Big Brother 17 spoilers from the CBS live feeds reveal that the Week 5 Power of Veto ceremony has taken place – and the results are in. As expected, Clay chose to remove himself from the block (allowing Shelli to sigh HUGE relief). Vanessa, being the Week 5 reigning HoH, was then forced to make a REnom. For awhile everyone thought that Austin would be backdoor’d this week – but, as BB17 spoilers via the LIVE Feeds have shown over the past few days, plans took a detour. Instead, Vanessa chose to name Jason the REnom. Jason now sits beside Becky heading into Thursday’s LIVE Eviction ceremony. Here’s a brief recap of how things went down this week….
Vanessa Rousso is the reigning Week 5 Head of Household, and the official nominations after the Battle of the Block competition were Clay and Shelli. According to BB17 spoilers, Vanessa, Clay, Becky, Shelli, John, and Liz all competed in the POV competition – and Clay won the Power of Veto.
It was pretty much a given scenario that Clay would use the Power of Veto to save himself and get off the chopping block during the veto ceremony, which would then force Vanessa to make a replacement nominee. Big Brother 17 spoilers teased all weekend long that Vanessa was planning on backdooring Austin after he knowingly betrayed V. And, as we know, one thing Vanessa hates more than “getting blood on her hands” is being being betrayed by her friends and fellow Sixth Sense alliance members.
This seemed to be enough of a reason for her to nominate Austin. However, at the last minute, Vanessa apparently had a change of heart and spared Austin the pain of being placed on the Chopping Block.
Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds indicated that Vanessa toyed with the idea of nominating either Meg, Liz, or Jackie for eviction at the Power of Veto ceremony. At that point, she was leaning towards sending Jason home, which was sure to stir up some major drama seeing as how he was in a Final 8 alliance with Vanessa and the other houseguests.
What do you make of these Big Brother season 17 Week 5 PoV Ceremony results? Do you think that Vanessa should have stuck to the original plan to set into motion Operation Backdoor Austin Matelson? Has Vanessa just made some serious enemies in the house after this REnom ceremony? Let us know what you think in the comments below and don’t forget to check CDL tomorrow for more Big Brother 17 spoilers and news.