Big Brother 17 Recap – Austin Wins Power of Veto – Liz and Julia Nominated: BB17 Episode 34 ‘PoV & Final Nominations’

Tonight on CBS Big Brother 17 airs with an all new Wednesday September 9, season 17 episode 34 called “Episode 34”, we’ve got your recap down below! On tonight’s episode the Power of Veto is up for grabs.

On the last Big Brother, two houseguests were evicted from the house. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s BB17 as per the CBS synopsis “the Power of Veto competition is held and then we will get the final nominations”

Big Brother 17 airs tonight at 8pm with an exciting new episode, we will be live blogging the show with all the up-to-the-minute details so make sure to come back to Celeb Dirty Laundry and watch the show with us. Can’t wait to see how all the drama plays out, how about you? Are you excited about Big Brother 17? Who are you rooting for to win? Hit the comments and let us know your thoughts.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#BB17 starts tonight with Austin and Liz on the block and Steve is #HOH. It’s day 79 and Steve adjourns the nomination ceremony. Liz is crying and says she’s disappointed (boo hoo – she voted everyone else out). Austin isn’t happy that he’s on the block with Liz and knows he has to choose between the girl and the glory. Steve says he’s ready to play aggressively and make a big move to change the perception of him in the jury house.

Austin comes to comfort a crying Liz. Then Julia comes in bawling too. You can’t feel sorry for them – they sent everyone else home. Boo hoo. Liz says she didn’t think Steve would be the one to betray them. Austin says if Julia wins the veto, everything changes. She says not to leave her alone in the house. Liz says she wouldn’t do that to Steve. She says this means war and says she’s going to pretend everything is peachy keen.

She tells Austin she’s done crying. Steve chats with Austin who says it was tough on the twins. Steve says it was tough on everyone. Steve says he hates hurting people and Austin asks what he can do for him this week. Steve says he can win the veto and take himself down. Steve is telling Austin what he wants to hear, but he’s targeting Austin and Liz and wants Austin to feel comfortable. He tells Austin good luck. Austin finds the twins hanging out and Liz says she feels like she’s on her death bed.

Julia asks if he feels animosity towards Steve and Austin says no. She says if she wins the power of veto, Steve would probably put up Vanessa and they can vote her out. Austin and Liz talk about throwing the veto to Julia if possible. That means they could mess up Steve’s plan. Liz says if she goes, she wants them to target Steve. Steve calls them for the veto competition. They are all playing. They are all in ballet costumes and there are bowling items too.

Out comes #MrPectacular, aka Jesse, to host the event. Julia thinks he’s so cute in his tight spandex. Jesse greets them and Austin is annoyed to see Liz and Julia checking the guy out. He says it’s a blend of ballet in bowling called #Bowlerina. They compete in order and have to knock down bowling pins after spinning 15 times. They have 15 seconds to knock them down and if they don’t get them, they have to spin again. Let’s hope anyone but Julia wins this!

Liz, Julia, John, Vanessa, Steve, Austin is the order of the competition. Austin hopes to throw it to Julia. First up is Liz and she challenges Steve. They spin and then Liz goes to bowl. She gets one pin then has to spin again. Steve is super dizzy and staggers then falls. Steve starts throwing balls as fast as he can. He also knocks one down. Liz bowls again and knocks down one more. Steve bowls again and knocks down two more. He’s one ahead. Liz gets one more then has to spin.

Steve runs to bowl and has just one to go. Liz got it. She’s still in it and Steve is out of it. He’s not surprised that he lost. He wants John or Vanessa to win – really anyone but Julia. Julia is up next and she challenges Austin. Vanessa whispered to her to challenge Austin to try and set her up – she told her to trust her. Austin wonders if he’s being played by Liz and Julia and thinks he might be the target since she should have picked John. Laughing, John thinks Vanessa is a genius for getting her to do that.

Austin asks Julia why she picked him and she says she doesn’t know. Vanessa whispers to Liz that it’s the best case scenario for him. She tells Liz to think about it but Liz doesn’t get it. She thinks Vanessa is watching out for her own game. Austin tells Julia she’s getting played and she tells him sorry. Julia is upset and Austin says it makes no sense because he could have thrown it to her. Austin is ready to let Judas take over and he’s determined to win it.

Liz says this is her worst nightmare and she doesn’t know who to root for. Liz cheers for Julia. Then she also cheers for Austin. They are both throwing wildly and both get one. Then they’re spinning again. Julia runs back first and starts throwing hard. Austin trips then starts throwing. Austins wins it. Julia is out. Steve asks Julia why she picked Austin. She says she doesn’t know but Steve is pleased. Austin tells Vanessa that he and Liz could have thrown to Julia and saved themselves.

Johnny Mac is up next and he challenges Liz. John is spinning slower so he’s less dizzy and can be more accurate. Liz gets two and John gets four on his first turn. He shuts Liz out. Only Austin is left of the three. Vanessa is up next and she challenges Austin who feels betrayed. He’s furious and is determined to destroy her. They both head off at the same time – Austin crawls there and John says he’s like an enraged gorilla and it’s cool to watch.

Austin knocks down all four fast and wins it. Vanessa is out. That puts Johnny Mac up against Austin. Austin tells Johnny Mac that he wants this and tells him he’s got him next week. John is happy to throw it to him. Austin does his crawling thing again and throws fast. John is throwing but not for accuracy. Austin wins it. He tells them – #JudasIsHere and says they all should be afraid. Jesse congratulates him and hands over the power of veto.

Austin says the house better be afraid because he feels betrayed and is safe. Liz doesn’t like how he reacted like a different person. She says he’s rubbing it in his face and she’s still on the black. Vanessa isn’t nervous about Austin winning #POV but has to do some damage control to try and cover why she got Julia to pick him. Jesse rips his leotard in half to show off his chest and Liz tells Austin he has some work to do (he won’t like that!)

They all come back in the house and Austin struts around and says Judas is here to stay. He says anyone in on the plan to take him out will live in fear. He says he’s going to find out what Julia did. Liz tells Julia that she’s dumb for picking Austin and asks what she’s thinking. Julia says she shouldn’t have listened to Vanessa. Austin comes in and says they could have thrown it to Julia and she blames Vanessa. Austin says she played her and says they should blow up at Vanessa in public.

Julia isn’t sure if Vanessa played her or not. She’s worried and says it sucks. Julia comes to talk to Vanessa who says that Austin would not have thrown it to her. Liz comes in and says Johnny Mac would have gone twice in a row. Vanessa explains to them that Austin would not throw it to them even though that’s what he said. She says it’s not in his best interests to keep them together. She says she’s studied game theory and says she was looking out for them.

She cries and swears on her mother and pulls her usual dramatic crap. She says she swears to God she wasn’t playing them. Steve tries to come into the bathroom and they tell him not now. Vanessa says Austin can’t win going to top three with them. Vanessa has had conversations with Austin about this issue. She tells the twins she has information that he doesn’t have. She says he still could have thrown it to her and asks Julia why he didn’t throw it to her.

Vanessa tells Julia that she’s always in the way for him. She says Austin wants one of them out. She says she doesn’t trust Austin and never has. Julia says she can’t campaign against Liz and Austin will campaign against her. Austin chats with Liz and she asks if he’s hiding something from her. She says Vanessa told her that she has information. Austin says Vanessa is targeting him and thinks the twins are in on it and says that’s why Julia picked him.

Austin asks if Vanessa knows something that he doesn’t. He says he has done everything to protect them. He says he knew about the nominations but had to play ball. Liz asks why he didn’t tell her before. He says Julia just sealed her own fate. Liz says she doesn’t know what to think. Austin wants to talk to her but she says she’s over this – she says she’s going to leave the game with integrity and says if it’s her time to go, it’s her time to go. He says that’s not how it works around here.

Liz comes in and Julia is still in the bathroom with Vanessa. Julia says Austin wasn’t going to throw it to her. She asks Liz if she thought Austin would use the veto on her and she says maybe and that’s what hurts. Liz says she learned a lot about Austin today. She says he’s no Clay and is no knight in shining armor. Julia says that’s why she doesn’t trust them. Liz says she never wants to talk to him again. John comes to see Steve and he asks what’s going on.

John tells him they are all arguing in the bathroom and tells him that Vanessa got Julia to pick Austin. Steve says they need to just stay the f-k out of it now. But now Steve wonders what Vanessa is manipulating right now. Johnny Mac says they don’t have to worry about an Austin-Vanessa final two. John hangs out upstairs with Steve. Austin tries to defend his action and says he doesn’t want to be a pawn to send his GF home.

Vanessa says everyone is allowed to play the game. He says Liz can just walk out like Clay did and says no one respects that. He asks to talk to Vanessa and he asks what she was saying. Vanessa says she was defending him but didn’t. She says that she would end up on the block next to Austin and that’s the worst case for all of them. Austin realizes that he needs to stay on Vanessa’s good side since both of them will still be in the house next week.

Vanessa says that Liz will have her feelings hurt because she wants a Prince Charming. Austin says he hates that he’ll be the one to put them up against each other and she says he could use it on Liz. He laughs and says he has to watch out for his game too. Austin goes to talk to Liz and asks if he can do anything for her. She says she just wants to be with her sister. He says he had to win and it was a bad feeling but he didn’t want to hurt her. Julia walks out of the room.

Liz tells him that she feels like his reaction after the veto proved a lot to her and says this won’t end well. He says he’s not lying to her and says she’s just mad right now. He says he wanted to protect them but didn’t know what was going on. Liz says she doesn’t know what to believe. Austin tells her he loves her. He says he’s done everything he could to protect them. Liz says okay. Liz is annoyed and thinks that she won more HOHs than him so she didn’t need him.

Liz says clearly this could be the end for them. Austin says when Julia picked him then everyone was rooting for Julia it was like week five over again. She says he’s disgusting and tells him to get out. Austin says he ruined his life for her and chose her over his GF back home. Liz throws it back in his face and says he told her they were already on the rocks. Austin asks why she’s so mad and says he’s never lied to him. He says he loves her with all his heart.

He says if she doesn’t believe that their moments were real, he doesn’t know what to say. Sounded like he called her a b*tch on the way out the door. Austin wears his POV around and Julia says he’s just rubbing it in. She goes to tell Liz that he’s just rubbing it in their faces. Julia then starts throwing all of Austin’s clothes around the room and Liz laughs. Julia puts on his hat and dances around and says she’s Judas. She says she hates him. Julia says he’s ugly but Liz says maybe without the beard.

Liz wakes late that night and tells Julia she’s going to go talk to Austin. She goes and lies down with him and they kiss and cuddle. He says yesterday was confusing and she says she doesn’t want the game to tear them apart. He agrees. He says his feelings for her are real. She asks if she ruined his life and he says he meant that he took a risk because of his feelings for her. He says if he didn’t tell her how he felt it would have been one of the biggest regrets of his life. They fall asleep together.

Austin calls them for the veto meeting. He tells Liz that his heart is telling him to use it on her but his head is telling him to stay and fight for him and her both. He says he’s using the #POV on himself and tells Steve to nominate a new house guest. Steve says he hates being the bad guy then says Julia she’s nominated. The twins sit holding hands and he says he’s sorry. Austin adjourns the meeting. Tomorrow night one of the twins is going home!

Steve says Austin was his original target, but splitting the twins is just as good. Now Austin feels bad because he couldn’t save the twins. Liz says it’s the least she can do to leave and give Julia the opportunity to play as herself. Live results tomorrow. If the house is smart, they’ll send Liz packing since she’s the stronger of the two. Check out all our CDL Big Brother 17 recaps, updates and spoilers here!



Stormy Elizabeth:
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