Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Nominations Week 11- Steve Nominates Liz and Austin – AusTwins Alliance Crushed, Liz Freaks

“Big Brother 17” spoilers are in and Steve has nominated Liz and Austin for eviction: It’s Week 11 on BB17 and Steve won Head of Household late on Thursday night, leaving him the daunting task of nominating two people for eviction today. His target is definitely Austin – to remove the Austin and Vanessa alliance. He struggled early Friday morning with whom to put on the block, after finally coming to the conclusion that he needed to put two power players on the block. Who will he nominate for eviction?

Steve wanted to play a straight forward game. He decided against Vanessa’s wishes to be upfront with Austin about going on the block. Austin understood his reasons and told him that he planned to fight it out during the Power of Veto competition. He revealed to Steve if he can find a way to keep him safe this week, he would keep him off the block next week. Steve didn’t take him up on the ‘promise’ of safety. He told Johnny Mac that at this point, Austin was his target. And, he added he doesn’t believe anything the AusTwins say, anymore.

Liz didn’t take the news of going on the block as well as Austin. She blew up and started acting out in a ‘mean girl’ way. She insulted Johnny Mac and Steve – calling them stupid, freaks and nerds. She even made fun of Steve for having a showmance with his teddy bear in the Head of Household room. She told Julia she only trusted her now. She doesn’t trust Austin or Vanessa in the game. Julia told her that Austin must feel safe because he is pretty relaxed for someone going on the block. They agree that they can only depend on each other from here and on out.

As CDL predicted earlier, Steve put Liz and Austin on the chopping block, and it sounds like she came unglued in the nomination ceremony. Liz ran out of the meeting to her bed because she was afraid she would lose it and cry at the ceremony. Once in her bed, she let it all out and cried and cried. You would have thought a family member died the way Liz was wailing. Social media exploded with fans excited that she was finally feeling karma from her ruthless game play.

So there you have it “Big Brother 17” fans. Liz and Austin are on the block. Who do you think will win the Power of Veto? This week, all houseguests will play in the Veto competition. But regardless of who wins PoV as long as Steve puts Julia up if either Austin or Liz are saved then the AusTwins alliance is forever broken! Come back later today for more juicy “Big Brother 17” spoilers and updates!

Chrissie Williams:
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