Big Brother Canada 3 Week 6 Spoilers: Nominees, Power of Veto Competition and Upcoming Twist

Big Brother Canada 3 Week 6 Spoilers: Nominees, Power of Veto Competition and Upcoming Twist

Big Brother Canada 3 week 6 spoilers reveal all the details of what’s going on this week on BBCAN 3. Since our last update that twenty-two year old Nova Scotia native, Pilar Nemer, was the new head of household (HoH) winner, she has gone ahead and announced her nominees for week 6. It looks like Pilar, who prefers Pili and her co-HoHs Kevin and Ashleigh will be sharing the throne this week. After careful consideration for what was best for their respective games, Godfrey and Sindy were eventually the victims of the trio’s decision.

Once nominated, Sindy wasted no time in dishing the dirt about the secret “Chop Shop” alliance to Pilar and Kevin (Kevlar). Pilar expressed a slight interest in potentially targeting Bobby and Willow, but no official plans have been formulated to proceed with that. It was discovered that there will be an upcoming twist that is sure to send the house mates running for cover. There will be two evictions by the end of week 6 and three nominations in the days following. Wait…what!?! That’s right BBCAN lovers, the game is about to turn up.

Sadly, Pilar’s HoH will be short-lived, but if she doesn’t play her cards right, she will definitely be someone’s target in the next few weeks. After seeing the shockingly-entertaining blindside of Jordan Parhar last week, we are literally salivating as we wait for this new twist to come in to effect. The next HoH after Pilar will most likely be made aware of the twist in the privacy of the vault, which would limit the chances for effective plotting and scheming with their allies. This is why BBCAN 3 is a must see this season, twists and turns like nobody’s business. We love it!

During the prize stealing power of veto competition (PoV), Bobby, Kevin and Willow joined the two nominees, Godfrey and Sindy along with Pilar as the HoH. Ultimately, Godfrey won the PoV, and he will be obviously taking himself off the block. With this new revelation, Pili will have to dig into her bag of tricks and get her emotions in check once more, in order to name a replacement nominee.

What are your hopes for the upcoming twist? Who would you like to see as Godfrey’s replacement on the chopping block? Come back to CDL for more Big Brother Canada 3 spoilers, news and updates all season long!