“Big Brother 17” spoilers are here and this time it is not something that happened inside BB17 house that caused an uproar; it was something occurring on social media. Jen, the furious ex-girlfriend to Austin Matelson, allegedly sent an angry hate letter (see below) directed to him on social media – and prompted by the Liztin showmance. In the letter, Jen let Austin know that she doesn’t want anything to do with him anymore. Is it possible the letter could really be from Austin’s ex-girlfriend?
In the letter, Jen opened it by bragging she had a tour of revenge sex with many of the friends they had in common after Austin hooked up with Liz Nolan, especially a friend named Mike. Jen said that Austin’s main goal going into the house was to create business connections to use after BB17. She concluded that he was a success because people cannot stop talking about his behavior in the house. She wrote that he had received many calls at his home while in the Big Brother House.
Crabfest was interested in Austin to promote their annual event, and KFC is interested in using him in the “finger licking good” campaign – this was sarcastic no doubt as she clearly was referencing his relationship with Liz Nolan in the house.
Jen went on to allegedly write that Austin stepped out of his comfort zone on the show. He played the game in a classy way. “I am happy that we will agree on what an embarrassment it is,” she wrote. She noted that she took a vacation to Mexico with his credit card he left for her. Jen moved out of his home, sold many of his belongings. The letter cannot be verified to be from his ex-girlfriend, but if it is, the way Jen let the world know she was done with Austin deserved an applause.
When Austin first came into the house, he told Jace that he found Liz attractive, but he had a girlfriend he loved very much. Each week (or day) he became more attracted to her, and eventually he decided to end his relationship. He told Liz last week, “I ruined my life for you. I had a girlfriend back home, and I will have a lot of explaining to do when I get out of the house. I chose you. I love you.” All this is pathetic in light of the fact that Liz is clearly using Austin and worked hard on Vanessa to get her renom him after John won Week 12 Veto.
It is not a secret that Liz and Austin are now a couple. There’s no way to deny it, so when he comes in person to Jen, he will have to apologize and be prepared for her to unleash part of the anger expressed in the letter posted on social media. Do you think the letter is really from Austin’s ex-girlfriend, Jen? Check back later for more juicy “Big Brother 17” spoilers and updates.