Blue Bloods Recap – Putting the Dead in Deadline: Season 6 episode 3 “All the News That’s Fit To Click”

Blue Bloods Recap - Putting the Dead in Deadline: Season 6 episode 3 "All the News That's Fit To Click"Blue Bloods Recap - Putting the Dead in Deadline: Season 6 episode 3 "All the News That's Fit To Click"

Tonight on CBS Blue Bloods continues with an all new Friday October 9, season 6 episode 3 called, “All the News That’s Fit To Click.” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, a newspaper reporter Lorenzo Colt is targeted.

On the last episode, a possible serial-killer case was assigned to Danny and Baez. Meanwhile, Erin considered becoming a judge; a mayoral candidate claimed that Frank has been secretly investigating her spouse; and Eddie confronted her dad when he turns up in the hospital. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “when newspaper reporter Lorenzo Colt (Zachary Booth)is targeted while wearing NYPD gear on a ride-along with Jamie and Eddie, Frank puts Danny and Baez on the hunt for the shooter who may be out for other members on the force. Also, Garrett contemplates taking another job.”

Blue Bloods “All the News That’s Fit To Click” airs tonight at 10:00 pm ET and we will be live blogging all the details. So don’t forget to come back and refresh your screen often for live updates. While you wait for the recap, check out a sneak peek of tonight’s episode below!

Recap Here!

#BlueBloods begins with Frank meeting with Garrett. They argue over a new hire and Abigail says he has a conflict with his Jim Voutay lunch. He passes it off to Garrett. There’s a reporter riding with Eddie and Jamie and he says he’s pumped. They ask if he thinks it’s going to be like Cops. Jamie says he likes that the guy on the ride along on Cops never bugs the cops. He gets into the car with them. Danny is looking for Linda and the kids are late for school. She’s sitting out back in the yard. He comes out.

She tries to look calm and she asks him not to go to work today. She says something bad is going to happen and he says she can’t keep doing this. She says she was shot and he says he’ll take the boys to school. They ask if she’s okay and Danny says she is and takes them and goes. The reporter says it must get boring without any adrenaline. Eddie says quiet days are great then they get a call for shots fired. The reporter is thrilled. They tell him to buckle up and they speed off.

The reporter tries to go in with them and Eddie says to stay in the car. Eddie tells him to get in the car. He does but isn’t happy. They head inside to see who was shooting. They head into the apartment and find it empty. They hear more shots outside and run back out. The window of their cruiser is shot out and Colt, the reporter, has been shot. They speed off to get him to the hospital. Frank asks about Colt and Gormley says he’s in surgery. Colt survived with a graze to the neck and two in the vest.

Frank says he thinks the shooter thought he was killing a cop, not a reporter since the vest was NYPD issued. Danny and Maria tell Eddie and Jamie they think the shooter was after a cop and Colt is okay and on the phone with his publisher. Danny hangs up the phone on the publisher. They ask about who shot him and he says not much. Colt is shocked to hear that the shooter is likely a cop killer. He says it happened so fast he just blanked.

He’s writing on his laptop and Maria asks what he’s writing. He asks them to leave and come back and says he’s in shock. They leave a card. He’s writing his story. Gormley is there and says he’s there to help. Maria says Colt told them he doesn’t remember. Danny says the 911 call was phony and the caller was likely the shooter. Garrett meets with Jim Voutay for Frank. Garrett is upset that he pushed so hard for the ride along then the guy got shot. Danny and Maria listen to the 911 call.

It came from a burner with no GPS. They find the cell tower but that only gives them neighborhood. Danny asks to hear it again. He says he hears background noise that sounds like MTA. It’s at a train station and they call in a search for the tossed burner. Voutay says he got the money to hire a communications manager and wants Garrett to come help rebrand the university. He’s stunned by how large the salary offer is but Voutay says it’s correct. Garrett is shocked.

Danny is with the beat cops looking for the phone. A cop calls him over and shows him down a grate. Maria says Colt published an article with a sketch of the shooter. Danny asks why he held out and she says he wanted to break the story on his website. They go looking for Colt and confront him about the sketch. He says it all came back to him after they left. He says he has no legal requirement to share information with them. He says his obligation is to his readers.

Maria says this man is dangerous and they need to apprehend him. Colt says he was shot and has the right to do what he wants to chase the story. Danny says they’re chasing a cop killer and he’s putting people in danger acting like this. Danny goes to see Erin who says he doesn’t have a case against Colt. Erin thinks he’s upset about Linda and fixating. He leaves mad when Erin won’t help call a grand jury. Jamie and Eddie wait for Colt outside his office.

He says he’s had enough talking and says he’s within his rights not to talk to them. Jamie says they’re off duty and this is unofficial. Eddie says they work with victims that don’t want to help because they’re scared of retaliation but she doesn’t understand what he’s doing. He says the story is the job, not helping them. Jamie asks why he thinks it’s a 9 mm that shot him and he says to read his next post online like everyone else. They leave annoyed.

Maria shows Dany she got a still off surveillance at the station and it’s Michael Hicks who has a history of violence against cops. Danny calls him and says he won a luxury suite to the New York Mets home game of his choice. He tells him to come to the box office tonight to pick his tickets. Danny says that’s how you make the catch. Jim Voutay comes to see Frank who asks how the tour went. Voutay says he made Garrett the offer he asked him to. Voutay asks if he wants him to take back the offer. Frank says no.

Michael Hicks pulls up to the stadium and finds cop cars all over. He tries to speed away but they have him surrounded. Danny reads off Hicks’ record and says it sounds like he has an issue with cops. He says the surveillance photo isn’t him then says lawyer. Danny plays the 911 call for him. He says it’s not him. Danny says they got a voice match. Danny says he has an eye witness and he’s headed for life in a box. Hicks says oink oink.

They set him up as part of a lineup and bring Colt in to ID the guy. Colt asks what’s in it for him. Danny says he takes a criminal off the streets. Colt asks if he can talk to the guy for five minutes. Colt looks into the face of the shooter and suddenly he’s scared. He says no he can’t ID anyone. Danny asks why he’s lying and won’t help put the guy away. Colt says he’s going back to work and there’s no law against lying to them. Garrett comes in and says he heard about the reporter.

Frank says this thing is a mess and a shame. Then Garrett says he doesn’t understand and says he can’t predict how people will interact with the department. Garrett says maybe it’s time for him to move on and tells him about the job offer from Voutay. Frank says he understands if he thinks he should take it. Garrett says that’s Frank’s pal and he thinks he asked him to make the offer to give him a parachute. Frank says it’s not true but Garrett says to own it then storms out.

At dinner, the kids ask why the reporter won’t help and they ask why Erin can’t make the guy tell the truth. Frank gets a call while the conversation about the reporter and the shooter continues. Turns out the shooter is on the loose since the guy wouldn’t ID him. Linda tells the boys to stop talking about cops getting shot. Linda says every time they sit at dinner, they talk about crime and asks can’t they just have a normal family dinner. Frank comes back and says Colt is dead.

Garrett makes a statement to the press at the crime scene. Colt was pushed out of a building and onto a car. Danny finds his notebook with Michael Hick’s name and address and Hicks was the last number called. Garrett says the glasses they found are spyglasses that record conversations – he says he uses them for interviews. They bring Hicks in who says he doesn’t know Colt. They show him phone records and he says he told him no interview. They ask if he talked to Colt in person.

Hicks denies anything to do with his death. Danny plays the footage from the glasses and they see Colt talking to Hicks. He says if he doesn’t give him the interview, he’ll call Danny. They see him throw the reporter off the roof. Danny says oink oink. Danny comes home as the boys are leaving. Linda greets him warmly and says she’ll get better soon. Garrett comes to see Frank who asks him for a personal favor. Frank asks him to stay on there and Garrett says the offer is a lot of money. Frank says please.

Garrett asks why and Frank says they need each other. Frank says he’s also offering him a raise and says they’re fortunate to do the work they do. Garrett scoffs at the 3% and Frank says they’re city employees. Garrett asks to think about it and Frank says maybe he can think over a drink.

Stormy Elizabeth:
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