Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Audrey Middleton & Vanessa Rousso Form Final Two Deal – V Knows She Can Beat The Wild Child In The End?

Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Audrey Middleton & Vanessa Rousso Form Final Two Deal - V Knows She Can Beat The Wild Child In The End?

Big Brother 17 spoilers from the CBS live feeds have shown reigning Head of Household Vanessa Rousso making deals and alliances all week with other players in the BB17 house. Vanessa has been doing so much strategizing and talking so much game that she probably doesn’t even remember half of the deals she has made this week. But spoilers from the live feeds tease that on Tuesday, July 14 Vanessa made a final two deal with the last person that anyone expected.

Vanessa Rousso and Audrey Middleton sat down to talk strategy late Tuesday night, and BB17 spoilers tease that they made a final two deal and promised to carry each other to the end. Vanessa even dubbed their new alliance the girl version of “Chilltown,” after the iconic alliance between Big Brother alumni Will and Boogie. We can all agree that Vanessa and Audrey have NOTHING on Will and Boogie…

There really are so many things wrong with Audrey and Vanessa’s alliance that we don’t even know where to start. First and foremost, both women are snakes and have tried to form alliances with basically everyone in the house – so their loyalties are definitely questionable, and there is a serious chance that they are both playing each other. Secondly, Audrey is easily the most hated player in the BB17 House and Audrey, while pretty well liked, has rubbed some people the wrong way and is definitely viewed as a strong player (thus putting a big target on her back) – it will be a miracle if either of them even make it to the final two.

Have you been watching the Big Brother 17 spoilers on the CBS lie feeds? What do you think of Audrey and Vanessa’s final two alliance? Is there a chance they will make it the final four, let alone the final two? Let us know what you think in the comments below and don’t forget to check CDL tomorrow for more Big Brother spoilers and recaps.


Image credit to CBS Live Feeds // Big Brother