Bobbi Kristina Brown Removed From Life Support This Week If Cissy and Pat Houston Get Their Way: Bobby Brown Argues For Life

Will Bobbi Kristina be removed from life-support this week? The daughter of Whitney Houston was found face down in her bath tub on January 31st and rushed to the hospital – Bobbi Kristina has remained on life support since she arrived. Not only has Bobbi Kristina not made any improvements over the past six weeks, but her health is actually deteriorating and rumor has it that her organs are gradually shutting down. Bobbi Kristina’s only remaining living parent Bobby Brown is faced with the grim responsibility of deciding whether or not to removed Bobbi from life-support.

According to new reports, this week Bobbi Kristina’s family will have a meeting in Atlanta to decide whether to leave Bobbi in the hospital on life-support and keep hoping for a miracle, or to pull the plug and let the 22 year old pass away peacefully. Bobbi Kristina’s grandmother Cissy Houston is headed back to Atlanta for the family meeting – it is no secret that Cissy has been pushing Bobby Brown to remove his daughter from life-support for some time now, and she will most likely put her foot down at the family meeting and say enough is enough.

Although multiple reports have claimed that Cissy Houston and Pat Houston are pushing to have Bobbi Kristina removed from life-support because they “just want this nightmare to be over,” general consensus is that they have their own ulterior motives. Bobbi Kristina Brown has a $20 Million inheritance looming over her, from her late mother Whitney Houston. If anything were to ever happen to Bobbi Kristina, like if she dies, the money and property is willed to Cissy and Pat Houston. Bobbi has been on life-support machines for over six weeks now – and we can only imagine how astronomical the hospital bill is that has been racked up. And every day that goes by that Bobbi Kristina is kept alive on the machines, another sizable chunk is spent out of Bobbi’s $20 Million inheritance.

What do you think the Houstons and Browns will decide at their family meeting? Will they take Bobbi Kristina off life-support this week? Do you think the reason Cissy and Pat Houston are pushing so hard to remove Bobbi from life-support is because they don’t want to spend anymore of the $20 Million on her lengthy hospital stay? Let us know what you think in the comments below!


Image credit to FameFlynet

Amanda Austin:
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