Bobbi Kristina Brown Not Taken Off Life Support Yet on Whitney Houston’s Death Anniversary – Family Clings to Hope?

It looks like Bobbi Kristina Brown, daughter of Bobby Brown and the late Whitney Houston, will remain on life support for at least a little while longer. Rumors were swirling that Bobbi Kristina would be taken off her ventilator on Wednesday, February 11, to coincide with the anniversary of Whitney Houston’s death. We can’t be sure if that was ever really the plan, but we now know that it’s not going to happen. Bobby Brown’s attorney released a statement on Tuesday calling many media reports “egregious” and “false.” The Brown family instead insists that Bobbi Kristina is improving and will be given a chance for survival.

It’s tough to say what Bobbi Kristina’s current state really is. One minute Bobbi Kristina’s grandmother, Cissy Houston, reveals that doctors have said to start thinking about funeral arrangements. The next minute Bobby Brown’s sister, Tina Brown, says that she expects Bobbi Kristina to make a full recovery. At this point, it’s probably hard for the Brown family to distinguish between wishful thinking and reality. They’ve spent days by Bobbi Kristina’s bedside in the neurological unit of Emory University Hospital and they’re likely clinging to the hope that she’ll somehow pull through.

Bobbi Kristina was found face-down in a tubful of water over a week ago at her Georgia home. She was probably without oxygen for several minutes, which often leads to diminished brain function. Some early reports indicated that Bobbi Kristina might be brain dead, but others claimed she responded positively to several tests performed by her doctors. Again, with so many conflicting reports, statements and interviews, it’s almost impossible to know what things really look like inside that hospital room. Eventually, the Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston families may decide to pull the plug, but for now, they’re praying for a miracle.

What do you think about the news that Bobbi Kristina Brown won’t be taken off life support on the anniversary of Whitney Houston’s death? Do you think there was ever any truth to that rumor? Did the Brown and Houston families change their mind as the fateful day approached? Could the negative media reaction have influenced their decision? Let us know what you think in the comments below and don’t forget to check CDL often for the latest updates on Bobbi Kristina Brown’s condition.

Heather Hughes:
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