Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Johnny Mac Wins POV – Liztin Discover Vanessa and Steve Final 2 Deal – John and Steve Nominated

“Big Brother 17” spoilers are in and boy are they juicy. As CDL reported earlier, the live feeds were off the air for 16 hours on September 11, and when they return we learned who was nominated – that Vanessa, Week 12 Head of Household, nominated Steve and John for eviction. Before heading into the veto competition, it appears that John is the target. That can change depending on the winner of the competition.

Leave it to Johnny Mac to stir up trouble and throw himself under the bus- if that is even possible. He sat down with Liztin (Have you read Austin’s alleged girlfriend’s hate letter yet – we have it here) and proposed a deal to keep him over Steve. He told them that he would throw the veto if they promised to vote to keep him. John tells them he knows he is on the outs with the group, especially Vanessa. Austin told him it was a great offer and to give them a few hours to mull it over. Liz really liked the idea, but mainly because it would keep both off the block, and it would get rid of her target- Steve.

John tells them, “I know you’ve been told a lot of things about me. It’s probably all true. I threw you guys under the bus last week to keep myself safe. I did it good, really well. “ He goes on to say he can help them get Vanessa out of the game placing third– while they go to the final two, or he can go out this week in fifth place. He left the ball in their court. Liz was particularly puzzled by him bragging about throwing them under the bus.

After he left the room, Austin told Liz he was crazy. Liz didn’t even fully understand the deal, and Austin was left to explain the very complicated deal to her. His main selling point was that Steve and Vanessa have a final two deal, and they have no plan of taking either one of them with them. He hinted they need him for a number or to use as a pawn until the final Head of Household competition. After they talked about it, Austin told Liz they had to reveal exactly what was said.

When Vanessa came out of the Diary room not too long after, they told her everything. She didn’t seem upset. In fact, she seemed pleased that he planned to throw the comp ensuring that Steve could win the competition. Her reaction made Liz feel very uneasy. It was as if she figured out that she may plan to get rid of one of them. Will Liz and Austin take the final three deal with John? Who will win the Veto competition today? Check back later for more juicy “Big Brother 17” spoilers and updates.

Update: the live feeds are just in and Johnny Mac won week 12 POV – yes John is assured a spot in the final 4 by winning The Veto Competition! We’ll have a detailed post coming up soon!

Chrissie Williams:
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