Tonight on CBS Big Brother 17 airs with an all new Thursday July 30, season 17 episode 17 called “Episode 17”, we’ve got your recap down below! On tonight’s episode another houseguest is evicted from the compound.
On the last Big Brother, during the veto meeting, the power of veto competition winner could save someone from eviction. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.
On tonight’s BB17 as per the CBS synopsis “a vote determines who is evicted; the remaining house guests compete for the head of household position.”
Big Brother 17 airs tonight at 8pm with an exciting new episode, we will be live blogging the show with all the up-to-the-minute details so make sure to come back to Celeb Dirty Laundry and watch the show with us. Can’t wait to see how all the drama plays out, how about you? Are you excited about Big Brother 17? Who are you rooting for to win? Hit the comments and let us know your thoughts.
Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
It’s time for #BB17 – there will be a live eviction and the twins will get to both come and play. Vanessa shocked last time by blindsiding Jason with a second chair nomination. It’s Jason and Becky on the block now facing eviction. It’s now day 40 and we see the end of the replacement nominations. Vanessa tells Jason she had no choice and Jason thinks that she’s flat lying and made an alliance with them under false pretenses. Jackie and Meg are both very upset.
Jackie says Vanessa pulled a fast one on all of them and isn’t sure why she did this. Meg is angry and says she feels lied to and wonders who else knew about this. Becky says she’s got to lay low and hopes she’s not the one sent home. Jason is very upset and says it means a lot more to him than to others that he stays. He says he won’t roll over and die and will fight as long as he can. He talks to Clay and Shelli and Jackie wonders if they were all played. Jason says he was and Jackie says she was too.
Jason notices that Clay and Shelli are not upset and he thinks they are the mastermind behind this one too. Meg says that alliance Vanessa offered didn’t last long. Austin tells Liz he was nervous and says this is one more for the good guys. Austin is thrilled and says the blindside was beautiful. He says they are the power and he’s going far in this game. Liz says this is their game now and no one has a chance. Clay tells Meg that he thought Austin was still being nominated.
Clay lies and says he and Shelli had no idea. He doesn’t want to expose the alliance and says he thinks Austin made a deal with Vanessa. Meg says Vanessa came to them and made an offer of an alliance. She thinks Vanessa told Austin everything and says Vanessa isn’t trying to do damage control. She asks Clay again if he knew and he says he didn’t. Meg wants answers and doesn’t believe him. Meg goes to talk to Vanessa and cries. Meg says she’s very hurt.
She tells Vanessa she feels dumb for agreeing to this. Vanessa then blames Shelli and Clay and says if they’re pretending they didn’t know, that will piss her off. Vanessa says it was something everyone wants. Meg says Clay flat out lied to her. Vanessa says that’s good for her to know. Liz is in the room and Jackie comes in and asks what happened. Vanessa says it came down to who she could trust more. Liz says she backs Vanessa up and says Jason told the whole house she was a twin.
Vanessa says a majority of the people agree that Jason should go. Jackie asks Shelli if she wanted him to go and Shelli flat out lies and says she didn’t want him to go. Shelli says it’s devastating and Jackie says she knows that Shelli was in on it and is lying. Vanessa is stunned that Shelli is refusing to step up as promised and is throwing her under the bus. Meg goes to Jackie and says that Clay and Shelli are in this. They figure out that there’s an alliance.
Jackie says Shelli and Clay have had a hand in every single eviction. Jason comes in and asks what’s up. She says she thinks Shelli and Clay targeted him. Then James comes in and they talk. Jason tells Meg to stop crying because she’s going to get him going. Jackie says she feels like she let Jason down and she cries too then he gets teary. Meg laughs and says they’re all so stupid. Vanessa is angry that Shelli and Clay are putting a target on her back and she wonders if she can trust them.
Shelli says her telling people that the whole house on board makes them look bad. Vanessa says they all took a risk with this move. Shelli says she and Clay are the only one with targets on them and Vanessa says she’s a target before them. Shelli is worried since this looks bad for she and Clay. Shelli says this is so awkward with how Vanessa is telling others that she wasn’t the only one involved in the decision. Jackie tells Jason he’s better for her game than Becky and wants him to stay.
She talks about how they get the numbers. They discuss getting Steve and John working with them. Jackie says maybe they should talk to Austin and Liz since he’s stupid. James says he doesn’t know about them. Jason says Shelli and Clay are wishy washy and paranoid they might could get them to side with him. He says they can convince them that Becky will come after them. Jason comes to talk to Shelli and then Clay comes in. Jason says this is part one.
He wants to start by making them paranoid. Jason says he can be more loyal to them than Becky can be. He says Becky plans to nominate both Clay and Shelli up against each other. Clay says if they keep him they will piss off Austin and Liz. Jason says it will get James, Jackie and Meg on their side. Jason says the house will turn on Austin and Liz once her twin comes in so they won’t be good allies for them. Jason says he will follow them to the pits of hell if they keep him one more week.
Jason eats candy bars and talks about how he eats too much sugar for a dentist. We see a look at the people at his dentist office and they talk about how different he is at work than on Big Brother. They talk about how great he is with patients and makes them feel comfortable. They talk about how much they miss him and the patients do too. They show a patient Josh who says he’s great. We see John doing his Whack Street dance. Frank, his dad, talks about how fun John has always been.
He says he was shocked when John told him he was going to dental school. We see Jordan, his younger brother, and says it’s great that his brother is not being a threat. He says his brother’s strategy was to get them all to like him and then stab them in the back. His family says no one there knows the real Johnny Mac and they hope it stays that way so he goes a long way.
Becky makes her statement and gives a shout out to her family back in Colorado then says they are all kind people and she hates being next to Jason and says they are very close and she has no bad words for him except that his cooking is bad. Jason says everyone at Big Brother is great for bringing him there. He says he’s the person to keep who will benefit their long term game. He says he has no regrets about how he has played the game.
The voting starts. Austin goes first – he votes to evict Jason. Meg votes to evict Becky. Liz votes to evict Jason. James votes to evict Becky. Steve votes to evict Jason. Jackie then votes to evict Jason. Shelli votes to evict Jason. Clay votes to evict Jason. John votes to evict Jason and says – sorry buddy. Julie says the votes are in and it’s Jason out in a 7-2 landslide. He hands out hugs to Meg then James and Jackie comes to hug him. The others he ignores. He tells them to play hard and not be lazy farts.
He is greeted with loud audience cheers. Meg is crying. Julie says he was caught off guard by the replacement nomination. She asks how he didn’t see it coming. He says he was naïve to believe the alliance was real. He says he told Meg he felt comfortable and that should have been the warning sign. He says Shelli and Clay betrayed him most and says Shelli is evil personified and they are running the house. He says Vanessa has more soul than the others.
Julie asks why they kept nominating him. He says once he watches it back, maybe he’ll understand why they saw him as such a threat. Julie says he and Da’Vonne figured out the twin twist. She asks why he didn’t use it as strategy instead of gossiping. He says you’re so bored and you find out and you just want to tell everyone – he admits it was a down fall. She asks if Meg, Jackie and James can survive without him. He says if it’s an endurance comp tonight, they have to hang on til September.
He says Meg has a chance to make it far since people might overlook her. He says he hopes his people win the comps. Shelli tells Jason she’s in a six person alliance and hates he had to go up on the block. Jackie says he should have won it and says she loves him. Liz says Julia is coming in and he’s going home and says have fun watching from mom’s basement. Meg says this is tough and she misses him so much already and says she loves him.
Julie asks for final thoughts. Jason says he was right about everything. He says he knew the twins were evil, Meg was sweet and Shelli couldn’t be trusted at all. Julia is now with Julie and it’s time for the #TwinTwist. Julie tells her that it was the fifth eviction and either Julia is going home or going into the house. Julia says her heart is pounding and Julie says Liz was nominated and then says her sister won the Battle of the Block. Julie says she and Liz earned their way in and tells Julia to go on inside.
Julie comes on the house screen and tells them to come into the living room. They take seats and Julie says there was a lot of twin twist speculation and it’s time to put it to rest. She says it was true and tells them to say hello to their new housemate Julia. She comes in and Liz runs to hug her. James seems pretty excited about the twins. Now Julie says Liz and Julia had to survive five evictions for them to both earn the right to play. She says they have swapped 14 times and the twist is over.
She says the game is resetting so that means the Battle of the Block is also over. She says from her on out, there will be just one HOH each week and two nominees. She says now it’s time to play in a grueling endurance battle for the first solo HOH competition of the summer. It’s time for a new #HOH. Vanessa has to sit it out. This is called on the edge and they have to hang on to a crumbling cliff or be eliminated. The entire wall tilts forward and then back.
Now Julie says there’s a storm brewing and water starts squirting down on them. Julie says this is the most important HOH competition yet. We won’t see tonight who will win HOH but Julie has mechanical birds attacking them next. Shouldn’t be too long before someone takes a fall. The birds whack them hard in the chest making it harder for them to hang on. Who will fall first?
Update: If you want to read out spoilers about who won HoH after the show then Click Here