Big Brother Canada 3 Week 7 Spoilers: Nominees and Power of Veto Competition Results

Big Brother Canada 3 Week 7 spoilers reveal details about nominations and POV results. Following Wednesday’s head of household competition, Kevin wasted little time in securing the next two nominees to grace the chopping block with their presence. Kevin toyed with the idea of putting up Bobby and Brittnee, but with Godfrey as a viable “backdoor” option. Arisa, the host of BBCAN 3, warned the house guests that week 7 would be no ordinary week. It was clear that Kevin and Pilar really took caution before considering who they wanted out of the house this week.

After Kevin subtly convinced Bobby and Bruno that pawns should be used to ensure Godfrey’s eviction, Bobby came up with the selfless idea to volunteer himself for the block. What is this kid smoking? Pawns often go home in the Big Brother Canada house, and even after being a part of Jordan’s eviction, Bobby still seems blissfully unaware that he could be next.

Kevin promptly accepted Bobby’s proposal to be a pawn, and the decided nominees are now Brittnee and yes, Einstein himself…Bobby. Our hearts go out to Brittnee, as she has been the most nominated pawn since BBCAN 3 began this season. She has played with an emotional tone so far, but perhaps she’s gotten use to being pushed out into battle, in order to further stronger players in the game.

During the power of veto (pov) competition, Kevin, Ashleigh, Pilar, Sarah, Bobby and Brittnee, competed for the title of winner. Kevin ultimately won the veto competition, and to the dismay of most of the other house guests, he now has complete control over the game this week. As a bonus to winning the pov, Kevin also won $10,000 courtesy of The Brick. It seems that Kevin is ruling with an iron fist, since he knows that his reign will be short-lived due to the upcoming double eviction.

After the POV competition, it was interesting to see how vulnerable players like Sarah, Godfrey and Bobby were reassured that they would be safe for another week. Kevin is proving to be one of the best Big Brother Canada liars that we’ve seen since the show’s inception a few years ago. We’ll also be watching closely to see if Bobby will use his “special” veto power to save himself. There’s no time like the present, Bobby, there’s no time like the present.

When the smoke eventually cleared, Kevin’s plans to replace Bobby with Godfrey on the block, was effectively kiboshed. Or maybe it was Kevlar’s sinister plan all along to lovingly walk Bobby to his demise and end his game in the BBCAN 3 house. The nominations have remained the same, and now we restlessly wait as Bobby tries to work some magic to see Brittnee walk out the door instead of him.

Did Bobby make a smart decision by volunteering to go on the chopping block? Who do you think should leave the BBCAN 3 house this week? Come back to CDL for more Big Brother Canada 3 spoilers, news and updates all season long!

Tarona P:
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