In a blatantly obvious gimmick to increase their already packed star cast, Paramount and Plan B Production have cast Beyonce in ‘The Big Short’ alongside Brad Pitt, Ryan Gosling, Steve Carrell, and Christian Bale. You know, because they were worried about no people watching this movie….
It’s ridiculous, right? Why do we need Beyonce in ADDITION to Brad Pitt, Ryan Gosling, Christian Bale, and Steve Carrell? You’re covering the comedy fans with Steve Carrell, the superhero fans with Christian Bale, all women with Ryan Gosling, and anybody left over with Brad Pitt. And then you add Beyonce, and you’ve basically got the entire country eating out of the palm of your hand.
However, we’ve already seen from the Pink Panther that Beyonce can’t act worth a damn, and yet she’s being cast in a movie to star alongside such heavy hitters? Again, it’s a patently obvious casting gimmick, purely to make sure that Beyonce’s bajillion fans come to the show. They don’t need her for the movie, and I guarantee that they sure as hell don’t need her for her acting abilities. They can probably cast someone a million times more suited to that role, but they’re not going to because they want Beyonce’s fans to come to the movie.
The movie itself is already based on a book, which is reportedly about, “A number of people on Wall Street who foresaw the housing collapse and accurately bet against mortgage bonds being paid up in full and on time, which led to the stock market’s 2008 crash. Those prescient businesspeople ended up making a fortune, while several banks were left with billions in debt.”
What do you guys think about Beyonce being cast in The Big Short? It’s obvious that the casting was just a marketing gimmick, right? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.