“Big Brother 17” spoilers are in and Wednesday CBS live feeds indicated on September 9 that the house was undecided on which twin to send to the jury house on tomorrow’s LIVE eviction. Vanessa wanted to believe she was still safe, but it looked like she may be almost every houseguests target right now. After the emotional breakdown of AusTwins alliance, live feeders learned one important piece of information- no one trusts Vanessa. Is it possible that week 12 will be the week Vanessa is sent to the jury house?
Moving into next week 12, Vanessa and Steve are the biggest threats. Unless Austin and the remaining twin can remove Vanessa from the game, their chances of winning the show are almost nonexistent. Steve figured out that Vanessa needs to be his number-one target. It just occurred to him that he cannot win against her, even if the jury members are bitter.
As for this week, the twins are on the block. The houseguest left it to the Nolan girls to tell them who to vote out. (By the way, when in “Big Brother” history have the houseguests asked the nominees to help them decided who to send to the jury?) Vanessa had decided – after pressure from Steve – to vote out Liz. He wanted her to go home to break up the twin alliance and the showmance with Austin.
In the eleventh hour, Austin begged Vanessa to reconsider her vote and send Julia to the jury. At first, she was hesitant. She didn’t want to do anything that could risk her own life in the game. Vanessa told him she would save Liz if they promised she wouldn’t be nominated next week – as an original nominee or a replacement. Of course, they took the deal – what choice did they have?
Flash to 10:29 P.M BBT on September 8, Liz and Julia talked about the Vanessa deal. Liz told her they had to make the deal, but they do not plan on honoring the deal. She said Austin told her that he wanted to get Vanessa out immediately. It sounded like the girls were turning their backs on Vanessa to work fully with Austin.
Steve truly believes he is a huge threat going into next week’s Head of Household competition. He doesn’t believe that Vanessa has another final two deal with anyone else but doesn’t trust her. He says to himself, “I have to get Vanessa out before she makes another final two deal with someone else.” Sorry, Steve; you were too late. Vanessa has final two deals with everyone in the house.
Julia told Liz and Austin to make a final three deal with John. She felt he would be loyal to them and wouldn’t be a huge threat to beat. For not winning many competitions, Julia may be on to something. There are less than 24 hours until the LIVE eviction. Austin and Liz are back together – and back to making out all day long. Julia and Liz are plotting which twin has the better chance to make it to the end. Check back later for more juicy “Big Brother 17” spoilers and live feed updates.