes, but… She says her name is Kendall now. She says she’s been a nurse for six years and out of the hooking business for four – there was a bit of an overlap. He says it was smart to take things slowly to make sure the change stuck.

At the strip club, Brian brings Roy and Jimmy together. Roy sasses Jimmy and Brian tries to smooth things over. Roy says if someone pulls a gun on his boss, he puts them in the dirt and takes their gun. Jimmy decides to make nice. Sam asks Kendall to check into the missing Caroline as well as Lois Miller, the woman who reported her missing. Brian sees Mike is alive but he shows him that Lucille his him with a belt during sex. He says she’s a psycho in the sack.

Lucille comes over and tells Jimmy that she would have closed the place if she had known he was inviting special guests. He says they work for him and she looks at Roy with distrust. She notices some bikers manhandling her girls. Lucille offers to buy Roy a drink and he smiles. Ken tells Grace about his shot to run Nixon’s campaign finances and says Nixon is their only shot to pull this country out of the shithole it’s in. Then he tells her about the vetting they’ll all go through.

Ken tells her that he’s going to tell her how it’s going to go and she’s going to say yes dear. Emma does laundry with the other girls and sees her dad sitting in a car nearby watching. He says he needs to tell her something that she’ll want to hear. He says she’s always studied him with her eyes even when she was a tiny baby and calls her an old soul who’s so sure of herself. He asks if she knows what emancipation is and says she self-emancipated by moving out and they’re going to agree it.

Emma asks if it’s what her mom wants too and he says it is. Emma asks about he and Charlie. She says she saw them looking at each other and says to tell her the truth for once. He says he’ll submit the papers and they can all live their lives without hurting each other. Emma calls him Ken and says goodbye. Sam’s retired cop buddy shows up with news about the pastor. He says he tailed the guy then after dark, the guy went to a warehouse – Bob Ellory’s place.

He says the pastor is gambling at Bob the Barber’s. The guy tells Sam it was sad watching him gamble all night knowing he was gambling with the parish’s money. Sam reports to Father Mack and offers to arrest him but he says to hold off and let him talk to him first. Sam agrees. Father Mack tells him to come talk to him sometime about what’s going on with him. He says they can talk about life, sports, whatever Sam wants.

Charlie comes in banging a pot loudly and then he yells at everyone. He screams at all of them and says they showed fear and weakness in front of the music guy. He says today they will center their energies with nothing to lean on and they will look all the way inside and work out what they are doing there. He’s raving and says lock down what needs to be locked down then prepare to fall into the hole. He wants everyone to take two tabs of acid.

Emma tells Charlie the guy is coming back and loved him music. Charlie tells her she’s done enough talking for today and says everyone does two smiley faces each. He screams it into her face. Kendall comes to see Sam at the PD. She says she made some calls and had no luck. She says nothing on either woman. She says the cop shop still smells the same – like the inside of a wool hat. He says she could have called but she wanted to see him.

Everyone at the compound is wasted horribly on acid. Eddie tries to explain himself to Jeannie and make excuses but she’s not hearing it. Sam grabs the phone and covers for Eddie. He’s still not placated. Minnie is freaking out and Charlie calls for Emma but she walks outside instead of answering his call. She throws the acid on the ground untaken. Brian reports back to Sam and Eddie asks about the hooker case too. Eddie says he may know someone. They start chatting and looking at files.

Dunphy says they have to go to St Finnian’s for a strangled priest – Father Mack is dead. Dumphy says it was a robbery. Sam says he knows who did it. Sure enough, Father Mack is dead. Sam looks sadly at the old man’s body and Eddie tells the beat cop to bring out the pastor so they can see the look on his face. Sam lunges at the guy after telling Eddie he should have brought more cops. They haul him off the guy then Sam walks out with a disgusted look on his face.

Ken stops at mile marker 70 and opens the trunk of his car. Jimmy and Brian are talking business and Lucille tells Jimmy the package is in a dressing room. Jimmy says they need to take it to the Satans. Mike pulls Brian away at the last minute. Roy was waiting in the dressing room and shot Jimmy in the head. The blood splattered all over Brian’s face. A pleased Lucille stands beside Roy who looks smug about the murder.

Ken hikes up some rocks and to a dead tree. Sam lies in bed with Kendall and asks her about her first day at the hospital. She tells him about her first eight hour shift and how her legs were tired. There’s a knock at the door and it’s Grace. He doesn’t let her in and she gets it then backs up and says she didn’t want to come by the station to ask a personal favor. He promises to let her know as soon as he hears something and he thanks her for being patient. She takes off.

Kendall says she’ll leave out the back so Grace won’t see her. Sam says he’s sorry and Kendall says no apologizing. He asks if she knows Louise Mitchell. She says she used to run with her until she skipped town. We see Ken digging up a body and we see a woman’s red handbag. Is he moving the body?



Stormy Elizabeth:
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