Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Week 9 Power Of Veto Ceremony Results – Vanessa Rousso Keeps Noms Unchanged, John Or Steve Evicted!

Big Brother 17 spoilers from the CBS live feeds tease that the Week 9 Power of Veto ceremony has been held in the BB17 house – and the results are in. Vanessa has chosen NOT to use the PoV to change Austin’s nominations (John & Steve). Week 9 kicked off with Steve and John up for eviction, courtesy of Head of Household Austin. Vanessa Rousso was panicking all week, and had convinced herself that Austin and the twins planned on backdooring her and evicting her. However, all chances of that happening were eliminated when Vanessa won the Power of Veto.

According to BB17 spoilers, Vanessa held the Power of Veto Ceremony on Monday, August 24, and after going back and forth, Vanessa announced at the POV meeting that she had decided not to use the veto. So either Johnny Mac or Steve will be evicted during the live voting on Thursday August 27.

Just because Vanessa didn’t use the POV, doesn’t mean that the day was uneventful – actually quite the opposite. Big Brother 17 spoilers from the CBS live feeds reveal that John spilled the beans to Vanessa, and revealed that there is a five person alliance who is planning on evicting her: Austin, Julia, Liz, Steve, and himself. As predicted, Vanessa flipped her lid and confronted Austin, and the drama ensued.

Vanessa is determined to get Steve voted out this week now that she knows he was working with Austin and the twins to get rid of her. Of course, Austin and the twins are furious with Johnny Mac for spilling the beans – and it’s safe to say he is out of the alliance. But, ratting out Austin and the twins might help John stay in the house, because now Vanessa is campaigning to save him.

Are you surprised Vanessa didn’t use the Power of Veto? Or do you think she made the right decision? Who do you think will be evicted this week, Steve or John? Let us know what you think in the comments below and don’t forget to check CDL tomorrow for more Big Brother 17 spoilers and news.


Amanda Austin:
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