Bobbi Kristina Brown Breathing On Her Own Off Life Support: Pat and Cissy Houston Can’t Touch $20 Million Inheritance

Miracles do happen. Bobbi Kristina Brown woke up from her coma a few days ago, and she is reportedly now breathing on her own – without the life support system! However, even though the Brown family – and specifically, Bobby Brown and Tina Brown – were right, the Houstons are continuing to maintain that Bobbi will never recover. Um, of course they are – they still want that $20 million fortune.

The Houston family confirmed that Bobbi Kristina Brown is now breathing without the assistant of a ventilator, explaining, “According to the doctors she’s breathing on her own but the trach has to stay.” Of course, they also add, “She still has global and irreversible brain damage and remains unresponsive.”

Cissy Houston even released a statement yesterday that it saddened her that Bobbi would have to live in this condition ‘forever’, a.k.a. that she would never, ever get to see a dime from the $20 million inheritance that Whitney Houston left her daughter. Pat Houston has yet to make a statement on the amazing news that her niece is breathing on her own but will she be pleased that the $20 million inheritance is off the tale for a long, long time? Come on, the Houstons are making it clearer than ever that they are not happy about Bobbi’s future – which can go on for decades! So far, the mere fact that Bobbi is sort of awake and is breathing on her own is a miracle, but the only thing that Cissy and the Houstons are focusing on is the fact that Bobbi still has brain damage and might as well be dead. Sure, they haven’t come out and directly said that, but they sure as heck implied it, didn’t they?

At the end of the day, Bobby Brown will feel vindicated in his fight to keep Bobbi on life support, and ALIVE. And he’ll have to decide on the protocol for long-term care, something that is now a reality rather than a distant possibility.

What do you guys think about Bobbi Kristina Brown being awake and off life support? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Siyana Riley:
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