Tonight on CBS Big Brother 17 airs with an all new Thursday July 2, season 17 episode 4 called “Episode 4”, we’ve got your recap down below! On tonight’s episode the first houseguest is evicted from the compound.
On the last Big Brother, the new heads of household moved into their rooms and nominated two people for possible eviction. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.
On tonight’s BB17 episode as per the CBS synopsis “a vote determines who is evicted; the remaining house guests compete for the head of household.” Both Jace Agolli and Jackie Ibarra are up for eviction. I am leaning towards Jace being evicted but there is still time for some BB wheeling and dealing. After the live eviction they will compete for HoH and two players will share the honour.
Big Brother 17 airs tonight at 8pm with an exciting new episode, we will be live blogging the show with all the up-to-the-minute details so make sure to come back to Celeb Dirty Laundry and watch the show with us. Can’t wait to see how all the drama plays out, how about you? Are you excited about Big Brother 17? Who are you rooting for to win? Hit the comments and let us know your thoughts.
On #BigBrother tonight we find out who is playing with a twin and Kathie Griffins shows up for a BB takeover. James is happy with his big move of putting up Jace. He tells Jackie she’s good and Jackie is happy since she thinks Jace is a much bigger target than her and she plans to be chill for the rest of the week. Clay tells Jace to keep his cool and he says he’s trying. Clay says freaking out is the worst thing he can do. Audrey thinks Jace is about to go off.
Jace talks about how this is worse than Y2K. Austin tells the others that Jace is explosive. He wants to make sure that Audrey and James aren’t targeting him. Jace goes to take out his frustrations working out. Jace then comes to see James and asks to talk to him alone. The others leave. Jace says this makes no sense. James says he respects him as a person but doesn’t want to compete against him and says it’s nothing personal. Jace says they had an alliance.
James says he almost beat him in HOH and Jace whines about the alliance and James asks if he knows what game they’re playing. Jace says he put his faith in him for nothing. Audrey tells Jace she had nothing to do with that. Jace says she’s always talking and says he trusted her and James and she betrayed him. Audrey says she has a clear conscious.
Jace says if she can manipulate him like this and fell good about herself, she’s a bad person. Jace goes to tell Austin that he’s not going home without a fight. He tells Austin he’s a warrior. He says he’s going to rally the votes. Jace goes to Clay and says he didn’t deserve this and says he’ll have Clay’s back if he can but says he will have his back if it doesn’t hurt his game.
Jace then goes to John and tells him he’ll always be a bigger targer than John then asks what Jackie brings to the table and says – boobs. John laughs. Jace then goes to Vanessa and Liz and says he has the votes then asks for them. Jace goes to try and make an alliance with Steve and says they are like yin and yang and says he needs him. Steve is excited about this but doesn’t think he’ll get seven votes to stay.
Jace asks Da’Vonne and a bunch of others – in front of James – if they will save him and says he will be there for them. Audrey and Meg talk and Audrey is kind of freaking but Meg just wants her to calm down. Audrey says she thinks there’s an elephant in the room and tells Jace everyone knew he was going to be back doored. Jace says if he goes, he’s sure it’s Audrey.
She says everyone wants him gone because he makes them uncomfortable. Audrey then says Jace wanted to back door Jason and put him on the block. Jace goes off on her and says she’s flipping out because she’s the next target because everyone knows that she can’t be trusted. He says if he doesn’t go home, he’s gunning for her but Audrey says he’s going home today.
Julie reveals the #TwinTwist – it’s Liz! She’s switched four times so far with her sister Julia. They fill each other in on how they’re doing and who they’re hanging out with and what they’re saying to other people. Julia says it’s nerve wracking because her sister has already been there and she has to fit in. Da’Vonne asks where she’s been and she says the DR. Julia is nervous and freaking out.
Then Julia fills her in on James and Jeff before they swap again. They only have about 10-15 minutes to fill each other in before they have to change places. She says it’s important they are very in sync so they don’t get caught. Audrey talks about twins and turns out Becky and Jeff both have twins. Liz says she has an older sister who has Angelina Jolie lips.
They will cast a vote to evict and then will swap live. It’s time for the live vote. Jackie and Jace are on the chopping block. Julia says they can each speak before the vote. Jackie says she loves them all and they should keep her there and she has light and love to bring. Jace says it’s been a crazy week and he feels betrayed by the eight person alliance that backdoored him.
He says James created a fake alliance and says they should keep him even though they think they’ve made up their minds. The votes start. James doesn’t get to vote and neither do Jace and Jackie. Jeff votes Jace, Da’Vonne votes Jace, Jason votes Jace, Audrey votes Jackie, Steve votes Jace, Liz/Julia vote Jace then they swap, Austin votes Jace, Meg votes Jace. With seven votes, he’s out.
John also votes Jace. Clay votes Jace and Becky votes Jace. Shelli votes Jace, Vanessa votes Jace. Julie says the votes are in and the houseguest has to get their stuff and go. She says it was 12 votes to evict Jace. He says he’ll miss them all. He even hugs Audrey on the way out and tells everyone it’s been fun. He somersaults on the stage then hugs Julie. He screams to see Frankie Grande there in the audience.
Julie asks who he thought was his one vote to stay. He says he told his friends not to vote for him so they didn’t end up going down too. He says he doesn’t know. He says he was himself and maybe he came on too strong. He says maybe Audrey and Julie says it was. He says Audrey is in a tough position. He says she’s doing a great thing for the transgender community and really likes her.
In the videos, Jason says he’s not sorry to see him go because he’s a ticking time bomb. Steve says he couldn’t protect him. Da’Vonne says bro code one is don’t step on mama day. Austin says he’s fighting for his honor if he stays. Julie says there’s another secret twist. He sees the twin video of Julia and Liz talking about how they both loved hanging out with him. He laughs – he was clueless.
He says they’re good and very gorgeous. She says he may have a date and he asks which one. She thanks him for playing and says he have it his all. Then Julie says last week’s takeover rocked the house and now it’s time for another #BBTakeover. The alert sounds and they head to the living room. They see Kathie Griffin on the screen. She says they’ll find out about her takeover soon enough.
She tells them to head out back for an HOH competition. They run outside. Julie introduces Kathie as a Big Brother superfan. Kathie says they’re the second set of twins. She asks for a bro chest bump and they do it. Julie says welcome back and says she was with Zingbot last summer. Kathie says they need to keep these alliances secret. She says you don’t tell people you’re backdooring them.
She says if Shelli, Audrey and Da’Vonne had kept it secret, it would have been good. Kathie says the girls need to stop melting down. Kathie says the eight person is too much and Julie asks who’s she’s rooting for. Kathie says Audrey needs to get out of bed and stop melting down. Kathie says she’s liking Vanessa and is smart. Kathie says she’s going to surprise them all week.
She says her twist is giving someone the power of the last laugh. She says she’s going to call in on a special phone and the person who takes the seventh call will keep three people from voting at the next eviction ceremony. Julie says it’s time to crown two heads of household. James can’t play in the #HOH competition. Half compete in one round, half in round two. One will win from each round.
They have to play ginger fever in honor of Kathie. She says each player must put together a puzzle piece of a new billboard for Kathie’s new TV show. They run and grab the pieces one at a time. Some throw them on the floor and some start assembling it as they go. It’s Steve, Vanessa, Da’Vonne, Liz, John, Becky and Meg. Steve is in the lead but Becky is doing well too. Becky has it. She won HOH.
Group number two will play next. It’s Clay, Audrey, Austin, Jackie, Jeff, Jason and Shelli. Shelli takes a lead and Audrey is close. Jackie is also doing well but then Shelli slaps her buzzer making her the second HOH for the week. Everyone hangs out in the kitchen talking when they hear the BBTakeover music. Kathie is there and says she loves getting the last laugh.
She says she will give one of them the chance to get the last laugh at the next eviction. She says to go do what they do best – panic and come up with crazy theories. They all laugh and head back to the kitchen wondering what it will be.