Azealia Banks has been arrested after having a violent meltdown on Wednesday night. The ‘Chasing Time’ rapper bit a guard on the breast after being escorted out of a Chelsea club.
Sources detail Banks’ weird and violent assault. Azealia Banks was trying to get into a private party at Up&Down hosted by one of the owners, Ronnie Madra. A bouncer informed Banks a hand stamp was required to get into the party.
After the security guard refused to let her into the party without the stamp – Azealia Banks went “berserk” according to a witness. Banks started spitting and punching people and the witness told NY Daily News, “she attacked front-door people. She was like a crazy person — all over a stamp. She needs to relax.”
Two security guards rushed in to remove Azealia, but she wasn’t leaving without a fight. Banks bit one of the female guards on the breast and punched another. Charges were filed and police arrested Azealia Banks. The troubled rapper was charged with misdemeanor assault, harassment and disorderly conduct.
Basically, Banks was trying to get into an invite-only party. When her status as a rapper/Delta airline’s worst homophobic nightmare didn’t get her into the club owner’s birthday bash – Azealia had a crazy violent meltdown which resulted in her arrest.
However, that didn’t get Banks down. The 24-year-old reportedly “hammed it up” for paparazzi waiting outside the Sixth Precinct after she was released Wednesday evening.
This isn’t Azealia’s first public meltdown. In late September, Banks was trying to get off a flight from New York to L.A. when a French passenger allegedly stopped her from cutting in front of his female companion.
A fellow passenger started filming the incident as the rapper “spit in the [French] man’s face, punched him in the face, and clawed his shirt,” and then berated the flight attendant and pilot for intervening using homophobic slurs.
What do you think of Azealia Banks being arrested after her violent meltdown? Are you surprised Banks bit a guard on the breast? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below and keep checking CDL for updates on all the celebrity news.
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