Bobbi Kristina Brown: Will $20 Million Inheritance End Life Support – Cissy Houston and Family Rushing To Pull Plug on Whitney Houston’s Daughter?

Bobbi Kristina Brown’s family is currently embroiled in a battle of wills on whether to keep Bobbi Kristina Brown on life support. Bobbi’s father, Bobby Brown, desperately wants to keep her on life support as does Nick Gordon. Despite the doctors mentioning that Bobbi might have extensive brain damage and might never wake up from her coma, Bobby seems desperate to try, if nothing else. It’s probably residual guilt over his screw-ups as a father, i.e. raising a crack baby with Whitney Houston.

However, rumor has it that Cissy Houston completely and utterly disagrees with Bobby’s decision to keep Bobbi on life support. In her mind, Bobbi is as good as gone, and that means it’s now time for her and her family to finally land that $20 million inheritance from Whitney Houston. To be honest, that was always a priority for Cissy and the Houstons – they always felt like they should have gotten at least some of Whitney’s money, considering the fact that they were family and all. But at the end of the day, the entire $20 million inheritance went to Bobbi Kristina Brown, and now Cissy and her other family members want it back. They could probably care less about Bobbi Kristina Brown, except in relation to the money that she has claim to.

Right now, the Houstons seem like they’re in a desperate hurry to take Bobbi off life support, even though there really is no rush to do that. On the other hand, the Browns are at least putting up a front and pretending as though they care about Bobbi’s future, even if that’s not the case. I have a feeling this is going to reach the courtroom, don’t you?

What do you guys think about Cissy Houston and the other family members wanting to rush and pull Bobbi off life support? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Siyana Riley:
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