Bobbi Kristina Brown Wedding and Baby Plans Before Tragic Death: Nick Gordon Murder Charges Following Autopsy Results?

Did Bobbi Kristina Brown plan to marry Nick Gordon and have children with him before her sad death? As Bobbi Kristina Brown lies dead waiting for an autopsy and funeral her cousin Jerod Brown (also known as YF Kennedy) is revealing more about her private life and plans. But Jerod is sending mixed messages – he implied that Bobbi Kristina attempted to take her own life when he made a video with song lyrics detailing how Bobbi Kristina was contemplating killing herself.

Yet Jerod Brown has also made statements to the press about Bobbi Kristina Brown’s plans for the future including a singing career, wedding, and even babies of her own. In January, a few weeks before Bobbi Kristina was horrifically injured, Jerod Brown announced a tour with Bobby Brown in East Africa and the press announcement mentioned that Bobbi Kristina would join her dad and cousin.

Jerod Brown also said a wedding and kids were in the works for Bobbi Kristina Brown and Nick Gordon. Brown said his cousin Bobbi Kristina Brown’s “ultimate mission in life was to have a family. She always wanted to have kids and she was planning a wedding.” Although Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon referred to themselves as husband and wife on social media, they had not officially wed.

According to the civil lawsuit filed against Nick Gordon, his play-acting as husband was in order for Gordon to control Bobbi Kristina’s money from the trust Whitney Houston left her and also to control her professional and social life. But if what Jerod Brown says was true, despite the ongoing strife between Gordon and Bobbi Kristina, including alleged abuse, she was planning on making it official.

Jerod Brown said, “She [Bobbi Kristina Brown] was hoping it would happen around her mother’s birthday this August. It [the wedding] would have been so special for her. And her mom would have been at her side, if only in spirit.” But as we now know, there’s no chance that wedding or any children Bobbi Kristina hoped for will happen since she is in her last days and is expected to perish soon.

Jerod Brown also indicated that more people than just Nick Gordon may be implicated in her death. Brown said, “Nick is being investigated but he isn’t the only one. All I will say is we want to find out.” But you have to ask whether Gordon also wanted marriage and kids with Bobbi Kristina or was he dangling the prospect of a real family in order to manipulate her?

Or was it Bobbi Kristina holding back on the marriage hoping Nick Gordon’s violent behavior would stop? Was Bobbi Kristina scared to marry Nick Gordon? And if they did wed and Bobbi Kristina was abused to death, could that have left Nick in charge of her funds? Or did the terms of the trust insulate her funds even if they married, so Nick had no motivation to go through with a wedding ceremony?

It’s sad that all of these issues, including the anniversary of mom Whitney Houston’s death, was weighing heavy on Bobbi Kristina Brown. And while authorities conduct an autopsy on Bobbi Kristina Brown’s corpse, fake husband Nick Gordon is enjoying his last bit of freedom before he’s arrested for abusing Bobbi Kristina Brown – likely for a murder charge for beating his “wife” and robbing her of the future she wanted and deserved.

Stay tuned to CDL for more Bobbi Kristina Brown updates as events unfold following her tragic death.

The scene outside the Peachtree Christian Hospice Care where Bobbi Kristina Brown has passed away in Duluth, Georgia on July 26, 2015

Stormy Elizabeth:
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