Bobbi Kristina Brown Life Support Crisis: Bobby Brown Expects Miracle, Cissy and Pat Houston Want $20 Million Inheritance

Bobbi Kristina Brown has been on life-support since January 31st, after she was found tragically drowned in her bath tub and rushed to the hospital. Six weeks after she was admitted to the hospital and placed in a medically induced come her family faced a grave decision. The doctors informed Bobby Brown that his daughter’s status had not improved and medically there was nothing else they could do for the troubled 22 year old. Bobbi Kristina Brown’s father was given the ultimatum of taking her off life support, or moving her to a long-term facility and waiting for an unlikely miracle.

Bobby Brown believes that Bobbi Kristina will wake up from this nightmare, and he will get back the daughter he shared with the late Whitney Houston, so he chose to move Bobbi Kristina Brown to DeKalb Medical, a Long Term Acute Care Facility near Atlanta. Since Bobbi Kristina Brown’s move out of the hospital, her father Bobby Brown has still been visiting his daughter religiously – and remains hopeful that she will make a full recovery.

Bobby Brown’s decision to move Bobbi Kristina to DeKalb, instead of taking her off from life-support is not settling well with the Houston family. Cissy Houston and Pat Houston have announced that they accept the fact that Bobbi Kristina is not going to wake up, and just want Bobby Brown to end this horrific ordeal and remove his daughter from life-support and let her pass away peacefully. But, Whitney Houston’s relatives might have ulterior motives. Bobbi Kristina Brown has a $20 Million inheritance still due which she received when her mother Whitney Houston died in 2012. If anything were ever to happen to Bobbi, the money is willed to the Houstons with Pat Houston as the executor.

Since Bobbi Kristina Brown was admitted to Emory University Hospital on January 31st, she has racked up huge hospital and medical bills which are eating into the estate – and Cissy and Pat Houston’s million dollar payday is slowly dwindling away. Now, that Bobby Brown has opted to move Bobbi Kristina to DeKalb, which is very costly, they might as well kiss the money good-bye since dad is no hurry to end his daughter’s life. Cissy and Pat reportedly tried to bully Bobby Brown in to taking Bobbi Kristina off life support, but the heartbroken father would not budge and truly believes that his daughter will wake up, despite the fact that it is a near medical impossibility.

Have you been following Bobbi Kristina Brown’s story? If you were in her father’s position, would you be able to take you daughter off life-support or would you drag the deal out in hopes of a miracle too? Were Cissy and Pat Houston being greedy? Let us know what you think in the comments below!


Amanda Austin:
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