Bobbi Kristina Brown: Police Criminal Investigation Stalled – Nick Gordon Not Arrested Yet

Will Nick Gordon be arrested for Bobbi Kristina Brown’s drowning? Since the daughter of Whitney Houston was found unresponsive in her bath tub and rushed to the hospital on January 29th – a cloud of suspicion has hung over her violent boyfriend/husband Nick Gordon. The circumstances surrounding Bobbi Kristina’s drowning were deemed suspicious when Nick’s pal Max Lomas told the police that he was acting strange that fateful morning and was rushing around the bathroom cleaning blood stains off the floor before the ambulance arrived. And, the doctor at the hospital reported that Bobbi had wounds on her hand and face that were not consistent with drowning or CPR.

Everyone was certain Nick Gordon was guilty and would be arrested for Bobbi Kristina’s near death, even her family members, yet nearly three months have passed since the incident and the police have still not filed any formal charges against him. Bobbi Kristina Brown’s aunt Leola Brown spoke openly to the press and on social media and claimed that the police were actively investigating Nick Gordon for the drowning and vowed that he would be arrested – however that still hasn’t happened.

Nick Gordon is still walking around Georgia a free man – and the police investigation in to him and what transpired at Bobbi Kristina Brown’s house the day that she was rushed to the hospital seems to have died down all together. It has been weeks since Nick Gordon or Max Lomas have even been approached by the police. It stands to reason that if the police had any evidence against Nick Gordon, they would have made a move by now.

Have you been following Bobbi Kristina Brown’s tragic story? Do you think that foul play was involved, is Nick Gordon guilty? If Bobbi’s boyfriend was responsible for her drowning – wouldn’t the police have formally arrested him by now? Let us know what you think in the comment section below!

Editorial credit: Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com

Amanda Austin:
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