Big Brother Canada 3 Week 6 Spoilers: Eviction Predictions

Big Brother Canada 3 Week 6 spoilers present our eviction predictions. Since the last BBCAN 3, we watched as Godfrey pulled out all the stops to save himself this week. The final nominees have been decided, and Brittnee Blair and Sindy Nguyen are now fighting to stay alive in the game.

After some consideration to put Bobby on the chopping block because of his gross exaggeration about having a special veto power, Pili ultimately chose to play it safe and put up Brittnee as a pawn instead. Has anyone learned anything from Jordan’s eviction last week, and the adage that pawns usually go home in the BBCAN house? Ai yai yai!!!

The plan for the “diaper alliance,” which includes Pili, Ashleigh, Zac and Kevin, is to send Sindy back to the jury house, and this time for good. Sindy was able to rally the troops last time around to further her game. Let’s see if she’ll be savvy enough to save her own skin one last time, in order to ensure her safety for at least another week.

Brittnee, who has been playing a decent enough social game so far, has been the go-to pawn since the beginning of BBCAN 3. She’s been used to guarantee the eviction of some of the recently evicted house guests. Brittnee has also been quite neutral throughout most of the game, and she has really only showed loyalty to Sarah, the free-spirited, “hemployee” from Toronto.

On the other hand, Sindy has played quite aggressively since the beginning, and she has proven to be a formidable player who knows when to keep her emotions in check. Once Pili and the other members of the diaper alliance found out that Sindy not only voted to send home Jordan last week, but also had the audacity to lie to them with a straight face, they realized the writing was on the wall. Sindy is now the target to get out this week, and putting Brittnee next to her in the hot seat, may be a sure way to make that happen. Or is it?

The houseguests are currently isolated and they are impatiently waiting to see what will be in store for them in the backyard. Poor souls, they must be rolling in the hills of anxiety, because don’t forget, there is the anticipated and teased double eviction coming up shortly.
What do you think? Will Sindy be able to save herself with an S? Will another “Jordangate” happen tonight as Brittnee heads to the jury house?

Come back to CDL for more Big Brother Canada 3 spoilers, news and updates all season long!

Tarona P:
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